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Found 5 results

  1. Connection attempts to us3.vpn.airdns.org (generated config AirVPN_United-States_UDP-443-Entry3) are timing out consistently. This started happening yesterday (time zone America/New York). 5/14/24 5:08 PM nm-openvpn TLS Error: TLS key negotiation failed to occur within 60 seconds (check your network connectivity) 5/14/24 5:08 PM nm-openvpn TLS Error: TLS handshake failed My network connectivity is fine. I can connect to america3.vpn.airdns.org (generated config AirVPN_America_UDP-443-Entry3), which connects me to Canada servers. === I was just able to connect to US servers, so this isn't an issue now.
  2. Hello, I have been experiencing issues with Zoom when linked to a server based in the US. Zoom works fine with servers based in any other country. As I do not use other videoconferencing providers (Vidyo, Jitsi etc,) I don't know if the problem is restricted to Zoom. Cheers, Volkhart
  3. Down: 9.908 Mbit/s Out, 0.988 Mbit/s In (9%), 20MB - Up: 0.982 Mbit/s Out, 0.869 Mbit/s In (88%), 10MB - Date: Fri, 26 May 2017 04:12:19 GMT - Buffers: 20MB/10MB - Laps: 3, Time: 882.96 secs Using USA server Persei. My ISP is UVerse. Any suggestions? I am using Eddie on MacOS with the automatic settings. I just moved and have not had this problem previously.
  4. I'm a user in the UK and I'd like to be able to access US Netflix, but no matter what server I try (I've tried US, Canada, Netherlands, Germany), I get routed to Netflix in the UK. I've read all the other forum posts about Netflix that seem to suggest you should receive US Netflix from any server, but even after clearing the cache etc. it routes me to the UK every time. Can anyone shed any light on this as it's a real deal breaker for me if I can't get access to any other Netflix catalogues. Thanks!
  5. I am using a USA server and have noticed strange behavior in the past month ( not saying it started then, but noticed it ) . When I create a new forward port it works fine for a few weeks, then it stops working. I have to use another port ( not previously used ) in order to get it working again. My isp is comcast and I know they are know for shady things like this ( the netflix slowdown comes to mind ) Is airvpn aware of this happening on USA servers? I just wanted to make users aware because I spent some time looking at my config before realizing the port was being blocked. My last port was set two weeks ago, today I found that it has been blocked and had to change it.
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