I did what you suggested and I have to say it's whole new world. Hummingbird seems to be running well. I've had a couple of glitches on waking from sleep but nothing persistent and today after cycling sleep mode a few times Hummingbird seems solid. It seems that Eddie has been the bad actor all along (surprise!). I've gone a step farther, thanks to farquaad and giganerd, in that I've adapted farquaad's bash script for randomizing servers. After some initial misunderstandings about how these scripts work, I now seem to have Hummingbird running smoothly. But one thing I still don't understand is how do I know it's actually running? With Eddie there was a colored menubar icon I could always glance at for reassurance. I know Hummingbird doesn't have icons, and I'm sure I must be missing something obvious, so how can I easily tell if it's up or not? My main concern is torrents, which some ISPs (i.e. mine) frown upon.