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Found 57 results

  1. Hello. I get an error at this site whenever I'm connected to AirVPN. I've tried several different servers and they all give me the same error; they say I've triggered some kind of attack defense. It's just a local sports website, and I've never had any issues with it with other VPNs. I guess I could route the domain outside the VPN, but I'd prefer to not do that. Can anyone else access that site? Thanks.
  2. tonymacx86.com Seems to be blocked for certain servers. Routes test: https://airvpn.org/routes/?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tonymacx86.com My primary AirVPN server is currently Imai, which is blocked by Cloudflare it seems. Message on the page reads, "Sorry, you have been blocked". Trying another server (Aquila) seems to work and is not blocked. ipleak looks good and shows one IP for IPv4 and IPv6
  3. I have tried to access https://forums.mvgroup.org through multiple servers and I get the message "you are banned from using this forum" I can access it no problem without my vpn. Thanks
  4. I can't find any posts about doing it or find anything on the site justifying it, but musicbrainz.org is unreachable.... which means their handy music tagger Picard is unable to download data as well. Boo.
  5. Routes - https://liquipedia.net/ - AirVPN Routes - https://oni-db.com/ - AirVPN IDk why these are blocked but they are some of common sites i used which seemed to be blocked.
  6. I noticed this started a month ago when connecting to Valve's servers with an AirVPN server results in a dropped connection. Previously it was possible to run AirVPN on a router and play games on Steam. However, nowadays whilst finding a match with the game coordinator still works it'll disconnect the player and impose a penalty despite accepting the match. Attempts at a workaround by changing servers to different regions, changing DNS servers, OpenVPN and Wireguard protocols, different network interface and devices results in the same dropped connection. It seems like Valve's gaming servers are currently blocking AirVPN.
  7. Getting an "ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT", and showing a 403 error from all active and working AirVPN servers according to the Route Checker. May be connected to the "telemetry.transcend.io" service, as Kickstarter seems to give out when trying to forward AirVPN to that service. Works fine with AirVPN disconnected. Not having any obvious issues with other websites or online programs at the moment.
  8. Guest

    Prime video

    Hi, When I connect without vpn Amazon prime works, but when I connect to AirVpn server Amazon prime blocked. Which vpn servers works for Amazon prime? Thanks
  9. Greetings all, it's been noted in recent months that using Air VPN in the UAE has become more difficult. Currently only encapsulated sessions using SSL or SSH work, although there seems to be some DPI taking place that is allowing the ISPs to throttle traffic. Has anyone else had this issue and addressed it?
  10. Hello, Anyone else from community have a problem and/or not able to access airvpn.org? Only airvpn.info seems to be working. Thank you, Flx
  11. Hello, https://www.cdiscount.com/ wont load while connected through Kitalpha ( Switzerland ). It seems the web page would be loading properly with others Switzerland servers. I tried several times and several weeks apart before writing this, to be sure. Just wanted to tell Air support, if it may be of any interest. Anyway ; thank you.
  12. https://offerup.com/ is blocking the Dallas server Ran. This is the message that shows up: "Error 1020 Ray ID: 4b48bc0d4d19c80c • 2019-03-08 23:54:29 UTC Access denied What happened?This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Cloudflare Ray ID: 4b48bc0d4d19c80c • Your IP: • Performance & security by Cloudflare" 1. The AirVPN Route Checking tool shows "green" in all of the columns for the Ran server as well as all the other Dallas servers and almost all other servers. The Atik server is showing "red" in the "Ping" and "HTTP" columns. 2. I tried several other servers in Toronto and other Dallas servers and they connected just fine. 3. ipleak shows only airvpn ip addresses for both the IP & DNS address fields. 4. I checked the other steps listed in "Things to Try First" in the "Is a Website Blocked? Then Check This Guide First" topic and they all checked out okay. When do I get my bonus points?
  13. Hello ! When a website is blocked or things aren't working so well somehow, that sucks. But posting a new topic will not automatically help. So before posting a new thread/topic, I recommend that you try these things first, to help yourself and everyone else out: Things To Try First Try check out the AirVPN Route Checking tool. Put the name of the website, such as www.netflix.com into the search field. Click search. Then refresh the page & look at the HTTP column.Try and change the server that you're using; especially to servers from other countries, rather than just servers from the same country you were first connected to, as sometimes the servers of 1 country are all having issues. Especially if the Route Checking tool shows a red color in the HTTP colum or codes like 403. The HTTP Codes mean different things.Try check out ipleak.net and make sure that the IP & DNS address fields only show 1 address each: those from AirVPN. Otherwise your ISP could be blocking you.For Windows, try going to your Control Panel>>Internet Connections>>Change Adapter Settings>>Right Click each adapter>>Properties>>Untick IPv6>>Click Ok. Similar steps for MacOS/Linux.Try use the AirVPN forum search field in the top right corner, to see if a similar thread exists already. It's better and easier if all the same posts are in the same thread.Try click the "Most Viewed" button, on the horizontal blue line, under the black "Start New Topic" button, in order to see the most viewed threads easily & quickly.Try and check that your ISP or country isn't listed here. Because these ISPs block various things.Try and check if the website is listed here. Sites listed here should be automatically unblocked, regardless of which server you use. (This is called "Micro-routing").Try and see if the content you want, is available via a torrent site, if you wish. You could then use qBittorent to download it using P2P technology, which AirVPN fully allows. (Not all VPNs do) Does AirVPN Care About Blocked Sites? Yes! AirVPN Staff routinely reply to all kinds of different threads on these forums. This includes replies to threads about Netflix. Moderators do too!However due to there being a lot of new threads, they don't always reply to each one. Especially if the thread already exists; such as the many threads about Netflix.This is why it's important to keep all posts about the same website, in the same threads, instead of just making a new thread, which won't get any attention.But the problem is, that AirVPN or even any other VPN provider, can't always do anything about blocks. That's the truth. Because sites like Netflix actively try to block VPNs.It's in AirVPNs Mission Statement to fight all kinds of blocks or attempts at censorship; so it's not because Air isn't trying to fix things. When You Post A Thread, Consider This If you absolutely have to post, then please include: a link to the blocked website, the AirVPN server you used, any error messages you got & any replies from support staff from the blocked site.You get bonus points if you also tell us that you already tried the route checking tool and other things listed in the first section. . Double the bonus if you post in an existing thread instead.Posting also doesn't guarantee that the problem will be fixed. But if you follow the suggestions here, then you will make fixing the problem both quicker and easier for Air & everyone else :]. If you have questions or suggestions, please do not be afraid of posting them here or sending me a PM. If you're new to VPNs, then please feel free to check out my New User guide. Please do provide feedback on this thread if it helped you or is missing something! Thank you for reading !
  14. Hi, I have been experiencing a weird issue in the past few months when I try to access rarbg.com. Using US servers such as "Arrakis" or "Librae" allow access to visit rarbg.com web page and I can get the torrent file but as soon as I open it in uTorrent it never connects to the tracker and will not begin downloading. I have read a bit about the issue and I guessed it might have been a simple blocking issue because accessing other torrent sites and downloads work fine. I have also checked my port forwarding and it appears to be working. As an alternative solution, I have selected a Canadian server "Grumium" in the past three months and without changing any specific settings in my torrent client it works again even the previously unconnectable torrents were downloading...HOWEVER last week, I have noticed that the rarbg.com web page is not reachable by the browser (the browser tries connecting and then times out) while I am on Canadian "Grumium" server conncetion. The web page is reachable if I am on a US server such as "Arrakis". So what is going on? It seems like US server is blocking the tracker traffic for downloads and the Canadian server is blocking the actual web site. It is a weird issue. Can you suggest a solution in order to re-establish web page and tracker download access/traffic for rarbg.com? Thanks, Jim
  15. I am guessing this is the right place to make not of various blocked websites. Connected to Lich; New York City, New York - United States Unable to get to: https://www.amazon.com/
  16. The main TPB URL appears to be inaccessible on many servers. I am not sure whether this is due to TPB being blocked by the VPN server provider's ISPs or whether TPB is blocking IPs (never heard of this before). This can be checked by entering https://thepiratebay.org/ into https://airvpn.org/routes/ I can also see that UK servers are being routed through NL, presumably to bypass ISP blocks, though I am unable to access the site via UK servers. For anybody else experiencing this problem, it is still accessible via the Tor network @ http://uj3wazyk5u4hnvtk.onion/
  17. Guest


    https://bet365.com/ is blocked on all UK exit nodes, please fix!
  18. Hi, if you're using any AirVPN exit node Xbox will block signins.
  19. hi I found that AirVPN does not work in china from last week,may be blocked by "The Great Wall",would u fix it pls? thank u very much
  20. Staff


    https://netflix.com Watch Movies & TV Shows Online or Streaming right to your TV via Xbox, Wii, PS3 & many other devices. Only $7.99/mo. Status: NOT ACCESSIBLE Native: none. Routing: All servers Last update: February the 1st, 2020
  21. I am unable to access AirVPN.org from the Dabih server. When I try to click the log in button, it says that my IP or IP range has been temporarily blocked, and it gives me this message: https://m.imgur.com/a/Qa8pIP2 Accessing it from other servers works fine
  22. Hello, Cannot access craigslist.org or any specific regions of website from any of airvpn servers. I checked the airvpn tool, https://airvpn.org/routes/ it is giving HTTP status "failed" or 302 for all airvpn servers for craigslist website. That is not correct. Please fix this, craigslist is frequently accessed website by most of the users. Also, Yelp is still not accessible from all the airvpn servers which I posted few days earlier and have not seen any solution for that too. Thanks!
  23. Infusionsoft is refusing to process requests from AirVPN. I tried with a Dutch server and the Swedish "Altarf". Below is a screenshot of the error. URL: https://kk124.infusionsoft.com/app/form/process/<snip>
  24. EDIT 3: FIXED. Looks like it was a DNS issue. I restarted the DNS Resolver in pfSense, but more importantly, I did an "ipconfig /flushdns" in Windows. Then I could log in. Sorry for the false alarm. With the VPN up (either via OpenVPN on my pfSense router or via Eddie if I've got the router in "vanilla" mode), I can browse to my ISP's (Cox Communications) sites (www.cox.com), but I can't log in. This morning, I get an error page saying: "This site can’t be reached idm.east.cox.net took too long to respond. Try: Checking the connection Checking the proxy and the firewall Running Windows Network Diagnostics ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT" Last night, after two login attempts, it would just tell me I'd had too many invalid login attempts (no redirection to that error page). I talked to them and they claim they don't block access from VPNs. Since I couldn't even reset my password from their login area, they reset it for me. I still couldn't log in. Using that password on their end, they could, though. If I shut down the VPN, I can log in. Searching the internet, I find many identical posts with no solution. I can't search for "cox" on this site and "cox.com" comes up with nothing, so I'm reporting this here. I also checked AirVPN's "Checking Routes" page: https://airvpn.org/routes/ two ways. For their main site (www.cox.com), all the servers trying to get to www.cox.com are green (Direct) for "Routed To," red (Fail) for "Ping," and green (302) for "HTTP." But, for one of their separate login pages: https://www.cox.com/resaccount/sign-in.cox?onfailure=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cox.com%2Fresaccount%2Flasvegas%2Fsign-in.cox&onsuccess=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cox.com%2Fmyprofile%2Fhome.cox all the the "HTTP"s are red (Fail). Of course, the issue isn't browsing to cox. It's signing in. Since changing the VPN configuration on the router is fairly involved, I reverted my pfSense box back to a non-VPN save and tried different AirVPN servers in Eddie. In each case, with the VPN on, I can't log in. Here's what I tried: - my default server using the standard UDP 443, - another server using UDP 53, and - a server using UDP 443 Alternative "If your ISP blocks the standard entry IP" Since I'm new to VPNs in general, AirVPN in specific, OpenVPN and Eddie, and my pfSense box, I could be wrong about this. But, it sure looks like Cox is blocking access via VPNs regardless of what they say. As another note, last night, after several days of running with the VPN on pfSense without issue, I lost internet connection entirely. This morning, I reverted the pfSense box to a non-VPN vanilla save and got the internet back. Even with Eddie, I've got full internet access except for logging onto Cox. So, again, maybe something's wrong with what I did with pfSense. Still, I can't log into Cox with Eddie. EDIT 1: I struck through that last bit because it looks like the AirVPN client on pfSense had stalled or something. Once I restarted it, I was back up and running through that box. The issue with not being able to sign in to Cox is still valid, though. EDIT 2: I've also tried logging into Cox via my default Chrome browser and Microsoft's Edge browser (and cleared all history, etc., to boot). Same problem.
  25. Can't stream Netflix videos while on AirVPN, though I don't have an issue actually loading the website to access things like my account or to see the lists of movies available; it's only when I try to stream. Also, it occurs no matter what server I'm on. Has been an issue for a while. I attached a screenshot of the website when I attempt to stream.
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