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Found 61 results

  1. Hey all, today I encountered a problem with my airvpn. Whenever I try to connect, the application says connecting to [server name] and then starts flushing dns. I've tried reinstalling and manually connecting to a different server. Neither of these things worked. Can anyone help me?
  2. Just a concept for what a Mars server, although 99.9% impossible in the next century. Just something i whipped up to get a feeling for what Martian internet might look and feel like provided the Internet does not undergo any major changes.
  3. Hi everyone ! Where are the servers you had in France ? do you plan to re-open them soon ? much appreciate ! thanks
  4. After I was using AirVPN for some hours without out a break. I noticed, that AirVPN automatically has connected to a new server with another IP. I missed the moment, when this happened and only saw the new IP adress in the AirVPN client some minutes later. I wanted to ask if this is a normal behaviour and when this happens, is the server changed dynamically or is my notebook getting disconnected with the old server and reconnected with the new server, so that I lose the AirVPN connection for a small moment?
  5. Hi I just bought the service and whenever I try to connect, either though the automatic system or through the server menu screen I get a loop of "connecting to x" followed by restart in 3...2...1.. and then the same "connecting to x" message as before. It never connects to the server nor does it. Any tips?
  6. I'm trying to connect to a server, and no matter which one I chose, I'm unable to connect. Each time it just disconnects and tries again, which then fails. Rinse repeat.
  7. Hello, why hasn't AirVPN expanded its servers into South America? The only thing i can assume is shitty costs, laws or both. If it were possible it could help North Americans find an international alternative without sacrificing too much ping (Mexico?). Canada is great and all but their attempts at data retention could presumably get worse over the years. Long story short i am trying to find a way to get a low ping server out of the country without resorting to US and Canada servers (UK is pretty much as bad as the US when it comes to mass surveillance) TL;DR: Gonna tell you what i want and i want you to tell me why it cant be done
  8. Hi All, I have a Debian Apache Server running on a machine under my home network. I have a opnevpn client and a AirVPN host running especially for the server. But all the incoming connections over ports 80 (http) and 443 (https) are not accessible now from the publicly assigned IP address by AirVPN. I have tried port forwarding some arbitary port >2048 to internal port 443 using Remote Port Forwarding and it works fine. But now I wanted to have a SSL certificate provided by https://letsencrypt.org/ but their client only checks and updates the certificates over SSL port 443 and that is true for all the SSL certificate providers. Is there any I can get the requests go through the VPN?
  9. I would like to see an AirVPN server on Mars since it is obvious no one would be able to geolocate the server and be totally anonymous to not only this planet but the Universe, since we assume we already know most of what the universe is. Ooops,a problem there cos we don't know what the universe is but scientists say they do anyway and thats ok cos they are allowed to change their minds. Well, since Faraday, Newton, & Einstein et al, the recent scientists can change their minds as much as they like. <deleted, reason: sterile ad personam attacks - Staff>
  10. I'm running ubuntu server 15.10 and I set up a kill switch with airvpn using ufw. I'm concerned that I may have leaks that i'm unaware of, and i don't know how to check to see if I have them or how to avoid them without using a GUI. So how do i check to see if i have a leak without a GUI, and if I do indeed have a leak, how would I fix it? To be clear, I do not want to install a GUI on my ubuntu server just to check this. Thank you!
  11. Hi, I have a suggestion for a possible location for new servers in the United States. I think that AirVPN should add: At least one server in Virginia At least two servers in Arizona At least one server in Washington, D.C At least one server in Seattle If some (or all) of these servers were added, U.S. customers would have a much broader range of locations and it would be great! (Please note that AirVPN does not have to do any of these things, this is just a suggestion, not a demand )
  12. Hello friends, Maybe this is a common problem, when you strat with AirVpn. I hope that someone can help me with this. I have Windows 7 and use Windows Live Mail , for my different email adresses. This is my problem: With AirVpn connected, i cannot send any emails Furthermore i cannot get connection with the google servers, to get to my gmail acounts. My laptop keeps asking me to fill in my username and password (POP3 server) gmail, except this does not help. What do i have to do to receive gmail, and sent any email ? Maybe change the setings of the servers of Gmail and outgoing ? Thanks, kind regards. Erik
  13. Hello! So I have been having some major issues with Port forwarding. I keep getting the "error 110 Connection Timeout" and I've tried using the Airvpn listening service to no avail. i have tried with windows firewall and without. Any help is appreciated, after 2 and a half hours of trying I am at a lost. Thanks
  14. Good morning, For starters, I'll say that I am new to your VPN, this is actually my very first paid VPN, and although I have done a lot of research and understand the entire concept there are still a few sticking points that confuse me. With that said, I have really enjoyed the service you provide and the extensive effort your team puts into keeping our internet privacy top priority. Seriously, well done. So up until now, I have not had any issues connecting. I was able to get up and running with no problem and have stayed connected when I've needed to be connected. I woke up this morning and was off the network and Eddie seemed to be frozen. I had to do a force quit and when I restarted it, every time I try to reconnect It stalls on checking route and then disconnects and I can't get on any of the servers. I have OSX with latest OS and latest Eddie. Additionally I'd like to get a bit of help explaining to me DNS and proxy once I get my issue resolved. I understand some of it but I just need a clearer explanation of how I can implement even tighter security using DNS tunneling, port forwarding and proxies. Things I would like to achieve: I'd like to ultimately connect to TOR through the VPN in the most effective way.I'd like to understand the advantages of DNS, tunneling and port forwarding so I can take advantage of its uses.If you could tell me if having OSX, if Eddie is still the better option or should I connect using my own VPN options through my OSI'd like to set up my own personal VPN through my OS so that I can be connected to my Windows Laptop when I need toand could you tell me if with service if we have use of private proxies or does the fact I am on a VPN do a way of needing to use a proxy?Thanks in advance for anything you can help me with and best regards LB
  15. I've noticed that in my Air client the score column shows up but there are never any stars in it. I'm guessing it's because of my firewall. I have my Comodo Firewall set up the way that is described in the thread about preventing DNS leaks. How do I make the server ratings work? I'm using the latest version of the client. Update: I checked without my firewall and I could see the score. So what do I need to do to Comodo to be able to see the scores without messing up the DNS leak protection?
  16. Hey there, AirVPN Windows Client is very nice. Although i miss a feature to add my own Note for Servers. For example that pop up if i hover with the Mouse over the Server in the Server Tab. I would like to add a note like "Speed 10Mbps" or "good for xyz" also i dont see to get, how i can also rate those servers with those 5star system. Can you implement for every server in the Server Tab: a "Edit Note"a "User 5 Star Rating" preferably that that information pops up if you hover with the mouse over the specific server Thanks
  17. Hey, Im having slow speed on any vpn server, halp. I changed already the buffer to 256kb but it didnt helped. I upgraded to win 10 and since then Im having this problem.
  18. Hey so I have a question; are there any plans on having a Japanese or Korean server or servers in the future? Maybe just routing servers? Thanks for any replies.
  19. Hi Everyone, It seems like my connection is constantly dropping, reconnecting, or switching servers. Is this a common problem? I can't seem to stay connected to one server for more than 10-15 minutes tops without dropping the connection.
  20. Hey, After logging in I used to be able to connect to any of the servers. I would select TCP over port 443 to connect. But recently the version of the client I have stopped working. When I try to log in it says "The client is obsolete and no longer supported". So I went and downloaded the latest version. I can log in fine and see the server list, but I can't connect to any of them. I keep getting an "Checking info 1, 2, 3... unable to connect to the remote host error". It then keeps doing this over and over trying to connect. I have tried to connect with many servers and always get the same result.
  21. I never get any results for latency on servers, all servers just appear as a dash. I'm trying to find which servers runs best for me, however 'recommended server' also places me on a server in a country i dont want (always the same server). I'm just trying to find a US server with good latency. Is there any way to fix this?
  22. Hi, I'm using Tunnelblick with OSX 10.4.11 on an old Mac G4 to connect via Vuse. Everything has worked fine for many months but now a problem has cropped up. I can connect to any server and the connection is OK for about 6-8 hours, then Tunnelblick consistently displays "Authorizing" instead of "Connected" status, even though an IP check appears to show that it's still connected. How can I fix this? ...Thanks.
  23. Hi, Im using Airvpn via my Netgear wndr3700v2 (Gargoyle), and my max speed so far is about 8,5Mbit. I was hoping for a tad more, though thats ok for surfing. So my question is, is there any easy way to find out the lowest latency / best speed, besides creating a configuration file for every single server, copy the server adress and apply it to my router? Thanks for any hint.
  24. Hey I got a problem. When i connect to a vpn server, it says connected. but im still using my ISP IP instead of the IP of the VPN Server... How do i fix this? These are my machine details: Operating System Version: Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Datacenter Hardware information: HP ProLiant ML110 G6 Processors: Intel® Xeon® CPU X3430 @2.40GHz Installed Memory (RAM): 24GB Installed Roles: AD DSDHCPDNSFile and Storage ServicesHyper-VIIS 8.0IPAMNAPRemote AccessWDSLog: http://pastebin.com/43UnP5Ci SOLVED: This message is the answer!: Awesome StaffAdvanced Member Staff5013 postsPosted Yesterday, 11:40 PM Hello! The tun/tap interface (the virtual network card used by OpenVPN) does not come up. Please try to run our client Eddie, which includes some additional code which tries to force the interface up. If the client attempt does not work, please follow all the steps described here: https://airvpn.org/t...2012/#entry8321 Kind regards
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