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Found 8 results

  1. Good morning I installed Eddie on my TCL TV and I would like it to run when my TV starts up in order to avoid any leaks but I cannot find this option. Can you tell me how to do it? THANKS
  2. I'm struggling to get Eddie to autostart and autoconnect on boot on a Fire TV 2 (Xiaomi). I have read that this should be supported in some other posts. Re-connect after wake from standby works as expected and flawlessly. If the TV is power-cylcled or fully rebooted though Eddie doesn't create a connection. I'm not sure if it starts at all because I don't really have found a way of verify the running state of the app without first opening it, which obviously gives me a running app but no connection. Even when manually opening the app no connection is made automatically. I went through all of the settings and everything I could find that seems remotely related looks correct (remember login, start VPN connection at device boot, priority to last connected, autologin sessions) Anything else that I might be missing or that I can check? Or is this a known limitation? Thanks for your support!
  3. Dear team, I firstly contacted the support through ticket with this, but i think it is appropriate to also open one here parallelly. The website italian website http://www.tv2000.it/live/ gives restrictions. It is a strange channel, i'll be honest. SOME broadcasts are available in ALL countries in the world (tested with and without VPN). Some broadcasts are restricted to italy only. The support told me that this website has been added in the geo-routing. However, after few days the problem is still the same (some broadcasts are visible and some not). An example of blocked broadcast is in screenshot. Settings about the tunnel are also in screenshot. Really appreciating for looking into it PS: it is important to remember that SOME broadcasts are viewable (like now 4.38 PM)
  4. German and french public TV: ARTE http://www.arte.tv Should work if you route from either german or french servers.
  5. Hello everyone. I am entirely new to Android devices and am rather perplexed by what I am seeing. Allow me to explain. I bought a ARM S905 based Android device to replace basic cable television for my elderly mother. I then had the good sense to try to install OpenVPN on it. First problem was that Google Play required a login, and I could not find a working way to generate a fake login. So I gave up and used a real one. (My only gmail account as well.) But then in a minute I had OpenVPN installed and imported the configuration I made here according to the instructions. It connected fast and here is where I am utterly unable to fathom what happened. It *NEVER* asked me for my username or password... It seems to be working fine, but I worry that it is not actually using the VPN since I never gave it proper credentials. Am I misunderstanding and the config generator imported my username and password as one of the huge blocks of hashed text like the "Static Key" or "Private Key"? Thanks in advance for anyone able to explain this to me. And in addition, if anyone knows a way to make a gmail account not linked directly to me, and without a telephone, I would be very thankful. I have never owned a mobile phone, and my home phone is VoIP and does not seem to accept SMS messages, so I cannot seem to get Google to accept it. I am not about to waste money buying a mobile phone I will never use just so I can make a gmail account to make this device work. Good day everyone. Thanks for reading.
  6. Hi, wilmaa.com shows me We're sorry, but Wilmaa is only available in Switzerland. Kitalpha and Virginis dont work. Why?
  7. Cannot watch Switzerland's Zatoo, which provides TV channels from across Europe. I am trying to connect from the Netherlands
  8. Dear Staff, After multiple people, including me, already mentioned in this thread - https://airvpn.org/topic/11908-new-1-gbits-server-available-nihal-es/ - whenever we connect to the Nihal server, ANY service (in my case TV and Pay-TV, which very annoyingly does not work with your "Spanish" server) recognises Nihal as being in Lisbon, Portugal. Furthermore it is supposedly registered to a portuguese name, too. If I understood you guys right, the server actually is in Spain, but that does not change anything for us users, as every "normal" ip-checking website locates the server in Portugal. So the server actually being in Spain, but showing itself as Portuguese to basically every website I was testing, does not help at all. It is rather unpleasant that internet-based Spanish Pay TV contents are not possible to access with AirVPN. The old spanish servers, albeit supposedly much slower, worked perfectly in that respect. As we didn't get any additional and/or problem-solving replies in the above attached thread, I would appreciate it very highly if you could help us out with this and fix that problem. Having said all that, I want to emphasize that I absolutely love AirVPN and what you guys offer. I think it is amazing and you have all my respect for the way you are running AirVPN. The above problem is the only drop of bitterness I am experiencing. Cheers
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