Khariz 109 Posted 01/26/2017 Yes, all republicans are just racists morons. Because, you know, there were enough racist morons in the United States to cause the election of Donald Trump. Share this post Link to post
Kepler_452b 77 Posted 01/26/2017 On 1/26/2017 at 6:51 AM, Khariz said: Yes, all republicans are just racists morons. Because, you know, there were enough racist morons in the United States to cause the election of Donald Trump.Actually you're quite right. "There were enough racist morons in the United States to cause the election of Donald Trump." At least he didn't get the majority of popular votes. If the U.S. wasn't still saddled with the antiquated undemocratic Electoral College (created to appease slave owners), Trump would not be president. Share this post Link to post
OmniNegro 155 Posted 01/26/2017 Kepler, you are the only one here who discriminates against everyone other than yourself and the Democratic party. You have to date called me racist six times. You have called me sexist too. And what evidence do you have for this? None. You cannot help but discriminate against people for the high crime of having an opinion that does not match yours. According to your literal posts in the last few hours, every single vote for Trump is motivated exclusively by racism. Since you literally say Trum is racist, please show some proof. No, not just evidence he wants a wall. Show me he actually is racist. Until you do, I am going to respond to every annoying post you make and demand proof of each and every claim you make. Why? Because you are annoying and asinine. Oh, and since turnabout is fair, I guess I should accuse you of being a racist, a sexist, and a criminal. Have a very nice day. 1 LZ1 reacted to this Hide OmniNegro's signature Hide all signatures Debugging is at least twice as hard as writing the program in the first place.So if you write your code as clever as you can possibly make it, then by definition you are not smart enough to debug it. Share this post Link to post
Kepler_452b 77 Posted 01/26/2017 Well Omni, for starters I haven't called you racist or sexist because I don't know if you're racist or sexist. Perhaps you could take a racist/sexist test and let us know the results. I'm sorry if you feel discriminated against, but I don't know what that means in this context. I'm not able to discriminate against you even if I were so inclined, which I'm not. I did not say anything like "every single vote for Trump is motivated exclusively by racism". Why do people who don't have a rational argument resort to extremes to try to make a point? It never works. But there is no doubt that racism was a major factor in Trump's appeal. Read the link I posted above. Proof that Trump is a racist. let me see. Well he said that Mexicans are rapists. He proposed a ban on Muslims entering the country. That sounds pretty racist. He was sued successfully by Nixon's Department of Justice for racial discrimination at his housing properties. You remember Nixon, that raging liberal. Former president of Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City, John O’Donnell, quoted Trump as saying “ Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys wearing yarmulkes… Those are the only kind of people I want counting my money. Nobody else…Besides that, I tell you something else. I think that’s guy’s lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks.” So is laziness a trait in Blacks, Omni? What is your opinion on Trump's opinion? Here's a link to a Fortune Magazine article about Trump's racism "" You know, Fortune, that raging liberal publication. Now that I've shown you examples and links to Trump's history of racism, I hope you'll rescind your fatwa. Instead of refuting my points you've simply called me "annoying and asinine". That's called an argument "ad hominem", i.e. attack the messenger, not the message. If you decide to continue attacking me personally rather than discussing facts, well,... OMG what should I do? I'm so distraught....oh wait, I know, I'll just ignore you. There, that was easy. Share this post Link to post
OmniNegro 155 Posted 01/26/2017 You do realize that if Trump wants to entrust his wealth to a Jewish banker, that does not make him racist? How about that it was never racist to call a man with black skin, black? You are aware that the 1970s was more than forty years ago? I do not think Trump is racist. I think he is an asshole. He does not care what race you are. He is still going to treat you like shit because that is all he knows. As for "Mexicans are rapists" that you are quoting, Mexico is a big place, and some Mexicans are in fact rapists. And banning Muslims from entering is a great idea. I do not think it is possible, but you are using that idea with a radically different interpretation. See "Muslims" are not a race. Not at all. They are a belief system that literally fools morons into thinking they will be rewarded for murder. Usually in a mass scale. You can argue that they are extremists, and that not all of them are a danger to anyone. That is true. But you absolutely cannot say that they are all innocent. I have no problem with Muslims so long as they are not anywhere I have to worry that they may be extremists. And until the *ENTIRE* Muslim faith swears off murder and violence to further their goals, I am frankly unwilling to even know any of them. That is my choice. You make your own, and leave me to mine. As for attacking the message, I gave up on direct responses most of the time with you because you are incapable of recognizing any single point you did not already hold as your own position on any subject. And since you do not seem capable of seeing anyone except as Boolean options such as "for you" and "against you", let me explain my position on the vote.1. I did not vote. Why? Because I did not see anyone I cared about enough to vote.2. I do not like either your mortal enemy Trump, nor the one you and you alone think is qualified and deserving of being the president, Hillary.3. Like yourself, I am an asshole. I do not get alone well with most people, and I never hold my tongue. (I feel I owe you this much honestly since you seem to have tried to be kind in your reply above.) I am not going to bother quoting every time you called me racist here. Others here have read it and know what I am speaking of. That I did not make a total ass of myself flagging your posts for it is purely because I am an asshole and sometimes say more than I should too. Now, again I wish you a pleasant day. Hide OmniNegro's signature Hide all signatures Debugging is at least twice as hard as writing the program in the first place.So if you write your code as clever as you can possibly make it, then by definition you are not smart enough to debug it. Share this post Link to post
LZ1 675 Posted 01/26/2017 @Kepler:That's more like prejudiced, not racist. Muslim isn't a race either. They're often conflated: unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason.2.any preconceived opinion or feeling, either favorable or unfavorable.3.unreasonable feelings, opinions, or attitudes, especially of a hostile nature, regarding an ethnic, racial, social, or religious group. It also strikes me as being somewhat two-faced (for lack of a better expression sorry) that you would make the case for racism by using the Muslim ban as evidence, before going on to tell him to "rescind your fatwa". A fatwa being something an Islamic scholar would put out, even though there's no evidence in his last post that he has Muslim leanings and thus you're seemingly making a mockery of the very people and diversity you're trying to defend. @Omni:I don't think Kepler likes Hillary either, to be fair. Was there a particular candidate which you did like? Bernie? Jill? Maybe even Marco Rubio? He's kind of funny . I imagine you might go for someone like Ron Paul. 1 OmniNegro reacted to this Hide LZ1's signature Hide all signatures Hi there, are you new to AirVPN? Many of your questions are already answered in this guide. You may also read the Eddie Android FAQ. Moderators do not speak on behalf of AirVPN. Only the Official Staff account does. Please also do not run Tor Exit Servers behind AirVPN, thank you. Did you make a guide or how-to for something? Then contact me to get it listed in my new user guide's Guides Section, so that the community can find it more easily. Share this post Link to post
OmniNegro 155 Posted 01/26/2017 @LZ1 Ron Raul, had he even a snowballs chance in Hell would have gotten my vote and all my support. But seeing two clowns as the only options, I choose to abstain. But this should explain how far from common news and politics I am. I cannot recall what political affiliation Ron Paul had/has. (That is a good thing. I do not ever vote for a party. I vote for the people who may actually do something good.) @Kepler That reminds me that I have been basically picking on Kepler. Every few days I add yet another post that includes some petty rib about the Democratic party. I do not know that he is a Democrat at all. So Kepler, I apologize. Hide OmniNegro's signature Hide all signatures Debugging is at least twice as hard as writing the program in the first place.So if you write your code as clever as you can possibly make it, then by definition you are not smart enough to debug it. Share this post Link to post
serenacat 83 Posted 01/26/2017 If I can just politely remind Americans there is more going down that involves them than the distractions of "culture wars" and "party" politics."Russian media outlets lost no time to explain that the DF-41 was a three-stage solid-fueled missile reported to have a maximum range of up to 15,000 kilometers (9,320 miles) and a top speed of Mach 25 (19,030 mph). DF-41 (also known by its NATO name CSS-X-10) is said to be capable of carrying up to 10 warheads and its launch preparation time was estimated at 3-5 minutes.Russian analysts and media outlets argued that China’s missile deployment seemed to be a response to US missile defenses in the Asia-Pacific. Moscow and Beijing share concerns that the US missile defense system in Japan and South Korea, officially designed to contain North Korea, was in fact aimed at Russia and China." of Asia (including me) see the Trumpets as more and more a menace on various fronts. "U.S. environmental employees were soon joined by similar "alternative" Twitter accounts originating from various science and health agencies, including the Food and Drug Administration, the National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Weather Service. Many of their messages carried Twitter hashtags #resist or #resistance." “These felony charges are bizarre and essentially unheard of when it comes to journalists here in America who were simply doing their job,” said Suzanne Nossel, the executive director of Pen America." The battle for control of hearts and minds is also being fought on the Internet in 2017. VPN users will not be innocent bystanders and outside the lines of fire. 1 OmniNegro reacted to this Share this post Link to post
OmniNegro 155 Posted 01/26/2017 "Resist" Really? More like "Embrace". And if you are still thinking of doom and gloom, remind yourself what a set of ten warheads moving at mach 25 at 15KM altitude would result in. Just be happy lest someone thinks it is time to show us what war looks like. Hide OmniNegro's signature Hide all signatures Debugging is at least twice as hard as writing the program in the first place.So if you write your code as clever as you can possibly make it, then by definition you are not smart enough to debug it. Share this post Link to post
Kepler_452b 77 Posted 01/26/2017 @Serenacat. Thanks for your post. For now I'm just going to say that I agree that the Trumpets are a threat. As I said in an earlier post, I'm afraid Trump will start WW3 playing chicken with China. However defending South Korea and Japan with a missile defense system hardly seems like a threat to Russia or China. Missile defenses are not offensive weapons, they can only (and not all that well) try to stop incoming missiles. And if I remember correctly they're useless against ICBMs. Share this post Link to post
Kepler_452b 77 Posted 01/26/2017 @LZ1, I'm glad you're back. The last time we talked I asked you a question which you didn't answer and I'd like to ask it again.Do you condemn Islamic attacks targeted deliberately on innocent western civilians? You know like Twin Towers, Nice, Berlin. Share this post Link to post
Kepler_452b 77 Posted 01/26/2017 Mexico Leader Scraps Meeting With Trump as Tensions Rise Mexico’s President Cancels Meeting With Trump Over Wall"" ‘Sanctuary City’ Mayors Vow to Defy Trump’s Immigration Order"" Share this post Link to post
greenclaydog 6 Posted 01/26/2017 Not to shit on anyone's parade, but maybe this thread has gone a bit far for a thread on a VPN forum? I get that it's off topic, but perhaps we should focus more on how this administration will affect VPN use for the next four years. This back and forth nonsense is what i expect on 4chan and reddit. Not the AirVPN forums. 2 ruler2016 and OmniNegro reacted to this Share this post Link to post
Kepler_452b 77 Posted 01/26/2017 Agent Smith, I'm not sure you do get that it's off topic.... "Anything goes, as long as we keep it nice"...that's the definition of Off Topic. So I'm not planning on closing this thread. Apparently lots of Air users are interested in this thread: it has the third highest number of viewers of any recent thread. If you want a thread focusing on how this administration will affect VPNs use, I suggest you start one. If you don't like the "back and forth nonsense", don't read it. By the way it's a little insulting to the posters here to categorize their opinions as nonsense. I guess to be fair you'd have to call your posts here nonsense too lol. Share this post Link to post
greenclaydog 6 Posted 01/26/2017 On 1/26/2017 at 10:38 PM, Kepler_452b said: Agent Smith, I'm not sure you do get that it's off topic.... "Anything goes, as long as we keep it nice"...that's the definition of Off Topic. So I'm not planning on closing this thread. Apparently lots of Air users are interested in this thread: it has the third highest number of viewers of any recent thread. If you want a thread focusing on how this administration will affect VPNs use, I suggest you start one. If you don't like the "back and forth nonsense", don't read it. By the way it's a little insulting to the posters here to categorize their opinions as nonsense. I guess to be fair you'd have to call your posts here nonsense too lol. I was not attempting to say your opinions or those of the other posters were nonsense, merely that the environment that you are voicing your opinions in is improper. The last thing this community needs is a Conservative-Liberal debate thread shit show. In case you have not noticed, these debates go no where and just leave both sides more pissed off than they were before. This topic is something that you will rarely if ever change someones views of. I personally prefer this debate stay out of AirVPN's forums. Obviously this is an off topic forum, so you are within your ability to post here but i would suggest you take these debates somewhere else simply because of their destructive nature. This isn't Reddit or 4chan, you will see the same people with the same views here again. The forum members that participate here will certainly have a constant presence here on the forums, myself included. I would prefer that when the people in this thread see each others posts in other threads, they are not influenced by their political views that are being posted here. For example, you probably now believe folks such as LZ1 and OmniNegro are facist, sexist, racist, homophobes etc. Now LZ1 and OmniNegro may think you are a liberal marxist, anti capitalist, BLM supporter etc. These are sentiments that should absolutely stay out of our forums, as they could encourage hate elsewhere in different threads later. This is my opinion and i have voiced it. If you want to continue, fine. But don't say i didn't warn you. 3 Khariz, OmniNegro and LZ1 reacted to this Share this post Link to post
Kepler_452b 77 Posted 01/27/2017 Your opinion of my views on LZ1 and OmniNegro are off the mark. I don't know how you would know what I believe or what they believe. If they view me as you suggested, they should say so. If they believe that they would be wrong. I'm not a marxist. I'm not an anti-capitalist. It seems to me you're making this up out of your imagination. I don't have or want control of what others post anywhere, but for my part I try to keep my posts and responses fact based rather than imaginary. Personally I don't hate LZ1 or OmniNegro. They have different world views from each other and from me. I actually consider their views to see if I can learn anything from them. Share this post Link to post
LZ1 675 Posted 01/27/2017 On 1/26/2017 at 12:13 PM, OmniNegro said: @LZ1 Ron Raul, had he even a snowballs chance in Hell would have gotten my vote and all my support. But seeing two clowns as the only options, I choose to abstain. But this should explain how far from common news and politics I am. I cannot recall what political affiliation Ron Paul had/has. (That is a good thing. I do not ever vote for a party. I vote for the people who may actually do something good.) @Kepler That reminds me that I have been basically picking on Kepler. Every few days I add yet another post that includes some petty rib about the Democratic party. I do not know that he is a Democrat at all. So Kepler, I apologize.Well yeah. I would've voted for him too, out of that lineup. He was also the only candidate out of that lineup, to voice any concern over the surveillance state actually. So that's a plus. @KeplerThat should be a given. But it seems meaningless to do so, as you wouldn't condemn deliberate attacks the other way, as you presumably continue to believe they're all accidental.The damage to them is also far far greater than the damage they've done to us; 9/11 included. "Them" being both the actual fighters/terrorists, but also their societies/countries. Likewise, it is unclear if you see anything wrong with starting the illegal wars to begin with. Which then help cause those attacks on the West, which then consequently lead to the same-old solutions: increased surveillance for all of us. At least it's good for Airs bottom line, in a sad way, haha. 1 OmniNegro reacted to this Hide LZ1's signature Hide all signatures Hi there, are you new to AirVPN? Many of your questions are already answered in this guide. You may also read the Eddie Android FAQ. Moderators do not speak on behalf of AirVPN. Only the Official Staff account does. Please also do not run Tor Exit Servers behind AirVPN, thank you. Did you make a guide or how-to for something? Then contact me to get it listed in my new user guide's Guides Section, so that the community can find it more easily. Share this post Link to post
greenclaydog 6 Posted 01/27/2017 On 1/27/2017 at 1:47 AM, Kepler_452b said: Your opinion of my views on LZ1 and OmniNegro are off the mark. I don't know how you would know what I believe or what they believe. If they view me as you suggested, they should say so. If they believe that they would be wrong. I'm not a marxist. I'm not an anti-capitalist. It seems to me you're making this up out of your imagination. I don't have or want control of what others post anywhere, but for my part I try to keep my posts and responses fact based rather than imaginary. Personally I don't hate LZ1 or OmniNegro. They have different world views from each other and from me. I actually consider their views to see if I can learn anything from them. I do not know what you think or what LZ1 and OmniNegro think. I was simply trying to make a point. I would hope that no one here would hate each other, but the world doesn't always work out that way. Regardless, this subject isn't suited to be discussed here.The only time politics ought to be mentioned here is when it impacts the usage of VPN's. I am not trying to say that anyone here is wrong, just that this discussion should be held elsewhere. Given time this thread could get out of control very quickly. There has already been claims of being labeled as racist and other titles by other members in this thread. Name calling is childish, and it gets no one closer to any form of agreement or common ground. These things have been occurring across the entire country, and quite possibly to a lesser extent the entire world. I have yet to see some political argument regarding Trump ending peacefully, online or in the real world. If we know how this ends before it begins, it would be foolish to knowingly see it through. These discussions over the past two years have only served to agitate and anger and polarize the United States. Polarization is by far the last thing we need in the AirVPN community. If you are not willing to stop this thread, the least you could do is work with other forum members in a constructive fashion rather than continuing this destructive childish name calling and labeling. The only way the US will come through this is would be compromise, not polarization and perpetual fighting and argumentation. Share this post Link to post
Kepler_452b 77 Posted 01/27/2017 OK, so you condemn the Islamist attacks on western democracies. Great. I think the US invasion of Afganistan was justified because Al Queda was using it as a base to train fighters to attack the West. I think George Bush should be imprisoned for lying to the world and to the country in order to start and justify the invasion of Iraq. The greatly diminished Sadam wasn't a threat to anyone outside of Iraq. That war had no justification. But this has gotten off-off-topic. I'm more interested in talking current affairs. What Trump's decisions are bringing to the U.S. and the world. Like banning Muslims from entering the U.S. You argued that this is more of a case of prejudice than racism. I think that is a distinction without a difference. And Trump's history and comments are clearly racist against blacks and latinos. Share this post Link to post
Kepler_452b 77 Posted 01/27/2017 So you seem to be accusing me of name calling. I haven't engaged in name calling. Show me anywhere in this thread I've called anyone a name other than their name. So on the one hand you're talking no confrontation, but on the other you attack me. Boy that's twisted. Seems to me that you're primarily interested in spreading your logo says "become fear". Lets see: you know how this will end, you've warned us, hatred will spread to other threads if people discus anything but vpn tech in the forum. OMG, someone help us, the sky is falling. Be afraid, very afraid. I can't speak for LZ1 or OmniNegro, but I'm not planning on attacking anyone in another thread because I don't agree with their world view. Personally I can easily separate tech discussions from political ones and feel no need to attack anyone. Share this post Link to post
LZ1 675 Posted 01/27/2017 On 1/27/2017 at 2:41 AM, Kepler_452b said: OK, so you condemn the Islamist attacks on western democracies. Great. I think the US invasion of Afganistan was justified because Al Queda was using it as a base to train fighters to attack the West. I think George Bush should be imprisoned for lying to the world and to the country in order to start and justify the invasion of Iraq. The greatly diminished Sadam wasn't a threat to anyone outside of Iraq. That war had no justification. But this has gotten off-off-topic. I'm more interested in talking current affairs. What Trump's decisions are bringing to the U.S. and the world. Like banning Muslims from entering the U.S. You argued that this is more of a case of prejudice than racism. I think that is a distinction without a difference. And Trump's history and comments are clearly racist against blacks and latinos.Well it wasn't justified. It's a sovereign country - do you condemn that? That's kind of the equivalent of someone attacking the US in order to fight the Bloods or the Cribs gangs or the KKK. In relation to DT, he could use the same logic to start conflicts with China, as you also previously mentioned being worried about, rightly so. So I think we have to take a hard look at legality here and other concepts such as "innocent until proven guilty", instead of just bombing the ones who look mean. I mean, if applied to ourselves, Trump could say "if you use a VPN then you're guilty of xyz", even more so than is already the case now. Same thing for genders/religions. I don't think he can ban Muslims either, because he would have to make it into a law. Which then requires congress and since many need to get re-elected for various positions next year, they can't risk it. But he did ban or limit entry from a few select countries yes. Sent to you from me with datalove Hide LZ1's signature Hide all signatures Hi there, are you new to AirVPN? Many of your questions are already answered in this guide. You may also read the Eddie Android FAQ. Moderators do not speak on behalf of AirVPN. Only the Official Staff account does. Please also do not run Tor Exit Servers behind AirVPN, thank you. Did you make a guide or how-to for something? Then contact me to get it listed in my new user guide's Guides Section, so that the community can find it more easily. Share this post Link to post
greenclaydog 6 Posted 01/27/2017 On 1/27/2017 at 3:02 AM, Kepler_452b said: So you seem to be accusing me of name calling. I haven't engaged in name calling. Show me anywhere in this thread I've called anyone a name other than their name. So on the one hand you're talking no confrontation, but on the other you attack me. Boy that's twisted. Seems to me that you're primarily interested in spreading your logo says "become fear". Lets see: you know how this will end, you've warned us, hatred will spread to other threads if people discus anything but vpn tech in the forum. OMG, someone help us, the sky is falling. Be afraid, very afraid. I can't speak for LZ1 or OmniNegro, but I'm not planning on attacking anyone in another thread because I don't agree with their world view. Personally I can easily separate tech discussions from political ones and feel no need to attack anyone. Frankly your outbursts are proving exactly my point. I don't see the justification on wasting more time arguing with you. I'm just feeding the troll I think my work here is done. 1 Ricnvolved1956 reacted to this Share this post Link to post
Kepler_452b 77 Posted 01/27/2017 On 1/27/2017 at 3:06 AM, LZ1 said: On 1/27/2017 at 2:41 AM, Kepler_452b said: OK, so you condemn the Islamist attacks on western democracies. Great. I think the US invasion of Afganistan was justified because Al Queda was using it as a base to train fighters to attack the West. I think George Bush should be imprisoned for lying to the world and to the country in order to start and justify the invasion of Iraq. The greatly diminished Sadam wasn't a threat to anyone outside of Iraq. That war had no justification. But this has gotten off-off-topic. I'm more interested in talking current affairs. What Trump's decisions are bringing to the U.S. and the world. Like banning Muslims from entering the U.S. You argued that this is more of a case of prejudice than racism. I think that is a distinction without a difference. And Trump's history and comments are clearly racist against blacks and latinos.Well it wasn't justified. It's a sovereign country - do you condemn that? That's kind of the equivalent of someone attacking the US in order to fight the Bloods or the Cribs gangs or the KKK. In relation to DT, he could use the same logic to start conflicts with China, as you also previously mentioned being worried about, rightly so. So I think we have to take a hard look at legality here and other concepts such as "innocent until proven guilty", instead of just bombing the ones who look mean. I mean, if applied to ourselves, Trump could say "if you use a VPN then you're guilty of xyz", even more so than is already the case now. Same thing for genders/religions. I don't think he can ban Muslims either, because he would have to make it into a law. Which then requires congress and since many need to get re-elected for various positions next year, they can't risk it. But he did ban or limit entry from a few select countries yes. Sent to you from me with dataloveActually Trump can and will (very shortly according to reports) ban Muslims from several countries by executive law needed. So before he was going to ban all Muslims, now it's just Muslims from certain countries. I have a very close Muslim friend who travels to her home country every year with her kids. They're all US citizens, but the way Trump was talking I was afraid they might take a trip and not be allowed to return home. Fortunately they're not from any of the banned countries. The war in Afghanistan was completely justified. Al Queda (with the support of the Taliban government of Afganistan) attacked the U.S and killed 3500 innocent civilians, that's an act of war. Its internationally legal to respond with force....not to mention it's common sense to defend yourself. Share this post Link to post
Kepler_452b 77 Posted 01/27/2017 On 1/27/2017 at 3:18 AM, Agent Smith said: So you seem to be accusing me of name calling. I haven't engaged in name calling. Show me anywhere in this thread I've called anyone a name other than their name. So on the one hand you're talking no confrontation, but on the other you attack me. Boy that's twisted. Seems to me that you're primarily interested in spreading your logo says "become fear". Lets see: you know how this will end, you've warned us, hatred will spread to other threads if people discus anything but vpn tech in the forum. OMG, someone help us, the sky is falling. Be afraid, very afraid. I can't speak for LZ1 or OmniNegro, but I'm not planning on attacking anyone in another thread because I don't agree with their world view. Personally I can easily separate tech discussions from political ones and feel no need to attack anyone.Frankly your outbursts are proving exactly my point. I don't see the justification on wasting more time arguing with you. I'm just feeding the troll I think my work here is done.I'm so glad your done spreading FUD. Thanks. Bye. (Oh I forgot to mention you just engaged in name'd better take another anti-hypocracy pill, the last one has worn off). Bye again. Share this post Link to post
greenclaydog 6 Posted 01/27/2017 On 1/27/2017 at 3:31 AM, Kepler_452b said: On 1/27/2017 at 3:18 AM, Agent Smith said: So you seem to be accusing me of name calling. I haven't engaged in name calling. Show me anywhere in this thread I've called anyone a name other than their name. So on the one hand you're talking no confrontation, but on the other you attack me. Boy that's twisted. Seems to me that you're primarily interested in spreading your logo says "become fear". Lets see: you know how this will end, you've warned us, hatred will spread to other threads if people discus anything but vpn tech in the forum. OMG, someone help us, the sky is falling. Be afraid, very afraid. I can't speak for LZ1 or OmniNegro, but I'm not planning on attacking anyone in another thread because I don't agree with their world view. Personally I can easily separate tech discussions from political ones and feel no need to attack anyone.Frankly your outbursts are proving exactly my point. I don't see the justification on wasting more time arguing with you. I'm just feeding the troll I think my work here is done.I'm so glad your done spreading FUD. Thanks. Bye. (Oh I forgot to mention you just engaged in name'd better take another anti-hypocracy pill, the last one has worn off). Bye again. I engaged in name calling for exactly the same reason as you did. Because i have no intentions of peaceful discussion, since clearly you have none yourself. But don't let me stop you. Go ahead. lather your political beliefs on this thread like a dog pisses on a tree to mark his territory. Share this post Link to post