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Running AirVPN (latest client version) on Mac OS X El Capitan. 


Problem: When you have a current active VPN connection, and let's say the laptop goes to "sleep". When you resume the desktop, and attempt to reconnect AirVPN is not able to connect. You must reboot the system. This problem has been replicated on multiple OS X system setups. 



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same problem here - sometimes is solves the issue when just quitting and restarting airvpn, recently not anymore ... pretty anoying


I 2016.06.16 19:57:13 - Checking authorization ...
! 2016.06.16 19:57:13 - Connecting to Aquilae (Germany, Frankfurt)
. 2016.06.16 19:57:13 - OpenVPN > OpenVPN 2.3.8 x86_64-apple-darwin14.4.0 [sSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [MH] [iPv6] built on Aug 13 2015
. 2016.06.16 19:57:13 - OpenVPN > library versions: OpenSSL 1.0.2d 9 Jul 2015, LZO 2.08
. 2016.06.16 19:57:13 - OpenVPN > MANAGEMENT: TCP Socket listening on [AF_INET]
. 2016.06.16 19:57:13 - OpenVPN > Control Channel Authentication: tls-auth using INLINE static key file
. 2016.06.16 19:57:13 - OpenVPN > Outgoing Control Channel Authentication: Using 160 bit message hash 'SHA1' for HMAC authentication
. 2016.06.16 19:57:13 - OpenVPN > Incoming Control Channel Authentication: Using 160 bit message hash 'SHA1' for HMAC authentication
. 2016.06.16 19:57:13 - OpenVPN > Socket Buffers: R=[196724->262144] S=[9216->262144]
. 2016.06.16 19:57:13 - OpenVPN > UDPv4 link local: [undef]
. 2016.06.16 19:57:13 - OpenVPN > UDPv4 link remote: [AF_INET]
. 2016.06.16 19:57:13 - OpenVPN > write UDPv4: Can't assign requested address (code=49)
. 2016.06.16 19:57:45 - OpenVPN > [uNDEF] Inactivity timeout (--ping-exit), exiting
. 2016.06.16 19:57:45 - OpenVPN > SIGTERM received, sending exit notification to peer
. 2016.06.16 19:57:50 - OpenVPN > SIGTERM[soft,exit-with-notification] received, process exiting
! 2016.06.16 19:57:51 - Disconnecting
. 2016.06.16 19:57:51 - Connection terminated.
I 2016.06.16 19:57:54 - Checking authorization ...
! 2016.06.16 19:57:54 - Connecting to Aquilae (Germany, Frankfurt)
. 2016.06.16 19:57:54 - OpenVPN > OpenVPN 2.3.8 x86_64-apple-darwin14.4.0 [sSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [MH] [iPv6] built on Aug 13 2015
. 2016.06.16 19:57:54 - OpenVPN > library versions: OpenSSL 1.0.2d 9 Jul 2015, LZO 2.08
. 2016.06.16 19:57:54 - OpenVPN > MANAGEMENT: TCP Socket listening on [AF_INET]
. 2016.06.16 19:57:54 - OpenVPN > Control Channel Authentication: tls-auth using INLINE static key file
. 2016.06.16 19:57:54 - OpenVPN > Outgoing Control Channel Authentication: Using 160 bit message hash 'SHA1' for HMAC authentication
. 2016.06.16 19:57:54 - OpenVPN > Incoming Control Channel Authentication: Using 160 bit message hash 'SHA1' for HMAC authentication
. 2016.06.16 19:57:54 - OpenVPN > Socket Buffers: R=[196724->262144] S=[9216->262144]
. 2016.06.16 19:57:54 - OpenVPN > UDPv4 link local: [undef]
. 2016.06.16 19:57:54 - OpenVPN > UDPv4 link remote: [AF_INET]
. 2016.06.16 19:57:54 - OpenVPN > write UDPv4: Can't assign requested address (code=49)
. 2016.06.16 19:58:26 - OpenVPN > [uNDEF] Inactivity timeout (--ping-exit), exiting
. 2016.06.16 19:58:26 - OpenVPN > SIGTERM received, sending exit notification to peer
. 2016.06.16 19:58:32 - OpenVPN > SIGTERM[soft,exit-with-notification] received, process exiting
! 2016.06.16 19:58:32 - Disconnecting
. 2016.06.16 19:58:32 - Connection terminated.

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Your interface name or number might be different, utun0 is a common default on OSX and this is the case on my setup.

To get the full list of interfaces, you can run the ifconfig command (with no parameters) and see if there is anything with

the name tun in it.

Occasional moderator, sometimes BOFH. Opinions are my own, except when my wife disagrees.

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still not working, right now i cant connect at all ...


my ifconfig interfaces are:











hope this helps...

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any other ideas ?


Warning, this might be unrelated but it's worth a check if your OS X box is connected to a router via WiFi:



The idea for a possible explanation is that when you put the box to sleep without disconnecting from the VPN, default gateway and routing table remains the same (because OpenVPN can't obviously restore the previous settings), but the network interface is disabled by the "sleep mode". When you wake it up, OS X seems unable to perform a proper network reset, but only on certain machines. That would explain why you need a reboot not only to re-enter the VPN, but even to regain Internet connectivity. This potential explanation is unsatisfactory, but appears to be loosely confirmed by the fact that if you disconnect first from the VPN and then you put the machine to sleep, then the problem does not occur anymore: at wake up, OS X is able to restore Internet connectivity.


Feel free to update this thread: it could be useful for our knowledge base too, because this issue is not reproducible on all OS X systems, according to various reports, but only on some of them.


Kind regards

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wifi is not the problem in my case, because honestly sometimes i get so frustrated, that i just quit airvpn and without the network lock internet works fine .....


the problem is weird, today i woke up my macbook 2 times already and reconnect was fast and without a problem ... i hope you guy figure out the issue, i'll keep updating if the problem reoccurs !

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lately having major problems again ...

i think it has something to do with the network lock: usually when I wake up my macbook and airvpn can't connect to a server I have to restart airvpn a couple of times (rarely 1x works ...) and then it will suddenly find a connection ...

yesterday and today I encountered the following: even with the airvpn client shut down I could not connect to the internet, opening the client and deactivating the network-lock, it worked again ... even though then trying to connect to a server did not succeed ...


when i have a connection i'm pretty happy with airvpn ... but lately it costs a lot of time and nerves to get one ... i really hope you can find some kind of fix ....



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I also have a similar issue on my Macbook Pro now and then, but normally after 1 restart of the app (Eddie) it connects fine.

Latency values also don't always show for the various servers but show a "....." instead.


I'm on macOS 10.12 beta 5 though, so I thought that might be the reason why I'm possibly getting these things happening and haven't reported it yet.

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lately having major problems again ...

i think it has something to do with the network lock: usually when I wake up my macbook and airvpn can't connect to a server I have to restart airvpn a couple of times (rarely 1x works ...) and then it will suddenly find a connection ...

yesterday and today I encountered the following: even with the airvpn client shut down I could not connect to the internet, opening the client and deactivating the network-lock, it worked again ... even though then trying to connect to a server did not succeed ...


when i have a connection i'm pretty happy with airvpn ... but lately it costs a lot of time and nerves to get one ... i really hope you can find some kind of fix ....



Hello !


This hints at what the Staff said above. Did you shut down Eddie properly or did you simply close your mac?


Network Lock is supposed to prevent a connection if the VPN goes down. But if Eddie is shutdown incorrectly (not via its own menus), then NL has no chance to restore previous networking settings, as the Staff already said.


Sent to you from me with datalove

Moderators do not speak on behalf of AirVPN. Only the Official Staff account does. Please also do not run Tor Exit Servers behind AirVPN, thank you.
Did you make a guide or how-to for something? Then contact me to get it listed in my new user guide's Guides Section, so that the community can find it more easily.

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With the new beta Eddie client I do have this problem as well. I don't remember this being an issue with older versions. Interestingly I have eddie running on two machines with pretty much the same setup (MBP and iMac) and so far the problem only happens on the iMac and (so far) never occurred on the MBP. There is no obvious difference in the power management settings. Of course there are some minor differences as one is laptop with a battery and the other one a desktop machine, but basically they are identical.


Shutting down Eddie is not an option as the iMac runs backup and maintenance duties during the night. Now in the morning when I wake the iMac it fails to reconnect to AirVPN servers. Restarting Eddie doesn't help. I'm not 100% sure, but i don't even think it happen every time, I'd guess more like 85% of the time but I'll have to monitor this more closely to confirm. Zhangs recommendation (sudo ifconfig utun0 down, sudo ifconfig utun0 up) doesn't throw any error messages but doesn't resolve the issue either.


Another related recent problem is that when a connection gets interrupted by for example the router going through a power cycle, reconnecting fails. And reconnecting to the same server will fail again and again, BUT connections to another server will generally work. I even had cases when a faulty router power cycled a few times in a short time span. SO I reconnected to different servers all the time without restarting the machine. Now all the servers I used in the process were unusable while the others still worked. If I remember correctly the "used" servers also will fail to show latency and speed information in the server list.


I hope you can find a way to resolve this annoying behavior soon. As I said in the beginning I don't recall that this was a problem with the older versions of Eddie.

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Not sure if this problem I've encountered is related (symptoms are that one server after the other becomes unreachable, and a reboot fixes). I think my routing table gets messed up, with stale entries persisting.


To fix without reboot, entering 

sudo route -n flush


into the terminal several times (until there is no more "<IP-number> <IP-number> done" response) seems to fix it.

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I'm on macOS 10.12 beta 5 though, so I thought that might be the reason why I'm possibly getting these things happening and haven't reported it yet.


Please note that there ARE problems with macOS beta, just it normally happens with any beta system pre-release. El Capitan, for example, was not even able to properly run OpenVPN and did not drive correctly utun at its first and second beta. It's useless now to discuss about it, normally tons of problems will be solved in the future beta versions, and even more in the final first stable release.


Kind regards

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With the new beta Eddie client I do have this problem as well. I don't remember this being an issue with older versions. Interestingly I have eddie running on two machines with pretty much the same setup (MBP and iMac) and so far the problem only happens on the iMac and (so far) never occurred on the MBP. There is no obvious difference in the power management settings. Of course there are some minor differences as one is laptop with a battery and the other one a desktop machine, but basically they are identical.


Shutting down Eddie is not an option as the iMac runs backup and maintenance duties during the night. Now in the morning when I wake the iMac it fails to reconnect to AirVPN servers. Restarting Eddie doesn't help. I'm not 100% sure, but i don't even think it happen every time, I'd guess more like 85% of the time but I'll have to monitor this more closely to confirm. Zhangs recommendation (sudo ifconfig utun0 down, sudo ifconfig utun0 up) doesn't throw any error messages but doesn't resolve the issue either.



You must shut down Eddie (on OS X) before putting an OS X machine to sleep. When you put the Mac to sleep you turn off the network card, but keeping the VPN gateway and routing table (no restore is possible). All connections are lost but at wake up OpenVPN still runs and the routing table and the default gateway are the old ones. Apparently this situation often causes OS X to become unable to perform a network reset. Maybe, just maybe, linked to some ancient bugs affecting OS X since a long ago and never fixed, for example:



You can find out that the problem is not caused by Eddie by reproducing it only with OpenVPN usage (of course, with a system that changes the default gateway, the routing table and the DNS) and then putting the OS X box abruptly to sleep when OpenVPN is still running and tunneling.


Kind regards

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[sOLVED] on my MacBook Pro.


I struggled with this problem for the last two years. On Windows there are some actions to restore the connectivity while on Mac I rarely was able to restore AirVPN/Eddie functionality without rebooting the laptop.


I always tried to not change the client configuration (because it connected and worked already, flawlessly, until the Mac doesn't go to sleep mode).

Today, after trying to reconnect, restart the client, restart the network interfaces, etc. I tried to modify the Preferences -> Protocols section, changing from Automatic to one of the available choices.

In my case I selected SSH Tunnel over Port 80 since I know that both are allowed in my company network.


After that AirVPN (still have to try on Eddie) was immediately able to connect and surf again !


Please try it as well and report if that solves this ever-lasting issue!

(if not completely, at least it would still allow to use the VPN 'till the next machine reboot)

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