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  1. Hello! If Network Lock was on and you have no spyware in your system and no programs that could reset the firewall rules, that's impossible. As you can see we have three big IFs here. Remember that AirVPN is a service that is not aimed to protect your computer. We recommend that you thoroughly check your system to begin with. On our side, we can help you check the Network Lock rules, to make sure that they are not modified on the run (please open a ticket for this, at your convenience). Kind regards
  2. And it did. A couple of suggestions for the devs: Rather than hard code the paths, would it be possible to use the $PATH variable like most programs do? Hello! Please note that /sbin/ip is required by OpenVPN. It's OpenVPN that throws the error, not Eddie, so you could send your suggestion to OpenVPN developers. You will face the very same problem without Eddie, by running OpenVPN directly. Remember that Eddie is an OpenVPN frontend and wrapper which adds several functions in your system (for example correct DNS push handling, which OpenVPN does not do by its own in Linux, iptables rules to prevent leaks and many more), but can't overcome certain OpenVPN hard coded limitations. Of course we could re-compile OpenVPN with some patch about this issue but that would not solve the problem if you kept using the OpenVPN version you find in the official repositories. Additionally, spreading different branches poses various, complex issues, including security issues (especially when dealing with the execution of external binaries), which must be considered. We prefer, at the moment, to stick to OpenVPN official versions unless some critical bug fix is absolutely necessary and the fix is delayed by OpenVPN developers, a case which should never occur, or at least it should occur only under exceptional circumstances. . 2018.09.15 09:33:23 - OpenVPN > /sbin/ip link set dev tun0 up mtu 1500 . 2018.09.15 09:33:23 - OpenVPN > Linux ip link set failed: could not execute external program It's OpenVPN that exits when it can't find /sbin/ip . Of course your suggestion can be translated into an invitation to implement a better OpenVPN errors handling by Eddie, that's true. The following command will let you see any process related to Eddie: ps aux | grep -i eddie | grep -v grep Eddie can save the log to a file, and can even divide the log for you into multiple files according to day, month, day of week, etc., check "Preferences" > "Logging" please. Kind regards
  3. Hello! We inform you that on September the 18th, 2018, starting at 10.00 AM CEST, we will be performing special maintenance on our infrastructure. The maintenance aims to prepare a future migration to an updated forum board. Expected maintenance time: from 10.00 AM to 11.00 AM CEST Impact: all AirVPN web sites will be inaccessible. Only a courtesy page will be served. VPN servers and services will remain unaffected. Kind regards
  4. Hello! Accepting the DNS push is probably the best option. DNS server address is always the same address of the VPN default gateway for security reasons. Anyway, remains reachable for DNS queries and backward compatibility (but not for ping). The fact that you can't query it is unexpected, can you tell us the server(s) name(s) you experience this problem on? Kind regards
  5. Hello! We hope to provide you with a substantial update within the end of the September. Kind regards
  6. Hello! RAI is restricting access to IP addresses that have been assigned to Italian residential ISPs, so RAI is no more accessible from our infrastructure. Kind regards
  7. Hello! List of generation 2 servers, updated Sep 13 2018 (total Generation 2 servers: 201) Acamar Achernar Achird Adhara Agena Ain Alamak Alathfar Albali Alchiba Alcor Alcyone Alderamin Algieba Algorab Alhena Alkaid Alkes Alkurhah Almach Alnilam Alphard Alphecca Alphirk Alrai Alrami Alshain Alshat Altarf Alterf Aludra Alula Alwaid Alya Alzirr Ancha Andromeda Angetenar Anser Antares Aquila Arcturus Arkab Asellus Asterion Asterope Atik Atria Auriga Avior Azmidiske Baiten Benetnasch Betelgeuse Bootes Caelum Camelopardalis Canes Canis Caph Capricornus Carinae Castor Cebalrai Celaeno Centaurus Cephei Cepheus Cervantes Chalawan Chara Chort Chow Circinus Columba Copernicus Crater Cursa Cygnus Cynosura Dabih Delphinus Denebola Dheneb Diadema Diphda Edasich Elnath Enif Eridanus Errai Fafnir Fomalhaut Fornax Gacrux Garnet Gemini Gianfar Gienah Gomeisa Gorgonea Grumium Hadar Hamal Hassaleh Hatysa Hercules Heze Horologium Hyadum Hydra Hydrus Indus Intercrus Iskandar Jabbah Kajam Kitel Kocab Kraz Lesath Libra Lupus Maasym Markab Matar Mebsuta Mekbuda Menkab Merga Merope Mesarthim Metallah Minkar Mintaka Mirach Miram Muphrid Musca Muscida Musica Naos Nash Nashira Norma Nunki Ogma Ophiuchus Orion Pavonis Persei Phact Phaet Phecda Phoenix Pictor Pleione Pollux Porrima Pyxis Rana Regulus Reticulum Rotanev Rukbat Sabik Sadalbari Saiph Salm Sargas Scheat Sculptor Serpens Sharatan Sheliak Sirrah Situla Skat Spica Sualocin Subra Talitha Tarazed Taurus Tegmen Tejat Triangulum Tucana Turais Tyl Ukdah Ursa Veritate Virginis Virgo Yed Yildun Zaniah Zibal Zuben Kind regards
  8. Hello! If you enter an iptables rule from a command line interface as root, is the command faster or equally slow? Kind regards
  9. Hello! is not an IP address of our servers. Kind regards
  10. @oxidising Hello! We see that iptables is incredibly slow in your system to add a rule (from 260 to 300 milliseconds for each rule according to the output you sent us). Do you run UFW? https://wiki.manjaro.org/index.php?title=UFW_%26_GUFW Kind regards
  11. Hello! Subnets are static and unique for each OpenVPN daemon of each server, so you will never have overlapping subnets (useful for multihoming). However you can't know in advance which daemon your OpenVPN client will connect to due to our load balancing system. We are not sure but just in case you need to determine the VPN default gateway IPv4 address this might help: https://airvpn.org/topic/28793-monitor-ip/?do=findComment&comment=75755 Kind regards
  12. Hello! This happens with all "Generation 2" servers (see also https://airvpn.org/plans and https://airvpn.org/topic/28153-ipv6-support-and-new-smart-features ). remains reachable from any other subnet (but not ping-able), however picking the VPN default gateway IP address as the DNS server address is a superior choice because it prevents any possible DNS hijacking through a route injection attack (the attacker anyway needs to control the immediate upstream router so in your case this risk is minimal or zero). Kind regards
  13. Hello! In IPv4, private networks are: The is a range of link-local addresses. It has been allocated for zero configuration networking when DHCP services are not available or disabled, and manual configuration by the network administrator has not been performed. As such, Network Lock does not explicitly allow communications from and to range. Please try to add it (we would say to include the whole range in case the printer address varies) in the Preferences > Routes Eddie window, outside the tunnel. This will also unblock the range from Network Lock and should fix the issue. Kind regards
  14. Hello, if this is confirmed, it should be brought to the attention of Bitdefender and its users, as well as our customers and in general OpenVPN users or any user needing the tun/tap interface in Windows. We would recommend that you contact their customer support service for further investigation and troubleshooting. Kind regards
  15. Hello! The tun/tap interface, i.e. the virtual network adapter used by OpenVPN, does not come up. Please try the following: - make sure that no anvirus/antimalware tool is interfering - shut down the Air client software - right-click and run the "Start-->Tap-Windows-->Delete ALL TAP virtual ethernet adapters" as administrator - reboot the system - right-click and run as administrator "Start-->Tap-Windows-->Add a new TAP virtual ethernet adapter" - start Eddie and test again connections to various servers in different locations. Kind regards
  16. Hello! Just checked and it works perfectly as usual. Can you please make sure that your system queries VPN DNS? This is a strictly necessary requirement to access our geo-routing system. If you run Eddie, the Air free and open source software client, this will happen by default. Kind regards
  17. Hello! Can you please post (or send us in a ticket) the system report generated by Eddie (the Air software client) and taken just after the problem has occurred? Please click the "Logs" tab, click the life belt icon, click "Copy All" and paste into your message. Kind regards
  18. Hello! Please try the following connection mode (you can see it in the Configuration Generator after you have ticked "Advanced Mode"); - entry-IP 3 - protocol TCP - port 443 Connections to entry-IP address 3 will enable "tls-crypt" which is effective in bypassing the OpenVPN general block in China and other countries. TCP will get rid of UDP blocks, if any. Kind regards
  19. Hello! Exactly the contrary is true: it is not possible to have an auto-renewing three days plan in our system. The only way to get an auto-renewing 1, 3, 6 or 12 months plan is picking a "PayPal susbscription" payment method when you check out. Any other payment method does not support auto-renewal plans, we're sorry. Kind regards
  20. Warning: on "Generation 2" servers only will be available as DNS server address in addition to the VPN gateway address (which can also be reached with DNS queries). is no more reachable. Kind regards
  21. Hello! Just to clarify the situation from the start of the thread: - Netflix USA is accessible from all of our servers (not limited to USA servers), provided that you use VPN DNS - Amazon Prime Video USA is no more accessible, not even from USA servers, but we are working on the issue Kind regards
  22. Hello! Updated 29-Aug-18, total servers 145: Acamar Achernar Achird Adhara Agena Ain Alamak Alathfar Alchiba Alcyone Alderamin Algieba Alhena Alkaid Alkurhah Almach Alphecca Alshain Alshat Aludra Alwaid Alzirr Angetenar Antares Aquila Ara Arkab Asterion Asterope Atria Auriga Avior Baiten Betelgeuse Bootes Caelum Camelopardalis Capricornus Carinae Castor Cebalrai Centaurus Cephei Cepheus Cervantes Chalawan Chara Chow Circinus Columba Copernicus Corvus Crater Cursa Cynosura Dabih Delphinus Dheneb Diadema Diphda Edasich Enif Eridanus Errai Fafnir Fornax Gacrux Gianfar Gienah Gomeisa Gorgonea Grumium Hadar Hamal Hatysa Hercules Heze Horologium Hydra Hydrus Indus Intercrus Iskandar Jabbah Kajam Kitel Kocab Kraz Libra Lupus Markab Matar Mebsuta Mekbuda Menkab Merope Mesarthim Metallah Minkar Mirach Monoceros Musca Muscida Musica Naos Nash Nashira Nunki Ogma Orion Persei Phact Phaet Phoenix Pictor Pleione Pollux Porrima Pyxis Rana Regulus Rotanev Sabik Sadalbari Salm Scheat Sculptor Serpens Sharatan Sheliak Situla Skat Spica Subra Taurus Triangulum Tucana Turais Ursa Veritate Virgo Zaniah Zibal Zuben Kind regards
  23. Hello! We're very glad to inform you that Eddie Android Edition 1.0 RC4 (VC 7) has just been released. No new functions are implemented, but the application has been restructured thoroughly in order to enhance stability and increase battery life. You can see more info and details in the changelog attached to this message. Just like RC3, Eddie 1.0 RC4 is also packaged with x86 support, as well as ARM32 and ARM64 of course. As usual Eddie is free and open source software released under GPLv3. Check the first post in this thread for source code URL and some more details. You can participate to the tests by joining the testing community in the Google Play Store here https://play.google.com/apps/testing/org.airvpn.eddie Please keep testing and stress Eddie as much as you can! Any single report is important. Thanks so much to all the past and future testers! Kind regards ChangeLog.txt
  24. Hello! We kindly ask you to avoid to bring on and on a specific problem that's not reproducible on this thread (or any other "News" forum thread) and open a ticket at your convenience and/or a thread in "Troubleshooting & Problems" forum instead. Kind regards
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