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Hello! Yes, attempts to show that "objective morality" exist are around since the time of Plato (at least) but they have never succeeded. Securing the possibility of objective knowledge in morality has been the dream of several Giants of Philosophy throughout human history, but nobody so far succeeded. Nowadays scientific analysis tend to show the contrary, i.e. that there's no such thing as an objective morality. Then, even if objective morality existed, comes the huge problem to define it and to interpret the definition. Your definition for example is not universally accepted, therefore there are serious doubts that this "objectivity" exists indeed. And even by accepting your definition many actions remain moral for some people and immoral for other people, according to the interpretation of your definition (we will not insult your intelligence to make trivial examples). Anyway, all of your considerations don't change the observation that your statement according to which privacy would be "a form of luxury" for financially wealthy people is false, perhaps even according to your own definition of morality! This can be an honorable and moral behavior indeed, but we don't see how this personal choice should support the idea that privacy is the luxury of wealthy people. Kind regards
Unable to Print via LAN when using Eddie
Staff replied to Falcon81's topic in Troubleshooting and Problems
Hello! We will consult with Eddie's developer but at a first glance it's (perhaps) because the "Allow local" option acts on the Network Lock rules only, while by adding addresses you also force Eddie to modify the routing table. This is necessary with WireGuard as its userland utilities (necessary because there is no WireGuard library or kernel module in macOS) are launched by Eddie through a profile that makes all the IP address space fall into the VPN tunnel. Kind regards -
The statements below are my best understanding, and you have a right to believe whatever you want to believe and disagree with me as long as you don't make direct threats of violence. Objective morality is a mathematical discipline. It is like karmic math. A right is an action that doesn't initiate harm on other sentient beings, but not on oneself. A wrong is an action that does. A vice is an action that harms oneself. Harm can be categorized as 7 deadly sins which are murder, rape, trespass, theft, willful deception, coercion, and assault. Deception, coercion, trespass, and theft are only deadly if they accompany deadly consequences. They can be non-deadly. Murder, assault, and rape are deadly. Where does privacy violation fit? Privacy violation can be seen as a form of trespass. Trespass is theft of your well-being in your private domain. The moral implication is that if you upload your face pictures publicly on facebook for everyont to see, don't complain about privacy violation when OpenAI and other AI companies use your public face pictures to train AIs. Once you voluntarily post your pictures for everyone to see, you gave up privacy. They might be using your public pictures to train AIs, but these AI companies aren't distributing your pictures to make fun of you in front of everyone and make you feel uncomfortable in your private domain. They aren't trespassing, yet. As I wrote above, privacy violation[(digital) trespass] doesn't have deadly consequences in most cases. Someone isn't assaulted or raped or murdered due to privacy violation. So, privacy violation isn't automatically a deadly sin. It is a sin, but it isn't deadly, yet. The idea that humans can change right and wrong (by writing laws into existence) is moral relativism. Man-made laws are moral relativism. The only lawmaker in the universe is the creator. The original sin is moral relativism. Once humans tried to become God on earth by writing laws, they became slaves to each other. A right is an action that doesn't initiate harm on other sentient beings. It doesn't particularly make sense to equate one right with another. You have a right to consume porn because consuming porn doesn't initiate harm on other sentient beings. However, that doesn't mean consuming porn is a good idea. From a practical operational security standpoint, it helps to not consume porn at all. Intelligence agencies will look up your pornhub profile and mock your sexual preferences in media outlets if you oppose bad people in power. Also, porn consumption is just another easy dopamine trigger. Being addicted to easy dopamine triggers is a vice. I advocate abstaining from all forms of vice. I quit porn, game, entertainment, social media, fast foods, exciting music, and all other forms of easy dopamine triggers. I am a modern monk who doesn't need a monastery to stay disciplined. It's totally legal anywhere for ever to consume fast foods, but I advocate not consuming it. I advocate not harming oneself with vices like fast foods, porn, game, etc, ... Objective morality was given by the creator to all sentient beings in the entire universe including all the possible multiverses and all the possible dimensions. You have a right to disagree with this as long as you are not initiating 7 deadly sins. Objective morality consists of two principles. 1) non-aggression principle: Do not initiate harm on other sentient beings. 2) self-defense principle: You have a right to defend yourself with anything at disposal. Force is either violence or self defense. Violence is initiation of harm. Self defense is reaction to violence. Don't confuse violence with self defense. Who initiates force matters. This objective morality has been largely suppressed by bad people in power for tens of thousands of years because bad people cannot keep doing bad things if people aren't confused about the objective difference between right and wrong. If 99.9% of people don't understand right and wrong, you can give evil orders to order followers, and people will not even know who are the bad guys. I see that most privacy enthusiasts advocate objectively bad things because they don't come from the place of understanding objective morality. Bad people in power subverted all organized cultural religions a long time ago and erased objective morality from these religions. Christian bible may have some disorganized references to morality, but it doesn't formally teach morality in any coherent way. I have just taught you objective morality very quickly. Objective morality is very simple, but unpacking the full implications can take a long time. The law of freedom states that collective freedom is directly proportionate to collective morality. That's why the human rulers on earth had to suppress objective morality for tens of thousands of years. Once people become objectively moral, it's game over for bad people. Bad people can't control free moral people. Immoral people cannot be free. That means even the rulers at the top aren't really free from each other. Lower animals may not understand morality, but they are still bound to the law of freedom. Humans raise animals in tightly packed animal farms and kill them for meat. Animals aren't free from each other, and they aren't free from humans. Humans treat each other badly. Because humans already treat each other badly, they don't care too much about animals, either. When humans kill each other just because they got orders from order givers, why should they care about animal lives? Here, we can see that freedom is basically freedom from violence. Collective freedom is how sentient beings are collectively free from violence.
Unable to Print via LAN when using Eddie
c69c7kfrv48fuJ8Re44C replied to Falcon81's topic in Troubleshooting and Problems
Oh, needed to put the IP range in both text boxes, inward and outward connections. Now it works. Still weird, and are well known private network ranges, why does one have to specify it even after ticking "allow local"? -
Hellcrusher started following Slow speeds in qBittorrent using AirVPN with GlueTun and Wireguard on macos ...
Hi there, Did you manage to solve the issue? I'm also experiencing significantly slower speeds compared to without VPN. I'm located in Asia with 2.5Gbit/s fiber. When downloading Ubuntu ISOs, I get over 100MiB/s without VPN. But when connected to AirVPN (also under gluetun), I get less than 18MiB/s. For other less-seeded torrent files, I'm getting speeds less than 5MiB/s with airvpn, where I would get over 30MiB/s without vpn. I have enabled port forwarding in airvpn and passed it in gluetun and qbittorrent disabled uPTP and NAT port forwarding in qB enabled DHT, PeX, and local peer discovery in qB Below are things that I have tried, but it made little to no difference: Try OpenVPN and Wireguard When using wireguard, adjust MTU from 1280 to 1420 (best I could get is MTU=1384 with download speeds at around 18MiB/s) Select TCP only in qB Tried servers with lowest latency: Taiwan (Sulafat 34ms), Japan (Okab 97ms), Singapore (Triangulum, Circinus, Antares ~40ms) Is it normal to have such speed reduction when using AirVPN? What else can I try?
I've been using the same manual with slightly different settings, but nothing worked. Tried again with your settings and surprisingly everything works perfectly. Brief summary: AirVPN+Amnesia WG on Keenetic connected to MGTS via GPON terminal tp link xz000-g7 so far works, but will continue to monitor. Many thanks for help!
- Yesterday
I think Keenetic supports AmneziaWG natively now. You can try appending junk packets settings to fool DPI to make it work. Instruction is here: At the step 23, since you don't have unique AmneziaWG settings as you would have if you self-hosted it, you need to set them in the way that is compatible with normal Wireguard. Example could be: interface Wireguard1 wireguard asc 8 50 1000 0 0 1 2 3 4
Unable to Print via LAN when using Eddie
c69c7kfrv48fuJ8Re44C replied to Falcon81's topic in Troubleshooting and Problems
Same here. I'm on macOS Sequoia 15.3.1, Eddie 2.24.6, using WireGuard and Netlock, and connections to my local network LAN don't work when the VPN is on (even after I added 172.168.x.0/24 to the allowed IPs). % nc -v 172.168.x.y 1234 nc: connectx to 172.168.x.y port 1234 (tcp) failed: Connection refused Any idea? I have iCloud Private Relay running, but that should affect only Safari, not nc. Thanks! -
Privacy is a fundamental human right enshrined in any charter of fundamental rights, including the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, and a series of amendments in the US constitution (including but not limited to the 4th Amendment). The right to privacy has been equated to the right to life (for example by the India Supreme Court) and privacy (in the form of anonymity) has been recognized as an essential requisite to freedom of expression, according to a landmark & paramount decision of the US Supreme Court in 1994. It is exactly the opposite in many documented cases. The right to privacy is often perceived as a privilege for the wealthy but it is actually more crucial for financially poor individuals, as you can easily verify through the sources and reports by the UN and by many human rights advocate organizations. As far as it pertains to additional protection of privacy on the Internet through more effective data protection and a layer of anonymity, we contribute also by aiding, technically or financially, networks that are free for everyone, such as Tor, making privacy protection enhancement (small or big) affordable for more persons. While privacy is very precisely defined universally (and coded in law as one of the most important human rights in many countries), morality poses problems even with its definition. Codes of conduct endorsed by a society or a group (such as a religion), or accepted by an individual for her own behavior, are multiple, and many of them are mutually incompatible. Large groups of people endorse a "supreme, universal" morality that's totally refused by other groups. Some groups define "morality" as something that it's not even defined as "morality" by another group. Some groups claim that "morality" is something defined by some external, powerful entity, given to us through revelation and the interpretation of this revelation by selected persons, while other groups do not even agree about the existence of such external entity. That's why many of the most famous "educators" you mention, in the course of history have been incensed as heroes of their times by some groups, while other groups have defined them, at the same time or later in history, as bloodthirsty monsters, crazy lunatics or anyway people against morality. Even your invitation to avoid a perfectly legal action in all Western countries shows that your "morality" is incompatible with the "morality" of many other individuals and groups. Kind regards
Most people think of privacy in a selfish manner. They don't think about the grand moral framework behind privacy. They don't really consider the objective difference between right and wrong. Many privacy enthusiasts often advocate morally wrong things. While I like privacy, we should care about morality more than privacy. In a moral society, privacy isn't an obvious issue but will be respected. Only in tyranny, privacy becomes an issue but will be infringed upon. Privacy is an ancillary issue. Morality is the central issue on earth and the elephant in the room. Moral educators sacrifice their privacy by educating morality with their face and name on the internet. They understand the value proposition behind privacy, but they prioritize education. Poor people should start with basic operational security(don't consume porn or store porn on your computer. don't do stupid things that you will regret later.). They can learn some basic privacy which is easy, but if you learn basic operational security first, you can learn privacy later. Advanced privacy is a very complex topic which is basically a luxury reserved for the retired and the rich and the full-time computer technologists. We have to admit that not everyone has time to specialize in every little technical topic. There are million specialties. We can't learn them all. That's why I recommend learning basic operational security first and basic privacy later. Basic privacy should be good enough for most people. As I wrote above, if you don't have financial security, privacy doesn't matter at all. Privacy is basically a form of luxury reserved for people who have have some level of stability in their lives. If you are too busy to think, you don't have time to care about privacy.
I am trying to set up my new OpenWRT router with WireGuard and PBR while keeping IPv6 enabled. I found previous threads and followed some of the instructions found there, namely the ones on this page: and this video by Dev Odyssey: The deviation from the above I made is to add the DNS servers, which are not in the OpenWRT page. I also created a "vpn" zone and added it to the default forwarder as in the video. I installed PBR and started it with IPv6 enabled. The WireGuard connection appears to be online. However, even though DNS resolution appears to work, I have no IPv4 connectivity and can only connect to IPv6 sites with my ISP's IPv6 address. So basically even though the WireGuard connection is established and has a small amount of TX and RX I don't appear to be able to use the tunnel at all (except for DNS resolution so I can reach AirVPN's DNS). I'm at a loss how to troubleshoot this. Anybody able to assist?
The source port must be ANY, for torrent (and for virtually all services) because it will be often selected randomly from the dynamic port range. If you check the box Syslog logging in your rule, you can see the logs in /var/log/ulog/syslogemu.log I find this very useful. When I switched to ZB firewall, I had created “general” rules for certain zone crossings, with an Allow (or Block) ANY/ANY and had enabled logging. That way I could see in the logs what was passing (or not) and understand if I needed to create a specific rule. This was particularly useful for IoT/External.
I have the following and allow return traffic is checked. Still show closed port
- Last week
And thank you. <3
One way of interpreting what you're saying is that poor people, or at least, those who are in a state of poverty, do not deserve nor should they be concerned with online security, profiling, privacy, and so on. This certainly prevents a lot of people from taking this area of activism seriously, why should the majority of people care about it at all? I reject the essence of what you're saying. I don't think digital rights are only for rich people. I'm going to choose to interpret your comment as coming from a good place, and not as some form of wealth signaling on your part. In any case, I'm currently purchasing a new subscription. Had I not been helped out back then by a mysterious patron, I wouldn't be here to make this comment. So there's a +1 for the welfare state, if you will.
Cannot reproduce from, either. Could you download it using a different browser or with PowerShell, please? Set-Location $env:TEMP; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12; Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ""; PowerShell may output more info than just a "Failed - Network error". .
Exit IP address changes frequently
Staff replied to ruthbard's topic in Troubleshooting and Problems
Hello! With Eddie Android & Desktop edition, and with the AirVPN Suite, you can define a white list of a single VPN server. When a white list is defined, the software will consider only servers inside that list. With a third party software, you can generate a configuration file for a single server from the Configuration Generator. Kind regards -
Hello! Please check this and let us know: Kind regards
everytime i try to open eddievpn it loads but then it js doesnt open the app on my pc
Failing from the mirror too, on a different browser. Same behavior, starts out okay then slows down and eventually stops. No other network issues for me and I'm on a 300mbps home fiber connection.
macos arm64 download gives intel binary
litships replied to litships's topic in Eddie - AirVPN Client
I appreciate the response and I know this is kind of pendantic, but this should be stated on the download page that the ARM download requires Rosetta. We are multiple years into Apple silicon architecture and software should be built natively by now. If Apple decides to pull the rug on Rosetta in future OS versions, we will be locked out from updating. -
HowTo: OPNsense using Wireguard with IPv6 support
OpenSourcerer replied to OPN-UserGuide's topic in General & Suggestions
Erm, are you the user @Sj0rs, or why are you writing as if the other guide lost its right of existence just because you're writing another? Seems cruel to me to spell it like that, to be honest with you. -
Exit IP address changes frequently
ruthbard replied to ruthbard's topic in Troubleshooting and Problems
I want to try to lock the connection, as it sounds a more simple solution to my problem. How can I do it, and is there a way to know the reliability of the server I'm connected with? Thanks.