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DD-WRT OpenVPN Speed on Linksys E2000

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I've made some speed tests with my dd-wrt router and I get quite low speeds compared to what other people talk about in the forum:

Tauri: 5.44 Mbps down / 3.58 Mbps up

Bootis: 2.11 Mbps down / 3.34 Mbps up

I've also tried other servers but ~5 Mbps down is the maximum I get.

I tried different UPD and TCP, different ports etc. but still 5 Mbps is maximum.

Any ideas what might be the probleme here?

Thanks and best regards!

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I've made some speed tests with my dd-wrt router and I get quite low speeds compared to what other people talk about in the forum:

Tauri: 5.44 Mbps down / 3.58 Mbps up

Bootis: 2.11 Mbps down / 3.34 Mbps up

I've also tried other servers but ~5 Mbps down is the maximum I get.

I tried different UPD and TCP, different ports etc. but still 5 Mbps is maximum.

Any ideas what might be the probleme here?

Thanks and best regards!


As far as we can see, the maximum supported throughput (to encrypt and decrypt AES-256 on the fly) by the E2000 CPU is 7 Mbit/s. So the performance you detect is probably fine for the routers capabilities. You can try a connection directly from your computer to make a comparison.

Kind regards

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Alright, thanks - I just tried messing around with the CPU clock speed and it seems that I can increase the speed by ~1 Mbps if I overclock from 300 to 400 MHz.

Not sure if it's worth it...

When I connect directly from my computer, the speed doubles. So, unfortunately I'd need to buy a now router if I would like to increase speeds.

Best regards

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What is your connection speed? Even the fastest consumer routers are going to struggle.

You could build your own router using an old desktop. I have an old P4 I am thinking of using. The DD-WRT license is $20 though. I mean most routers are around 500 mhz and maybe 64 mb of RAM. Think about an old P4 running at 3 ghz and even with just 1-2 GB of RAM. You get the drift.

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I highly recommend AGAINST overclocking the E2000. From the factory it is already overclocked to 354MHz, and it runs fairly hot...going much beyond that and you'll see a pile of packet loss and other weird problems.

This unit (and it's big brother E3000) have known issues with cooling as well, which just exacerbates the problem. I recommend mounting it in such a way that it gets more air flow underneath the unit as well, to eliminate some of the problems with heating.


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Because of the problems you mention, PsychoWolf, I even "underlocked" my E2000 from 354MHz (factory default) to 300MHz.

At the moment, I'm fine with the 5MBit connection - but it would've saved me quite some time if I had known earlier.

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Actually, that chip is supposed to be clocked at 300MHz from factory, and Linksys is overclocking it...so setting it to 300 is actually better for the long-term health of the router. I believe I read that on the DD-WRT wiki. As for transfer rates, it stands to reason that a 300MHz single core embedded processor would have trouble encrypting and compressing data at a substantial rate. My connection is 5mbps at home, so my E3000 has no trouble with it...if I upgrade to anything faster and still wish to use the VPN for all traffic I'll be in the same position as you.

The alternative would be to set up a dedicated server to handle this, or run the VPN on Windows with ICS for your LAN, both options being a lot more complicated than a DD-WRT router.

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