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No. I bet you 70%+ of AirVPN subscribers sub through PayPal.


I initially subscribed by paying with PayPal.


LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too!

Want to contact me directly? All relevant methods are on my About me page.

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I refuse to provide money to the scam artists at paypal. They can and have many times decided entirely on their own that a user *May* be fake and seized thousands of dollars of cash, never to return it again.


Sure, some of the time this is because people are doing criminal things, but paypal keeps the money anyway. They do not bother to investigate, they just seize. May they be audited by the IRS for this every time it happens.


I pay direct from my bank account debit card. I could try a cryptocurrency, but they maintain a full transaction history. So you do not "hide" anything by doing this.

Debugging is at least twice as hard as writing the program in the first place.

So if you write your code as clever as you can possibly make it, then by definition you are not smart enough to debug it.

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I asked the question directly on g+ back in feb 6 but never got an answer ; is airVPN affected by this issue? I see that paypal is still a payment option so I assume it is not.


I've ~500 days left so it's not an immediate issue, still arranging for alternative means of payment can take some time.

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I asked the question directly on g+ back in feb 6 but never got an answer ; is airVPN affected by this issue? I see that paypal is still a payment option so I assume it is not.


I've ~500 days left so it's not an immediate issue, still arranging for alternative means of payment can take some time.

No, but I've noticed strange behavior of PayPal when connected to AirVPN. Payments not processing and payments telling me I have to add a credit card or deposit money from my bank account first despite of having money over there are common. But there are no real alternatives, so I must obey.


(Sent via Tapatalk - this generally means I'm not sitting in front of my PC)


LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too!

Want to contact me directly? All relevant methods are on my About me page.

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I encourage AIRVPN and others to look into a disruptive new entry into the mobile/online payments industry: Stripe.com


Fees are completely transparent and they accept everything from credit and debit to ACH and Bitcoin. They are EU based and not as likely to be bullied by US LE and regulators into doing what Paypal is doing with the blanket casting of VPN users.


I have nothing to do with them, but became very impressed when I saw them on 60 Minutes last week.

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Did I read it right on their page that they claim Reddit and Slack for example allegedly support Stripe payments? Because it's not true.


(Sent via Tapatalk - this generally means I'm not sitting in front of my PC)


LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too!

Want to contact me directly? All relevant methods are on my About me page.

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Hello everyone! I was reading this post and I got worried due to Paypal democratization process.   How can I renew my account? Is it okay if I buy a gift card Mastercard / visa / whatever? I admit I have never used that before, therefore I am not sure how this works. For example, if I have two cards with the value of 9.99 euros (don't know why they don't round up to 10, ... bah), can I buy a subscription for 15 euros? Or, what happens if I buy a 25 euros card and then I use only 20? can I use the 5 euros left?


Thanks in advance.

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I know this prob gonna sound daft, but what if I bought a gift voucher from AirVPN and used that to pay for my subscription would that circumvent the Paypal restrictions?? I know that it probably still be able to be traced by the "authorities"  wouldn't it ??



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I know this prob gonna sound daft, but what if I bought a gift voucher from AirVPN and used that to pay for my subscription would that circumvent the Paypal restrictions?? I know that it probably still be able to be traced by the "authorities"  wouldn't it ??




Well I'm assuming the gift voucher would have to be purchased with the credit you have made from referral? And if you can use paypal or something to buy the gift voucher it beats any and all purposes since you are STILL giving money to AirVPN for a subscription through paypal, just in more steps.

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So has anyone tried a prepaid MC or Visa and PayPal to renew lately?


Or is AirVPN on PayPals block list now?

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Voxility is completely locked out of accessing PayPal. Can't even connect anymore.


LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too!

Want to contact me directly? All relevant methods are on my About me page.

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why is page 3 of this thread containing a malicious html script which executes external url?

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as soon as i hit page 3, redirection starts to




, am i the only one who have this issue, i mean the url is content of the html source? maybe my protection tool is just broken^^ but better stay safe than loading this image


If you replace the domain with airvpn.org, you get the actual resource. There is some kind of bug in IP.Board which is responsible for a sporadic domain rewrite. You get directed to the right path, but to the wrong domain. dns1.airvpn.org, airvpn.info and sometimes even autofinancecentral.com.


LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too!

Want to contact me directly? All relevant methods are on my About me page.

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Prepaid credit cards are much harder to use now. they ask for ID to be submitted on many occasions or simply block use until they're contacted.

PayPal will not accept pre-paid CCs either to sign up for VPN.

Bitcoin is the best and safest way to pay. Worth the rate volatility.

i will only buy a VPN with bitcoin.

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I thought that the Interent was created to have open and free access to all sorts of information. So why do so many companies restrict their services? Makes me feel that they have something personal against us. If I want access to any TV show, I'll find a free access to stream it without having to subscribe and to pay for it. Paypal shouldn't restrict services we interact with. Otherwise we will find an alternative.


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use ssh socks proxy tunnel


Did AirVPN get an email as well from PayPal?


Now it starts to get me really p*****. – Not only that i am already under general suspicion violating copyrighted content and/ or being a terrorist because of using an encrypted way to access the internet (aka using VPN), now PayPal also starts to generalize every attempt to secure my privacy as being a direct violation of their terms and policy.


Next will be credit card companies.



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Just felt like following up with this.   With a month left until renewal I  was getting quite anxious.  As I wanted to stay on Air, and wanted it to be anonymous.  Having the network lock function on Windows especially has proven quite useful to me and its a feature I just didn't want to give up.


So I caved in and went about buying bitcoins as anonymously as possible.


Pretty much picked up an Amazon gift card paid for in cash (no loading fee),  registered on  localbitcoins.com  and looked for a good rated seller trading BTC for Amazon Gift cards,  followed their instructions  and I got some bitcoins.

Paypal can  shove off I never liked them anyway.   Just glad to be rid of the headache



The question isn't how many pay through paypal, its how many are able to do it anonymously  without their real identity attached


Also.  This is a fresh card,  registered to a zip code, worked fine for google drive purchase


We're sorry, but we couldn't complete your purchase using card Visa x-5250, because it has been denied by the card issuer. Please enter a new card to continue payment.

Guess I'll try from a cryptostorm IP later on.

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Paypal can  shove off I never liked them anyway.   Just glad to be rid of the headache


Next step: Switch to Linux!


LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too!

Want to contact me directly? All relevant methods are on my About me page.

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Everything is a step towards linux! 

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Who? The same people that guarantee you won't be run over by a car when crossing the street .  No guanantee...you take risks if you feel the risk/benefit ratio justifies it...or often times, just for luls...I'm thinking free climbers or wingsuit flyers or that guy that walked a tightrope between the Twin Towers. And after all, 54 euros isn't such a big risk. You probably walk around with that much in your wallet...could be lost, could be robbed. Anyway it would be nice to have the choice.


Cash is King!    At least until someone comes up with a truly easy and anonymous crypto-currency.  I think TPTB ultimately want to get rid of cash so that every transaction by every person can be tracked.


Anyway, Giganerd, you might enjoy this website: http://www.thunderbolttea.com/    Cheers


Agreed. I'm somewhat annoyed at having to purchase Bluebird cards *just* so I can achieve the anonymity of cash.


That does work BTW....and I always embellish their ID fields with truly humorous entries. Amex still pays out the funds.


Guess the ANSWER to fighting government criminals is to get an even bigger criminal on your side? Would appear to be so.....

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Someone in this thread stated, in reference to using pre-paid credit cards: "Problem is that doesn't work for US based customers. Air's payment processor processes transactions in Europe. US law prevents prepaid MasterCard and Visa cards from being used to buy things outside the US."


That's not entirely correct. I'm a "US based customer" and use prepaid MasterCard and VISA cards all the time outside the U.S. when I travel for work to buy things, and from within the U.S. when I am home to buy things from outside the U.S. I used a pre-paid MasterCard to purchase my AirVPN subscription. All my pre-paid cards were purchased in the U.S. They can be used internationally anywhere they are accepted.


There is a trick to it though. To use the card outside the U.S you need to call the number on the back of the card and have the card flagged for international use. Its not automatic when you purchase the card. Without having the card flagged for international use U.S. law prevents it from being used outside the U.S. - so the cards can be used outside the U.S. and there is no law preventing them from being used outside the U.S. for U.S. based customers if they are flagged for international use via the phone call


Prepaid credit cards are actually debit cards, and not credit cards, the laws are different for them because they are actually 'debit cards'. There are two types of pre-paid MasterCard and Visa Cards, Domestic and International. When you initially purchase the card in the U.S. it is activated as a Domestic card upon purchase which U.S. law prevents from being used outside the U.S. but if you call the number on the card and have it flagged for international use you can use it for any place internationally where they are accepted.


Sometimes vendors/processors of pre-paid cards may seem to reject a perfectly valid card. This is because of the way the authorization is sent so the vendor/processor will reject the card when in reality its a good card and was not actually rejected by the card company so the reject message is not actually from the card company but rather from the vendor/processor system. This is a matter of the vendor/processor method for the way their system accepts an authorization. Some vendors/processors outside the U.S. may sometimes still accept a pre-paid card even though its not flagged for international use, this is because that vendor/processor has an agreement with the card company to accept them on a case-by-case basis of flagging the transaction basically "authorized international processor" which means they have the agreement to accept them anyway. Without that agreement the card has to be flagged for international use by the phone call mentioned above.   

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Thank you. That answers many questions I have had for years.

Debugging is at least twice as hard as writing the program in the first place.

So if you write your code as clever as you can possibly make it, then by definition you are not smart enough to debug it.

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