ANSWERED Eddie disconnects after 3 seconds continually
Primrose99, ... in Troubleshooting and Problems
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Eddie should allow the execution of binaries when they are not owned by root, only if they pass the checksum verification. If they don't, only files owned by root will be run with root privileges. The files packaged with Eddie should pass the checksum verification. Why it does not happen is a matter of an ongoing investigation by the developers.
With that said, the system refusal to change ownership even to the superuser is probably caused by a terminal that's not allowed to have f
In case you get terminal's sudo chown permission denied
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The unpacking will restore the old files with the wrong ownership, so the problem will likely re-appear when you re-install.
The problem is still the same, but for another file:
E 2025.01.29 21:21:14 - WireGuard > Error: Executable '/Applications/' not allowed: Not owned by root;
Please change ownership of this file too and any other file in case of additional errors of the same type:
sudo chown root /Applications/
General solution before a patch is applied
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