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ANSWERED No Internet on Mac when NOT connected with Eddie (2.23.1)

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I have a weird problem and I'm not sure if or how it's related to the latest Eddie experimental version, hence I am opening a separate thread. Might also be that I overlooked a setting that I am unaware of. Anyway:

macOS 13.4, Eddie 2.23.1 (experimental)

Generally, I have no issue and once I am connected regardless of the server/country or protocol, everything works fine when using Eddie. I have kept the default settings, including the now default "Network Lock - Ensure in session".

However, when I am disconnected with Eddie - basically, right after clicking on "Disconnect" - I have no Internet on my machine. No incoming, no outgoing. No HTTP, no FTP, nothing. It seems like even when Eddie is disconnected, the Network Lock is somehow still "active" in the Background and prevents ANY traffic from coming in or out.

How can this be? I assumed, that once I have disconnected the Eddie client, the Network lock is inactive and all traffic is routed through my default network interface as if I would not have any VPN connection.

I didn't have this issue with Eddie 2.22.2 so I feel like something has changed in this regard between those versions, but I'm unsure.

So basically, right now I only can use Internet on my Macbook when connected with Eddie, which is of course weird.

Any ideas or help are appreciated!


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It might be a DNS issue, if Eddie failed to restore DNS settings in case of a "dirty exit" (graceless kill, crash...). If your system can't resolve names (the purpose of DNS) you will have the feeling that Internet connection doesn't work (even if it does). When the system is connected to the VPN, names can be resolved because the VPN DNS is probably set. However, the VPN DNS is accessible only from inside the VPN.

Eddie keeps safety backup files for similar occurrences, so re-running it and shutting it down properly should fix the problem. If this procedure fails, then you can check manually and set properly your system DNS. We recommend Quad9 DNS (, OpenNIC https://www.opennic.org and DNS.Watch ( https://dns.watch/ for their commitment to privacy and neutrality.

How to configure/change DNS settings in macOS:

Kind regards

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Thanks for looking into this @Staff! I probably had a few unexpected crashes with Eddie in the last weeks (sometimes it happens when manually changing a server during an already established connection ... resulting in the infamous "spinning beachball" on macOS). Anyway, I just quit Eddie the normal way and did a complete reboot, but even after a reboot, there is zero internet connection (or working DNS rather, if it is what you explained).

Do you think it makes sense to flush the local DNS cache? (never had to do this before, but searched around a bit and found this article: https://www.lifewire.com/flush-dns-cache-on-a-mac-5209298) I also briefly removed the Eddie binary from the /Applications folder, but I am afraid to "lock myself out" when completely removing Eddie since I currently can only use Internet with Eddie in place.


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While Eddie NOT running, check into System Preferences --> Network --> <your_network_connection_like_Ethernet_or_WLAN> --> DNS.
On the left side is a box for "DNS servers".
Are there any entries, that can be deleted? If yes, delete them, then press Apply.

Hope this helps.

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11 hours ago, spinmaster said:

Thanks for looking into this @Staff! I probably had a few unexpected crashes with Eddie in the last weeks (sometimes it happens when manually changing a server during an already established connection ... resulting in the infamous "spinning beachball" on macOS). Anyway, I just quit Eddie the normal way and did a complete reboot, but even after a reboot, there is zero internet connection (or working DNS rather, if it is what you explained).


Actually such crashes may be the cause of the problem and now your system may have VPN DNS still set. If that's the case, see our previous message in this thread to quickly resolve the issue.

Please feel free to report the crashes in the main thread for Eddie 2.23.1 because such crashes must not occur and must be fixed. https://airvpn.org/forums/topic/56428-eddie-desktop-223-beta-released/

Do you think it makes sense to flush the local DNS cache? (never had to do this before, but searched around a bit and found this article: https://www.lifewire.com/flush-dns-cache-on-a-mac-5209298) I also briefly removed the Eddie binary from the /Applications folder, but I am afraid to "lock myself out" when completely removing Eddie since I currently can only use Internet with Eddie in place.

We are afraid it doesn't make sense. We would rather recommend that you follow our suggestions in the previous message in this thread, as it might be just a DNS issue.

Kind regards

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Thank you both @Staff and @deltaman8! You were correct: for some reason, my local WiFi interface had indeed two "unknown" DNS entries in my Settings (one IPv4 and one IPv6) still present. I have cleared these and now the only DNS IP for local is my router IP (I have set OpenNIC DNS in my router). DNS is now properly resolved on my machine even when not connected via Eddie :)

Many thanks again both for your help, much appreciated!

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