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  1. Hello, have you seen this? You must have noticed because you edited it. Kind regards
  2. No. Safe. Frankly, we don't even know whether VPN services without client-side certificate validation exist. Probably not but if you find them, avoid them at all costs. The only way to break the trust is suggested in the thread you linked and requires a compromised system, just like you would do with HTTPS. Any security consideration and audit must start from a non-compromised system, obviously. Kind regards
  3. In addition to the previous posts. About the VPN, please see here: https://airvpn.org/specs About the web site, please see here: https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=airvpn.org&latest Kind regards
  4. In addition to our monthly support to OONI (listed in Friends and Sponsors footer) and our relay nodes Coral and Violet, our friend John Ricketts (@aquintex) built 20 exit-nodes with a potential 2 Gbit/s bandwidth. This month we started to help funding John's initiative, with a recurring monthly donation of 500€. Its consensus grows quickly: https://www.quintex.com/torgraph.html. A great congratulation to John for his effort to the Tor (and net neutrality) mission.
  5. Probably because you have a lot of advantages with screen: you can anytime recall directly a screen to interact with the software and consult the output, share screen between accounts and you can also disconnect the account that detached the screen and be sure that the screen is still there and your software running, very nice for example when you are connected from a remote terminal via ssh. disown removes the job from the shell job list, so the process can't receive a SIGHUP from the shell, but it is still connected to the terminal. "If the terminal is destroyed (which can happen if it was a pty, like those created by xterm or ssh, and the controlling program is terminated, by closing the xterm or terminating the SSH connection), the program will fail as soon as it tries to read from standard input or write to standard output." See also: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/3886/difference-between-nohup-disown-and - first answer. Kind regards
  6. Hello, not really, round trip time weighs significantly, even more than available bandwidth (if you mean that for "speed"). Of course if you have a saturated server by bandwidth, the weight of the penalty for such saturation will make the server rating very low regardless of any other parameter, and it is almost impossible that it will be "best server" for any zone. If you want an empiric rule to quickly decide and that is in most cases effective, once you discard heavily populated servers, go for the one with the lowest round trip time from you. Kind regards
  7. Hello! Local traffic to/from is already and unavoidably NOT tunneled. Make sure to NOT specify private subnets in any Eddie "out of tunnel" route, or you will force Eddie to set specific routes in the routing table that will break, obviously, local connectivity (exactly the opposite effect you wish). Kind regards
  8. Hello! It can, if you disable the confirmation prompt. However it seems that during shutdown Windows is unable to send a kill with grace signal to Eddie, preventing Eddie to restore system settings (anyway it will restore them at the next run). We recommend that you shut down any user application, including Eddie, properly, before shutting down Windows. Kind regards
  9. Yes: shut the client down properly before shutting down the system. In this way you will let the Air client restore your system settings. Kind regards
  10. Of course not. Network Lock for Windows uses Windows Firewall up to Eddie 2.10.3, and WFP (Windows Filtering Platform) starting from Eddie 2.11. Someone could write a plug-in for any of the dozens of third-party firewalls available for Windows, while we have no plans to support them. Kind regards
  11. Hello We regret to inform you that the following servers have been withdrawn: Furud (FR) Marfic (FR) We have decided to withdraw them due to inability of the respective datacenters technicians to solve specific problem we made them aware in due time. Kind regards
  12. Which was one of the causes we supposed. Please check whether some updated driver for your WiFi adapter is available. Also make sure that your router firmware is up to date. We have seen dozens of cases in which a sustained UDP throughput (which does not normally occur when you don't connect to the VPN) can cause routers crashes and even problems to a network interface in Windows. The fact that you see the WiFi signal disappear and re-appear strongly hints to a router reboot and/or a network interface reset. You can also try a connection in TCP (you can change connection mode in "AirVPN" > "Preferences" > "Protocols") to avoid UDP completely, but that's a sub-optimal solution because UDP is more efficient (due to how OpenVPN works). Kind regards
  13. Only in your fantasy. Please check your facts. Check here: https://airvpn.org/services/changelog.php?software=client&format=html and make sure to keep YOUR OpenSSL and OpenVPN up to date, because Eddie can use OpenVPN you pre-installed in your system (according to your preferences). Kind regards
  14. Did it happen when (if) you upgraded to Eddie 2.11.x beta? Is your system GNU/LInux based? If so: the ping method has changed in Eddie 2.11.5beta for Linux. Just consider, at the moment, the round trip times as relative values. Nothing changes operationally for you in the choice of the "best" server. Kind regards
  15. We have no idea about how such utter nonsense could become your "knowledge". We just recommend that you read the previous posts before writing anything else. There's nothing to fix on Eddie for the reported behavior. The investigation should focus on why your system loses communications with your router (random examples which are very common: router crashes and reboots; WiFi signal is very low; Ethernet cable has problems; connection to ISP is re-spawned and a new IP address is assigned; computer network interface driver is buggy/outdated). Kind regards
  16. That's obvious because it has nothing to do with Eddie. The "huge upload" you cite is detected (and expected in various circumstances) because you first lose connection with the uplink of your system. It's not that you lose connection because you have a "huge upload". You have reversed the cause with the effect. Kind regards
  17. Hello! We're sorry but this is NOT an issue and we are NOT trying to resolve something that does not exist. This is has nothing to do with Eddie or with Windows or with any other system, it's simply broadcasting (and other local traffic) which is perfectly normal when a connection with an uplink is null-routed, for example. Kind regards
  18. Hello! A DNS leak is not defined on a destination DNS server basis, but on the fact that the query is not tunneled. A DNS leak is a DNS query which is not tunneled. If the DNS query goes inside the tunnel, it is not a DNS leak, regardless of the final destination. This is what happens in any system with a proper DNS implementation which obviously includes a global DNS. In such systems DNS leaks can't exist. The "DNS leaks" problem has become relevant because the most used desktop Operating System (Windows) has always lacked (and still lacks) a proper DNS implementation. Not only you don't have a global DNS in the system, but system processes, by default, can query sequentially all the DNS servers specified in ALL the network interfaces. Kind regards
  19. Hello! This happens because you can't access a service behind some Air VPN server from a machine connected to that same server. That does not seem an issue. Simply, "your_name:8096" can't be a valid name. Maybe you mean with that ":8096" to specify some port? If so, you forget that ping uses ICMP requests (ICMP is not at transport layer, and is not at application layer): there is no concept (and no room in the datagram) of specific processes/applications end-points like ports. Kind regards
  20. Hello, the behavior you describe resembles Eddie 2.10.3, not 2.11.5beta, can you please check? Try Eddie 2.11.5beta, installing version. https://airvpn.org/topic/18625-eddie-211beta-available/ Kind regards
  21. Hello, your local proxy is refusing connections or it is not running: Kind regards
  22. Hello! Please check the real time servers monitor (if you don't run Eddie or don't use our domain names for countries) because we have 2 servers in the Netherlands down. Maybe you were trying to connect to those two. Anyway, just a speculation, because in this thread we unfortunately see a total lack of logs in spite of repeated requests of them by some of the community members... remember that without logs, in most cases it's not possible to provide any support. Real time servers monitor is accessible by clicking "Status" in our web site top menu. Kind regards
  23. Eddie can use any OpenVPN configuration file, even of course pertaining to servers from our competitors. The UI is not yet enabled by default, use Preferences -> Advanced -> Multi-provider support. Note that AirVPN account or subscription is not required: AirVPN can even be totally removed as VPN provider. Remember: The features 'Pick port/protocol', SSH/SSL tunnels, 'Check Tunnel' and 'Check DNS' are AirVPN servers specific, so they will not be performed on other .ovpn files. Please report in this forum your experience with Eddie and other VPN providers, even if it works perfectly, thanks. The full conversion of Eddie to a generic OpenVPN wrapper is still under development, currently it's an hybrid (for example Settings contains AirVPN specific options that will be moved in the future). This is a subforum related only to Eddie. For discussion about other VPN providers, please use this subforum
  24. Hello! We're very glad to inform you that a new 1 Gbit/s server located in Switzerland is available: Achird. The AirVPN client will show automatically the new server, while if you use the OpenVPN client you can generate all the files to access it through our configuration/certificates/key generator (menu "Client Area"->"Config generator"). The server accepts connections on ports 53, 80, 443, 2018 UDP and TCP. Just like every other Air server, Achird supports OpenVPN over SSL and OpenVPN over SSH. As usual no traffic limits, no logs, no discrimination on protocols and hardened security against various attacks with separate entry and exit-IP addresses. Do not hesitate to contact us for any information or issue. Kind regards and datalove AirVPN Team
  25. Hello! We're very glad to inform you that a new 1 Gbit/s server located in Romania is available: Alamak. The AirVPN client will show automatically the new server, while if you use the OpenVPN client you can generate all the files to access it through our configuration/certificates/key generator (menu "Client Area"->"Config generator"). The server accepts connections on ports 53, 80, 443, 2018 UDP and TCP. Just like every other Air server, Alamak supports OpenVPN over SSL and OpenVPN over SSH. As usual no traffic limits, no logs, no discrimination on protocols and hardened security against various attacks with separate entry and exit-IP addresses. Do not hesitate to contact us for any information or issue. Kind regards and datalove AirVPN Team
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