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Staying anonymous

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I am a total noob with this so bear with me. I want to anonymously sign up for AirVPN but I do not want the hassle of using bitcoins and would rather use something easier such as a pre paid visa bought with cash. I know some cards require a activation by using address and all that, so is there possibly another way if this does not work? I am thinking about buying a DD-WRT router to hook into my DSL modem and I wondered if all traffic from my PC will be encrypted or if I still need to run the client on Windows. When the client runs, does all internet traffic automatically go through the VPN?

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Please consider Liberty Reserve.


If you connect through a DD-WRT (or Tomato) router, the client needs to run only on the router. All the connected to the router computers will have their traffic tunneled transparently.


If you run a client on Windows, all the traffic will be tunneled transparently (ONLY on that computer), no need to configure any program. Just make sure that you launch your programs AFTER the connection to an Air VPN server has been established.


Kind regards

AirVPN Support Team

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Just to make sure and stay on safe side, if I activate it through DD-WRT, I don't need to add any rules or exceptions to my PC firewall? With Liberty, do I pay with a credit card and have it processed "anonymously" so to speak?

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Ok, I looked at Libertys website but I have no idea how to make payment. Do you guys send me a secure link or something like that where I can enter the payment info? And with DD-WRT, if it looses its connection to VPN will it terminate the internet traffic until VPN connection is reestablished?

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