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ANSWERED Tunnel does not initialize with airconnectatboot flag.

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I've managed to get Bluetit/Goldcrest working on my archlinux seedbox vm with the command

goldcrest --air-connect
pulling the
--network-lock off
--air-server alpherg
variables from the config file. However when I try to uncomment
airconnectatboot        server
and reboot, the machine becomes unaccessable from ssh. Accessing the machine from the Proxmox gui at this point gets me this.
I can see that it's not reading from the config it says it is as the config has Network filter set to off, whereas it says it's set to use iptables in the status output.
# goldcrest runcontrol file

 air-server            alpherg
# air-vpn-type          <openvpn|wireguard>
# air-tls-mode          <auto|auth|crypt>
# air-ipv6              <on|off>
# air-6to4              <on|off>
 air-user              senkoin
 air-password          eci4wYpx;X}9wqZ
# air-key               <name>
# cipher                <cipher_name>
# proto                 <udp|tcp>
# server                <server_ip|server_url>
# port                  <port>
# tcp-queue-limit       <n>
# ncp-disable           <yes|no>
 network-lock          off
# ignore-dns-push       <yes|no>
# allowuaf              <yes|no|default>
# timeout               <seconds>
# compress              <yes|no|asym>
# proxy-host            <host_ip|host_url>
# proxy-port            <port>
# proxy-username        <proxy_username>
# proxy-password        <proxy_password>
# proxy-basic           <yes|no>
# alt-proxy             <yes|no>
# persist-tun           <on|off>
# conn-stat-interval    <seconds>
Here is the /home/user/.config/goldcrest.rc
# bluetit runcontrol file

# AirVPN bootstrap servers

bootserver                http://[2a03:b0c0:0:1010::9b:c001]

# RSA Parameters

rsaexponent               AQAB
rsamodulus                *idk if this is private*

# bootserver              <ip|url>
# rsaexponent             <value>
# rsamodulus              <value>
 airconnectatboot        server
 networklockpersist      off
 airusername             *username*
 airpassword             *password*
# airkey                  <airvpn_user_key>
 airserver               alpherg
# aircountry              Switzerland
# airproto                <udp|tcp>
# airport                 47843
# aircipher               <cipher_name>
# airipv6                 <yes|no>
# air6to4                 <yes|no>
# manifestupdateinterval  <minutes>
# airwhiteserverlist      <server list>
# airblackserverlist      <server list>
# airwhitecountrylist     <country list>
# airblackcountrylist     <country list>
# forbidquickhomecountry  <yes|no>
# country                 <ISO code>
# remote                  <ip|url list>
# proto                   udp,tcp
# port                    <port>
# tunpersist              <yes|no>
# cipher                  <cipher_names>
# maxconnretries          <number>
# tcpqueuelimit           <value>
# ncpdisable              <yes|no>
# networklock             <on|nftables|iptables|pf|off>
# ignorednspush           <yes|no>
# timeout                 <seconds>
# compress                <yes|no|asym>
# tlsversionmin           <disabled|default|tls_1_x>
# proxyhost               <ip|url>
# proxyport               <port>
# proxyusername           <username>
# proxypassword           <password>
# proxybasic              <yes|no>
and here is /etc/airvpn/bluetit.rc. If I attempt to --disconnect bluetit will hang with
ERROR: Cannot allow system DNS to pass through network filter
I could really use some help.

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1 hour ago, senkoin said:

I could really use some help.


Please avoid screenshots whenever possible. Can you please send us the complete Bluetit log taken after the problem has occurred? You can extract it with:
sudo journalctl | grep bluetit > bluetit.log

Then send us the created bluetit.log file.

If possible, please test also with AirVPN Suite 2.0.0 preview and check whether the problem persists or not:

Kind regards

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39 minutes ago, Staff said:


Please avoid screenshots whenever possible. Can you please send us the complete Bluetit log taken after the problem has occurred? You can extract it with:

sudo journalctl | grep bluetit > bluetit.log

Then send us the created bluetit.log file.

If possible, please test also with AirVPN Suite 2.0.0 preview and check whether the problem persists or not:

Kind regards
Sorry about that. I'm not able to copy from the webgui terminal unfortunately. Thanks for the quick reply.


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On 3/10/2025 at 3:27 AM, Staff said:


Please avoid screenshots whenever possible. Can you please send us the complete Bluetit log taken after the problem has occurred? You can extract it with:

sudo journalctl | grep bluetit > bluetit.log

Then send us the created bluetit.log file.

If possible, please test also with AirVPN Suite 2.0.0 preview and check whether the problem persists or not:

Kind regards
I tested the beta build and it does seem to be working as intended.

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