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ANSWERED Port forward doesnt work

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Hello! This is my first post on this forum. I have problem with port forwarding via airvpn. Im doin it right, but on canyouseeme.org the port what i forwarded is not working.


I could not see your service on on port (XXXX)
Reason: Connection refused


Somebody can help me?

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i used port listener on port XXXX on ip (cygni server) and doesnt work. Also i tried look to canyouseeme.org and too doesnt work.

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i used port listener on port XXXX on ip (cygni server) and doesnt work. Also i tried look to canyouseeme.org and too doesnt work.




Start the PortListener while your system is connected to the VPN and make it listen to your TUN/TAP interface IP address (it will be something beginning with 10...), port . Then log in the web site and start the port check on that port. Look at the PortListener and check whether any packet comes in. If not, disable your firewall and repeat the test. Feel free to let us know the results.


Kind regards

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Alright i have done that and that work but for a while. When i have launched port listener and doing exactly what you said then on website i see the port is unlocked and on canyouseeme.org too. But when i turn off program then port is blocked and canyouseeme.org didnt see port (connection refused).

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Alright i have done that and that work but for a while. When i have launched port listener and doing exactly what you said then on website i see the port is unlocked and on canyouseeme.org too. But when i turn off program then port is blocked and canyouseeme.org didnt see port (connection refused).




that's the ultimate proof that port forwarding works just fine and that you don't have firewall problems. When you turn off PortListener and you re-perform the check, either you don't run the service meant to listen to the same port, or this service is not listening to the correct port, please check.


Kind regards

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Could you please provide more specific instructions or a screenshot or something? I got messages like "only one use of each socket address is permitted", or "target machine actively refused [whatever]". Some of us really need to be walked through step by step... tyvm.



Start the PortListener while your system is connected to the VPN and make it listen to your TUN/TAP interface IP address (it will be something beginning with 10...), port <your remotely forwarded port>.


When IP is 10.etc, it says "listening" and that's all. Can't send.

TCP says "listening", then "sended" [sic] when I've "sent". No further data. That's using default port.


If I use my own port, it says "only one use of each socket address is permitted", full stop.


What to do, pls? running XP SP3.

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