I finally got this working for Netflix. Big caveat up front, I'm not a network expert, so there might be a better/safer way to accomplish this. Here's what I did... 1. Followed this guide to get everything running through the VPN first (https://airvpn.org/topic/17444-how-to-set-up-pfsense-23-for-airvpn/). I assume this is where you started as well. If not, my solution may not work for you. 2. Created an alias for all devices I want to bypass the VPN (vpn_bypass) 3. Added another NAT outbound rule at /firewall_nat_out.php (which is what it looks like you did above). This should be at the top of the list. * Do not NAT => not checked * Interface => WAN * Protocol => any * Source => Network, vpn_bypass/32 * Destination => Any * Address => interface address * Port => [blank] * No XMLRPC Sync => not checked * Description => "LAN to WAN bypassing VPN" 4. Added a new NAT rule to forward DNS traffic from vpn_bypass to a public DNS (Google in my example). This will allow traffic bypassing the VPN to access a DNS directly. Without it, your device will have access to the WAN directly, but won't be able to resolve the URL netflix.com, which is what I think was causing you problems. You can add this is at /firewall_nat.php * No RDR (NOT) => not checked * Interface => AIRVPN_LAN * Protocol => TCP/UDP show advanced * Source => single host or alias, vpn_bypass * Source port range => any to any * Destination => CHECK invert match, AIRVPN_LAN address * Destination port range => DNS to DNS * Redirect target IP => * Redirect target port => DNS * Description => "DNS for VPN bypass using Google" Make sure it also creates an associated filter rule. You may need to reorder the rules on this page as well. I put this near the top, so traffic wasn't directed through the VPN accidentally. 5. Add another firewall rule that allows the vpn_bypass group to create connections directly with the WAN. This is basically a clone of "AirVPN_LAN allow outbound" with a few tweaks. This should be put ABOVE the "AirVPN_LAN allow outbound" rule when we're done. * Action => pass * Interface => AIRVPN_LAN * Address family => IPv4 * Protocol TCP/UDP * Source => Single host, vpn_bypass * Source port range => 1024 to 65535 * Destination => any * Destination port range => wan_service_ports to wan_service_ports * Description => AirVPN_LAN allow outbound for VPN bypass SHOW ADVANCED * Gateway => WAN Hopefully this helps. Now, if I could get port forwarding to work correctly for Plex, life would be better