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I can't get Eddie to run under Rosetta! I'm unable to click anything on the GUI like putting in username and password, rendering AirVPN useless to me at the moment!

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I was also unable to click anything on the GUI when running Eddie on my Apple M1.  I did find a fix though.. 

Click on the Eddie icon in the menu bar and select Show Main Window.  This should allow you to enter your user name and password.  You may need to tab and enter instead of mouse clicks to save your settings.. Once connected, set your app preferences to remember settings and to reconnect on startup so you don't have to go through it again.  

Although it works, it definitely doesn't like to play with with the M1 so this needs to bee looked at. 


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Sure, porting our software to ARM based Mac machines is an option we are seriously considering because during 2021 (and maybe 2022) Mac Apple will abandon development of x86-64 based computers completely. Stay tuned.

Kind regards

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14 hours ago, looski said:

I was also unable to click anything on the GUI when running Eddie on my Apple M1.  I did find a fix though.. 

Click on the Eddie icon in the menu bar and select Show Main Window.  This should allow you to enter your user name and password.  You may need to tab and enter instead of mouse clicks to save your settings.. Once connected, set your app preferences to remember settings and to reconnect on startup so you don't have to go through it again.  

Although it works, it definitely doesn't like to play with with the M1 so this needs to bee looked at. 


Hi looski,

Thank you very much - that actually worked for me too. 


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3 hours ago, Staff said:


Sure, porting our software to ARM based Mac machines is an option we are seriously considering because during 2021 (and maybe 2022) Mac will abandon development of x86-64 based computers completely. Stay tuned.

Kind regards

That's good news, and hopefully sooner rather than later!

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I had exactly the same issue as looski & spikesclone.
I don't really fancy having AirVPN to connect on startup so I gave up on Eddie & just installed good old Tunnelblick - which as usual worked like a champion.

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Worth pointing out that the Hummingbird client works very nicely on M1 Macs (natively, without Rosetta), so consider that if you're comfortable with the command line. 


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Exactly. Maybe it's worth pointing out even in this thread that we released highly optimized Hummingbird for Apple M1 machines. If you have more than 100 Mbit/s available, you should see around 100% performance boost when compared against OpenVPN.

In the download page:

you can clearly identify the Intel and the M1 version.

Kind regards

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Backend is already running natively. Frontend still needs Rosetta 2 because Mono does not exist yet for M1. Anyway frontend does not have any time critical duty, so it's not a big deal. The real deal is OpenVPN 2/OpenSSL which is still slow in M1 (just like it is slow on Intel Mac anyway) so you might like to have Eddie run Hummingbird for M1, or run Hummingbird for M1 directly. If you have more than 100 Mbit/s, you should get around 100% boost.

Kind regards

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Thanks for the update, not sure however what you mean by Eddie running Hummingbird, can I find how to on the website? Also, any news on the GUI issue?

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1 hour ago, WilDieteren said:

Thanks for the update, not sure however what you mean by Eddie running Hummingbird, can I find how to on the website?

Download on the Downloads page, Instructions link on that page.
Then in Eddie Preferences > Advanced > Use Hummingbird if available.

So, the How-To is actually there. :)


LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too!

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Today we are releasing a new Hummingbird native version both for Intel and M1 based Mac. In both systems it is remarkably faster, with throughput, than the previous version. Check "News" forum later on.

Kind regards

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On 6/7/2021 at 9:57 PM, Staff said:


Today we are releasing a new Hummingbird native version both for Intel and M1 based Mac. In both systems it is remarkably faster, with throughput, than the previous version. Check "News" forum later on.

Kind regards

Hi there,
That's great that Hummingbird is working.  However I really don't want to use CLI tools.  
Hopefully Eddie will be up and running M1 natively soon....

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Unfortunately the matter is not entirely in our hands because Eddie frontend (the GUI and CLI) runs in Mono framework, and a native Mono "M1" version still doesn't exist.  For Mac we also have plans to port the AirVPN Suite, which includes Goldcrest client and Bluetit daemon. Goldcrest will have an ncurses based TUI.

Of course, if in the meantime Mono is released for M1, we will quickly re-build Eddie fronted native for M1.

Currently you can anyway run Eddie in M1 (frontend will run in Rosetta 2) and have it run Hummingbird for M1, to have anyway the performance boost. Only Eddie GUI will run in Rosetta, Hummingbird will run natively, and you don't need the CLI anymore.

Kind regards

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What is the AirVPN Suite, and what does "Goldcrest will have an ncurses based TUI" mean? Also Eddie has some issues on my M1 iMac, it freezes from time to time and only a reboot gets it working again.

Wil Dieteren

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The AirVPN Suite is a software suite for LInux which includes Hummingbird, Bluetit and Goldcrest. Hummingbird is already available for macOS High Sierra or higher version, while the other software of the suite (Bluetit and Goldcrest, which is a client of the Bluetit daemon) are planned to be ported to macOS.

TUI is a Terminal (or Text-Based) User Interface, ncurses is a library which offers an API to build terminal independent TUIs. We have plans to implement an ncurses based TUI in Goldcrest.

Eddie various problems in Rosetta 2 will be solved by having Mono native for M1, but as we wrote it's not available at the moment.

Kind regards

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