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  1. It seems i can't post in How To so I'll post here. In this tutorial I will explain how to exclude individual programs while connected via the Eddie client and have the network lock active. I wanted to run steam without VPN so my latency was low for some competitive gaming, while my whole system was still connected and locked. For this to work we need firejail. Firejail can sandbox individual programs on it’s own with a lot of parameters. Install firejail first. We want a clean firewall state so disable network lock and flush the firewall. To check it's clean run: sudo iptables -nvL If not clean run: sudo iptables --flush Now we want to save this state to a file. sudo iptables-save -f /etc/firejail/iptables-save You can now network lock again. Make a bash script. #!/bin/bash firejail --noprofile \ --net=your_main_ethernet_interface \ --ip=ip_address_in_your_routers_subnet \ --defaultgw=router_ip \ --dns=dns_server_of_your_choice \ --dns=dns_server_of_your_choice \ --netfilter=/etc/firejail/iptables-save \ program_you_want_to_run Save in /usr/bin/ and make executable. chmod +x program You can now run the bash script and your program will be excluded from the VPN and network lock. Check with firejail --top to see if it is “jailed”. You could also replace program_you_want_to_run with $1 and name the script novpn or so. This would make it a lot more versatile. As you can now pas an argument with the script like so: novpn firefox novpn thunderbird novpn steam-runtime If you want to avoid a bash script and you want to directly run your program with firejail follow along. This means if you run (in my case) steam-runtime directly, it will be firejailed. If you do this you can delete the above bash script you made. cp /usr/share/doc/fireail/profile.template ~/.config/firejail/ Rename it to your_program.template your_program should match the executable name you want to run. In my case steam-runtime. Edit the file and comment out every include you see, so everything is commented out. And paste the text below as you see fit. Somewhere around “net” stuff would be my choice. net your_main_ethernet_interface ip ip_address_in_your_routers_subnet defaultgw router_ip dns dns_server_of_your_choice dns dns_server_of_your_choice netfilter /etc/firejail/iptables-save Make a symbolic link sudo ln -s /usr/bin/firejail /usr/local/bin/your_program And that’s It. Every time you run your_program it will be firejailed and outside of the vpn. Check with firejail --top.
  2. Just started working on setting up vpn on a clean server using the new Airvpn Suite. Nice work. Seems like a more robust architecture that doesn't need the manual System-D fixes that using Hummingbird did. Everything seems to be working as advertised when using goldcrest from a terminal prompt but does not work as expected via rc.local using this invocation: goldcrest --air-connect --air-country canada --air-user <myairvpnusername> --air-password <myairvpnpassword> Curiously, when I execute /etc/rc.local from the prompt, it works, but when rc.local is invoked on boot it fails to allow my user login (see post-boot journal grepped for bluetit below). Since my use case is to have vpn come up when the host boots and stay on permanently from then on, I am kinda stuck. Any help appreciated. Or maybe there is an easier way that I am missing? Dec 30 20:26:34 osmc bluetit[204]: Starting Bluetit - AirVPN OpenVPN 3 Service 1.0.0 RC 1 - 22 December 2020 Dec 30 20:26:34 osmc bluetit[204]: OpenVPN core 3.6.6 AirVPN linux arm 32-bit Dec 30 20:26:34 osmc bluetit[204]: Copyright (C) 2012-2020 OpenVPN Inc. All rights reserved. Dec 30 20:26:34 osmc bluetit[241]: Bluetit daemon started with PID 241 Dec 30 20:26:34 osmc bluetit[241]: Successfully connected to D-Bus Dec 30 20:26:34 osmc bluetit[241]: Reading run control directives from file /etc/airvpn/bluetit.rc Dec 30 20:26:34 osmc bluetit[241]: IPv6 is not available in this system Dec 30 20:26:34 osmc bluetit[241]: System country set to ca by Bluetit policy. Dec 30 20:26:34 osmc bluetit[241]: Bluetit successfully initialized and ready Dec 30 20:26:35 osmc bluetit[241]: AirVPN Manifest updater thread started Dec 30 20:26:35 osmc bluetit[241]: AirVPN Manifest update interval is 15 minutes Dec 30 20:26:35 osmc bluetit[241]: Updating AirVPN Manifest Dec 30 20:26:35 osmc bluetit[241]: AirVPN Manifest successfully retrieved from server Dec 30 20:26:36 osmc bluetit[241]: Requested method "version" Dec 30 20:26:36 osmc bluetit[241]: Requested method "openvpn_info" Dec 30 20:26:36 osmc bluetit[241]: Requested method "bluetit_status -> Bluetit is ready" Dec 30 20:26:36 osmc bluetit[241]: Requested method "reset_bluetit_options -> Bluetit options successfully reset" Dec 30 20:26:36 osmc bluetit[241]: Requested method "set_options: --air-ipv6 -> off" Dec 30 20:26:36 osmc bluetit[241]: Requested method "set_options: --proto -> tcp" Dec 30 20:26:36 osmc bluetit[241]: Requested method "set_options: --air-connect" Dec 30 20:26:36 osmc bluetit[241]: Requested method "set_options: --air-country -> canada" Dec 30 20:26:36 osmc bluetit[241]: Requested method "set_options: --air-user -> **********" <=== correct output obscured here for security Dec 30 20:26:36 osmc bluetit[241]: Requested method "set_options: --air-password -> ************" Dec 30 20:26:36 osmc bluetit[241]: Requested method "airvpn_start_connection" Dec 30 20:26:36 osmc bluetit[241]: OpenVPN3 connection successfully started Dec 30 20:26:36 osmc bluetit[241]: Logging in AirVPN user ********** <==== correct but obscured here for security Dec 30 20:26:36 osmc bluetit[241]: AirVPN login error: Login error Dec 30 20:26:36 osmc bluetit[241]: ERROR: AirVPN login failed for user ******** <=== obsured here Dec 30 20:41:46 osmc bluetit[241]: Updating AirVPN Manifest
  3. Hey all! I ran into an issue the other day when setting up AirVPN where I found alot of the AirVPN IP's appear to be blocked by my ISP. In my quest to resolve this issue, I ended up creating a script that uses fping and dig to get all the IPs for a region, check that they work, and add those to your AirVPN configuration. I figured this script might be helpful to some, so I'd share it here. You can download it here: https://gist.github.com/zikeji/144247cb20793a5a7c65653e5f7c572b A simple one line to download it and set the executable bit: wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/zikeji/144247cb20793a5a7c65653e5f7c572b/raw/a414cc4f6828904992f18e0a0bdecf6cf5e4f85c/airvpn_remotes.sh -q -O airvpn_remotes.sh && chmod +x airvpn_remotes.sh Warning: Remember, for your safety ALWAYS review a downloaded script before executing it! The command's help output: airvpn_remotes.sh Description: Use dig and fping generate multiple remotes for an AirVPN config, replacing existing remote(s), and ignoring IPs that aren't responding. Remotes are placed in order of lowest ping to highest. Usage: airvpn_remotes.sh [--port=<int>] [--query=<fqdn>] [--ipv4] [--ipv6] [--remote-random] [--in-place] [input-file] airvpn_remotes.sh -h | --help Options: -h, --help Show this screen. -p <int>, --port=<fqdn> Override the port supplied on each remote line [default: 443]. -q <fqdn>, --query=<fqdn> Supply the DNS record you wish to query to use the IPs from [default: ca.all.vpn.airdns.org]. -s <ns>, --server=<ns> The name server you wish to query the records against [default: ns1.airvpn.org]. -c <int>, --count=<int> Change the amount of pings ran by fping for more accurate ping sorting [default: 4]. -4, --ipv4 Only query IPv4. -6, --ipv6 Only query IPv6. -r, --remote-random Add remote-random to the AirVPN config (this will cause OpenVPN to randomize the server order when connecting). -i<ext>, --in-place=<ext> Edit the file in place (makes backup if extension supplied), ignored if no input file is supplied. The first non-option argument is the name of the input file; if no input file is specified, then the standard input is read. All other non-option arguments after the first are ignored. You'll need to ensure dig and fping are installed on your distribution before you can use it. Additionally, if your system doesn't support IPv6 it'll only return IPv4 be default (because naturally pinging the IPv6 addresses will fail). And finally, I've only tested the script on Ubuntu 20.04, but hopefully you don't run into trouble. By default the script checks the DNS record AirVPN maintains for all of CA's servers. You can find out more about the records option here: https://airvpn.org/faq/servers_ip/ The help file should be pretty clear as to how to use the script, but I'll provide an example. I want to update my AirVPN.ovpn file with new remotes that'll be executed randomly and only include IPv4 remotes, and I want them from the Netherlands. Additionally, instead of connecting in order I want it to connect to a random server defined in the config. Since I use port 1194 instead of port 443, I also want each remote to use port 1194 instead of the default. I also want it to backup my original config before overwriting it. I would run: ./airvpn_remotes.sh -r4 -qnl.all.vpn.airdns.org -p1194 -iold AirVPN.ovpn Which would remove any lines from my AirVPN conf that are a remote or a remote-random and add the new remotes, sorted by lowest ping first (which is irrelevant because we're also adding remote-random). Hopefully this script might be useful for someone else as well!
  4. Hi everyone, I had some difficulty setting up port forwarding with the Merlin WRT firmware on my ASUS routers and did not find a great guide online so figured I would write one up to hopefully help save someone a few hours of pain. 1. Download the Merlin WRT firmware from the website and just upload is as a regular file through the Administration -> Firmware Upgrade page. 2. Once done go to Administration -> System -> Persistent JFFS partition and make sure enable both options and restart. This is where the script will go. Restart the router. 3. Download Win-SCP to help you upload and edit files on the router. I found this to be the easiest way. 4. Log in to your router with WinSCP: - File protocol: SCP - Host name: Router IP (eg. - User name/Password of your router – Login 5. Use the “..” folder all the way on the top to go all the way back where you will see “jffs” partition. Go to jffs -> scripts and then right click and create new file named “nat-start” without quotations. So /jffs/scripts/nat-start For whatever reason the first time I activated JFFS partition it was read only and did not allow me to create any new files so I followed the instructions here and used the commands through telnet to mount the partition and then restarted the router 6. Once the file is created, right click and goto properties and make sure Owner permission has check next to “X” making it executable. You can do this through telnet also using chmod command. 7. Use the following script below to setup port forwarding: #!/bin/sh iptables -I FORWARD -i br0 -o tun11 -j ACCEPT iptables -I FORWARD -i tun11 -o br0 -j ACCEPT iptables -I FORWARD -i br0 -o vlan1 -j DROP iptables -I INPUT -i tun11 -j REJECT iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o tun11 -j MASQUERADE iptables -I FORWARD -i tun11 -p udp -d *IP of device requiring open port* --dport *Port* -j ACCEPT iptables -I FORWARD -i tun11 -p tcp -d *IP of device requiring open port* --dport *Port* -j ACCEPT iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -i tun11 -p tcp --dport *Port* -j DNAT --to-destination *IP of device requiring open port* iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -i tun11 -p udp --dport *Port* -j DNAT --to-destination *IP of device requiring open port* ~Obviously replace the stuff between * * with the right numbers and remove the *. 8. To check which tun and vlan you have telnet to your router and type in “ifconfig” and use this information to determine this. The 2nd paragraph can be copied for multiple ports. I have OSX so I used "Terminal.app" and typed "telnet" and then type in your admin/pass, then "ifconfig". 9. That’s it. Save it and restart your router. Make sure you obviously setup the correct ports on the AirVPN website. 10. You can check under your router page: System Log -> Port Forwarding to see the appropriate ports being forwarded. Also can check through the AirVPN website. Hope that helps. Let me know if something is unclear and I will modify it. Thanks and enjoy.
  5. cm0s

    airvpn AP script

    script put together today for those wanting a quick AP tested with iphone and 36nh wifi card i'm not a coder so mod it for your distro fixes/improvements etc #!/bin/bash # 062117 # ap script for openvpn via ssl/443 # mod for yer distro or vpn needs # i'm not a coder so double check for # any errors/improvements etc. # tested with iphone and alfa awus036nh ################################################## LG='\033[0;37m' LB='\033[1;34m' LC='\033[1;36m' BO='\033[0;33m' YL='\033[1;33m' GR='\033[0;32m' RD='\033[0;31m' NC='\033[0m' # No Color ################################################## f_exit(){ clear exit 2> /dev/null } ################################################## # ctrl+c trap f_stop 2 ################################################## f_stop(){ # virtcent=$((`tput lines`/2-5)) horcent=$((`tput cols`/2-10)) # clear f_banz && tput cup $virtcent $horcent && echo -e "\n\e[1;34m [*]\e[0m ${GR}flushen the toilet bruh...${NC}\n" sleep 1 # stop the mcluvnz if [ ! -z "$(pidof dnsmasq)" ]; then kill $(pidof dnsmasq); fi if [ ! -z "$(pidof macchanger)" ]; then kill $(pidof macchanger); fi if [ ! -z "$(pidof xterm)" ]; then kill $(pidof xterm); fi if [ ! -z "$(pidof create_ap)" ]; then kill $(pidof create_ap); fi # echo "0" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward # # stop apz killall -9 create_ap > /dev/null 2>&1 sleep 1 f_mainmenu } ################################################## f_tblzvpn(){ # virtcent=$((`tput lines`/2-5)) horcent=$((`tput cols`/2-10)) # clear f_banz && tput cup $virtcent $horcent && echo -e "\n\e[1;34m [*]\e[0m ${GR}IPTABLEs VPN/SSL${NC}" sleep 4 # iptables -F iptables -t nat -F iptables -t mangle -F # iptables -X iptables -t nat -X iptables -t mangle -X # iptables -P INPUT DROP iptables -P FORWARD DROP # iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m multiport --dports 80,443 -j ACCEPT # iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT iptables -A OUTPUT -o lo -j ACCEPT # iptables -A OUTPUT -d -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -s -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -s -d -j ACCEPT iptables -A OUTPUT -s -d -j ACCEPT iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o tun0 -j ACCEPT iptables -A FORWARD -i tun0 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -s 0/0 -p udp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -s 0/0 -p tcp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o tun0 -j MASQUERADE iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 ! -d -p tcp --dport 1413 -j DROP # # ignore bad error messages for f in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_ignore_bogus_error_responses; do echo 1 > $f done # # Disable response to broadcasts for f in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts; do echo 1 > $f done # # disable source routed packets for f in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/accept_source_route; do echo 0 > $f done # # enable TCP SYN cookie for f in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_syncookies; do echo 1 > $f done # # disable ICMP redirect acceptance for f in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/accept_redirects; do echo 0 > $f done # # no redirect messages for f in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/send_redirects; do echo 0 > $f done # # drop spoofz for f in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/rp_filter; do echo 1 > $f done # # save stuff if [ ! -e /root/tablz ]; then mkdir /root/tablz; fi iptables-save > /root/tablz/iptables.rules # f_mainmenu } ################################################## f_tblzallow(){ # virtcent=$((`tput lines`/2-5)) horcent=$((`tput cols`/2-10)) # clear f_banz && tput cup $virtcent $horcent && echo -e "\n\e[1;34m [*]\e[0m ${GR}IPTABLEs ALLOW ALL${NC}" sleep 4 # iptables -F iptables -X iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT # f_mainmenu } ################################################## f_install(){ # virtcent=$((`tput lines`/2-5)) horcent=$((`tput cols`/2-10)) # clear f_banz && tput cup $virtcent $horcent && echo -e "\n\e[1;34m [*]\e[0m ${GR}nstallen create_ap${NC}\n" sleep 2 reqs1="create_ap" sleep 1 pacman -S --noconfirm --needed $reqs1 sleep 2 clear f_banz && tput cup $virtcent $horcent && echo -e "\n\e[1;34m [*]\e[0m ${GR}create_ap installed${NC}\n" sleep 4 # f_mainmenu } ################################################## f_makaddy(){ # virtcent=$((`tput lines`/2-5)) horcent=$((`tput cols`/2-10)) # clear unset WIFACE while [ -z "${WIFACE}" ]; do f_banz && tput cup $virtcent $horcent && read -p "$(echo -e "\n\e[1;34m [*]\e[0m ${GR}name of wifi card such as wlan0: ${NC}\n")" WIFACE; done sleep 1 # clear unset macvar f_banz && tput cup $virtcent $horcent && read -p "$(echo -e "\n\e[1;34m [*]\e[0m ${GR}wanna change yer mac addy for AP? [y/N]: ${NC}\n")" macvar mac_answer=$(echo ${macvar} | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') # sleep 1 clear unset random_mac unset ap_mac if [ "${mac_answer}" == "y" ]; then while [ -z "${random_mac}" ]; do f_banz && tput cup $virtcent $horcent && read -p "$(echo -e "\n\e[1;34m [*]\e[0m ${GR}random or manual? [r/m]: ${NC}\n")" random_mac; done case ${random_mac} in r|R) ip link set ${WIFACE} down && macchanger -r ${WIFACE} && ip link set ${WIFACE} up;; m|M) while [ -z "${ap_mac}" ]; do clear && f_banz && tput cup $virtcent $horcent && read -p "$(echo -e "\n\e[1;34m [*]\e[0m ${GR}with caps enter macaddy for AP: ${NC}\n")" ap_mac; done if [ -z $(echo ${ap_mac} | sed -n "/^\([0-9A-Z][0-9A-Z]:\)\{5\}[0-9A-Z][0-9A-Z]$/p") ]; then clear && f_banz && tput cup $virtcent $horcent && echo -e "\n\e[1;34m [*]\e[0m ${GR}nvalid macaddy bruh...${NC}\n" sleep 1 f_makaddy else ip link set ${WIFACE} down sleep 1 macchanger -m ${ap_mac} ${WIFACE} sleep 1 iplink set ${WIFACE} up fi esac fi } ################################################## f_airAP(){ # virtcent=$((`tput lines`/2-5)) horcent=$((`tput cols`/2-10)) # clear f_banz && tput cup $virtcent $horcent && echo -e "\n\e[1;34m [*]\e[0m ${GR}HIDDEN AP WPA2 STATIC DNS w/NET${NC}" sleep 4 clear f_banz && tput cup $virtcent $horcent && echo -e "\n\e[1;34m [*]\e[0m ${GR}ctrl + c to stop the AP ${NC}" sleep 4 # f_makaddy # clear unset DNSZ while [ -z "${DNSZ}" ]; do f_banz && tput cup $virtcent $horcent && read -p "$(echo -e "\n\e[1;34m [*]\e[0m ${GR}enter static dns such as ${NC}\n")" DNSZ; done sleep 2 # clear unset IFACE while [ -z "${IFACE}" ]; do f_banz && tput cup $virtcent $horcent && read -p "$(echo -e "\n\e[1;34m [*]\e[0m ${GR}iface connected to net such as eth0/tun0: ${NC}\n")" IFACE; done sleep 2 # clear unset ESSID while [ -z "${ESSID}" ]; do f_banz && tput cup $virtcent $horcent && read -p "$(echo -e "\n\e[1;34m [*]\e[0m ${GR}enter name of AP: ${NC}\n")" ESSID; done sleep 2 # clear unset PASZ while [ -z "${PASZ}" ]; do f_banz && tput cup $virtcent $horcent && read -p "$(echo -e "\n\e[1;34m [*]\e[0m ${GR}enter wpa2 password: ${NC}\n")" PASZ; done sleep 2 create_ap -m nat --dhcp-dns ${DNSZ} ${WIFACE} ${IFACE} --hidden ${ESSID} ${PASZ} --no-virt sleep 2 f_mainmenu } ################################################## # menu stuff ################################################## f_banz(){ tput setaf 2 echo -e ' ____ _ ____ _ _ ___ _ _ ____ ___ |__| | |__/ | | |__] |\ | __ |__| |__] | | | | \ \/ | | \| | | | ' tput setaf 7 echo -e ' ======================================= ' tput sgr0 } ################################################## f_mainmenu(){ clear f_banz echo -e " ${LB}Main Menu\n" echo -e " ${RD}1. ${BO}airAP${NC}" echo -e " ${RD}2. ${BO}tablz VPN${NC}" echo -e " ${RD}3. ${BO}tablz ALLOW${NC}" echo -e " ${RD}4. ${BO}install${NC}" echo -e " ${RD}5. ${BO}exit${NC}" echo echo read -p " Choice: " mainmenuchoice case ${mainmenuchoice} in 1) unset clean; f_airAP ;; 2) unset clean; f_tblzvpn ;; 3) unset clean; f_tblzallow ;; 4) unset clean; f_install ;; 5) f_exit ;; *) f_mainmenu ;; esac } ################################################## # root shit if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then echo -e "\n\e[1;34m [*]\e[0m ${GR}roll as root bruh...\n" 1>&2 exit 1 else clean=1 f_mainmenu fi ##################################################
  6. Hi all, I encountered a rather annoying bug. I wrote a shell script that I want to execute every time the VPN tunnel is up. My test script (which does nothing more than echoing text to a test text file) works fine when I set it up under Advanced -> Events -> App Start, App End, Session Start, Session End, VPN Pre, VPN Down but not VPN Up! When I choose to run a script on VPN Up (tested with and without waiting for the script to end) the following happens: Latency tests Checking authorization Restart in 3 seconds Connecting to server Checking route (request timed out) And this goes on and on, the VPN never actually connects. I assume there is a little bug in the VPN Up event. Hopefully this can be fixed in the next version. Best regards
  7. Dear community, Hoping someone can help with this.... I am trying to setup a firewall script for my router running Tomato Firmware 1.28.0000 -121 K26ARM USB AIO-64K by SHIBBY on a Netgear R7000 Nighthawk on mostly default settings apart from the VPN Client. The script is to block all non-VPN traffic even if the connection fails and i have tried several suggestions made in the forums without success. Below is the script most people have success with (except me): iptables -I FORWARD -i br0 -o tun0 -j ACCEPT iptables -I FORWARD -i tun0 -o br0 -j ACCEPT iptables -I FORWARD -i br0 -o vlan2 -j DROP iptables -I INPUT -i tun0 -j REJECT iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o tun0 -j MASQUERADE (from https://airvpn.org/topic/4287-how-to-block-all-traffic-with-dd-wrt-if-vpn-connection-fails/) I think the problem lies in the assigned interface names. Below is my current routing table while VPN'd: In short can someone modify the script to suite my arrangement?? or let me know what direction I need to take to set this up.... using the script above lets traffic through even if I stop the VPN client and my attempts to modify usually blocks all traffic. Any help would me much appreciated, EWS
  8. I'm using a 4 port RT-N16 Toastman build VPN, VLAN version router. Netgear 24port switch Linux machines 2 streaming media players, playstations I want to split the network up into 3 segments. 192.168.1.x, 192.168.2.x, 192.68.3.x *Important* - I don't want any segment on the network to be able to speak to each other. Segment 1 and 2 - I want to Tunnel through the VPN via network manager on the Linux machines using SSL Port 443. These connections have 13 ports to connect through on the switch. 0/01, 0/02, 0/03.....0/013 On 1 segment - I want to go through the VPN to America via the a Tomato router configuration using Client 1. I don't care what port I use. These connections will have 6 ports to connect through the switch. 0/14, 0/15, 0/16......0/19, 0/20 I've been at this for a 2 good solid days manipulating scripts, manual configurations through the GUI on tomato, etc. I like to figure things out myself, and I've learned alot, but i think it's time I asked for some help. Anyone have an idea how to do this? Greatly appreciate your input!
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