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Found 8 results

  1. Hello, I've somehow been charged two seperate times for my €13.50 purchase on Sunday 27th Sept. How can I go about getting a refund for the duplicate payment? Kind regards.
  2. I've seen a lot of threads here and elsewhere about how Paypal is not private and people should pay with Bitcoin to maintain anonymity when using AirVPN. But if one is connecting directly to AirVPN is there really any advantage? My ISP (and by extension anyone with a warrant) could see that I'm connecting to the AirVPN servers and easily surmise that I'm an AirVPN user. So what does it matter if I paid anonymously using Bitcoin and Bitcoin mixers, etc.? I saw one person at the Wilders Security Forums say that if AirVPN got raided, authorites would potentially then have a list of AirVPN users, from the record of Paypal payments. So even if one was not a target, one could get caught up on some watch list that way. Is that really a concern? Does AirVPN keep records on its servers of how people paid, once the payment has been accepted? (And couldn't authorities get a list of AirVPN users that paid with Paypal directly from Paypal anyway?) I guess I still don't totally understand the advantages (if any) of Bitcoin, when connecting directly to AirVPN servers. (I do understand that full anonymity can be achieved by using Tor with AirVPN or multiple VPNs, etc.) In addition, what's the value of knowing simply that someone is an AirVPN users, if it's not possible to find out anything else about one's internet surfing once it has been anonymized through AirVPN?
  3. 56rohrschach2u


    Did AirVPN get an email as well from PayPal? Now it starts to get me really p*****. – Not only that i am already under general suspicion violating copyrighted content and/ or being a terrorist because of using an encrypted way to access the internet (aka using VPN), now PayPal also starts to generalize every attempt to secure my privacy as being a direct violation of their terms and policy. Next will be credit card companies. https://torrentfreak.com/paypal-starts-banning-vpn-and-smartdns-services-160205/
  4. Hello hopeful member here, I'm having trouble purchasing a subscription. I have tried the credit card method with a prepaid mastercard as well as through paypal both resulting in errors. With the credit method it banned my card (even with a zip attached to the card) and with paypal it just keeps coming back as "Sorry, we cannot complete your purchase at this time." along with a few other errors because of the seller email? I've tried just about everything to no avail and these are my only options of payment at this time. Any help would be appreciated. Side note I'm in the U.S. ~cheers~
  5. Hello , I am a newbie to VPN use . My issue is with sites like Amazon ,pay-pal , Ebay , and some other utility providers and Job agencies . Every time I Try to log in they say something like' theres a problem we just want to make sure its you ' then they send a security code to my phone or email and I have to type this in to proceed . How do i get round this without actually logging out of VPN because they way this stands I would rather not bother with a VPN at all as its giving me a headache with having to go through a security check every time I use the sites above . Thanks
  6. Hello, Yesterday I found out that I cannot login into my PayPal account. I'm getting this message: "Sorry, we can't log you in. If you believe there is an issue with your account, contact us." I never got any emails from PayPal saying some bad news about my account being blocked or something like that... I tried different Airvpn servers - still same problem. Last time I used PayPay was about a month ago and everything was ok. I wonder if it is VPN related? Does anyone else having this problem? Thank you.
  7. Hi, im trying to add my Paypal account to Google Payments. Everything looks to be going ok > it redirects to Paypal for you to login and confirm > then i get an error message: Uh oh. There was a problem.Something went wrong. There was an issue adding your PayPal account. Please select a different payment method. anyone know what i need to do? All i want is to add Google credit to my account and pay via paypal
  8. Every time I try to renew my subscription via paypal after entering my card number and clicking continue the page just refreshes asking me for my card number again, I get no error message but cannot continue. I have tried 10 times using different browsers, computers and even cards but nothing works. Can anyone help?
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