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VPNs - Caught in Lying!?!

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SemperVideo, a German HackInfo site has published a video on youtube claiming ALL VPN service provider lie when claiming NO LOG blabla. In the video you can see two examples. Video is in German (sorry), maybe subtitle works..

Now the question is: How is this with AIRvpn???

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Regarding the VPN service from the video type the name in the search field above. You will find your answer and the answer from staff. Have a nice one.

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We do not log and/or inspect our customers' traffic. Since 2010 you can't produce any single case, and not even the slightest clue, in which the identity of an AirVPN customer has been disclosed through traffic log and/or inspection and/or any other invasive method.

It means a lot, given that various younger VPN services have been caught lying (ascertained court cases) and that AirVPN is now the oldest still active VPN service, with the exception of a minor service which anyway changed ownership twice in the last 12 years.

By the way we have never asked our customers to blindly believe in our words.

We do not block Tor and we even integrate its usage in our software, so you can be even safer if you can't afford to trust us OR some datacenter. For example you can use Tor over OpenVPN, to hide Tor usage to your country and ISP, and at the same time hide your traffic real origin, destination, protocol etc. to us and the datacenter the server is connected into.

Last but not least, we invest a lo of money in Tor infrastructure and in 2017, 2018 and 2019 more than 2.5% of global world Tor network traffic transited on Tor exit-nodes paid by AirVPN. It is an important achievement we're proud of, and it hints to good faith.

Kind regards

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This is the reason i trust in you guys. I've been searching like every one says one thing "no logging". But in the end such as NordVPN, HidemyassVPN has been caught data leakage or selling private info. Not many VPN offers TOR or investing for free speech. They have VPN server in China how cool is that.

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