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So, Do You Look Forward To Hillary Clinton As President? [Trump Won]

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Just curious what the community thinks of the candidates and the future president, Clinton. Good? Bad? Beyond words? From a cyber point of view, it looks like it's going to be horrible either way for VPN users and such. I wonder if Air would withdraw all their us servers if Trump won lol.


EDIT: Fun times ahead guys, hahahah.

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No we are not.

The only thing I hope Crooked gets to wipe from now on is her jail cell.

Easier to wipe than servers, it should only be 20x20 meters max, if she is lucky.

Occasional moderator, sometimes BOFH. Opinions are my own, except when my wife disagrees.

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We've just witnessed America's 1933 moment: a fascist was elected to lead the world's largest former democracy. After January, American fascists will be in charge of all 3 branches of the U.S. government. The checks and balances have failed. Sometime in the next couple of years they will stage America's Reichstag moment. A "crisis" will be staged whereby democracy will be suspended for "national security" reasons.  That will leave the three biggest powers on earth under the control of fascist oligarchies headed by uber-narcissistic dictators. One can only assume that they will reach a point of open conflict over the planet's remaining resources.

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Doesn't it make an election totally irrelevant when you know you are not electing the strongman directly, anyway? I can't get how people are shitting at each other, given how representative "democracy" is working. Giving the fate of an election to a few people is closer to aristocracy, if you ask me.


But hey, I'm one to talk; I live in the EU and in Germany, it's all the same here.


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Doesn't it make an election totally irrelevant when you know you are not electing the strongman directly, anyway? I can't get how people are shitting at each other, given how representative "democracy" is working. Giving the fate of an election to a few people is closer to aristocracy, if you ask me.


But hey, I'm one to talk; I live in the EU and in Germany, it's all the same here.


the electoral college isn't like an aristocracy.  it's simply meant to balance mob rule with each state getting equal representation.  each state has their own constitutional laws regarding how the electors are required to vote based on the popular vote.


keep in mind the USA is a union of what should be regarded as 50 nation states.  people have lost that notion and that's why we have the backlash of this election.  it's also why we had a civil war.

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 Then you're either a fascist, a fool or both. And congratulations, you now have both a fascist and a crook for your leader...brilliant choice. But I guess one shouldn't have high expectations from somebody who can't spell 'revealed'.

No offense, but what is it with you and insulting people? This is not the first, nor even the second time you went far out of your way to insult someone.


This is not the place to start arguments. And you are better than this.

Debugging is at least twice as hard as writing the program in the first place.

So if you write your code as clever as you can possibly make it, then by definition you are not smart enough to debug it.

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It's very simple, I have a very low tolerance for people saying stupid things.



 Then you're either a fascist, a fool or both. And congratulations, you now have both a fascist and a crook for your leader...brilliant choice. But I guess one shouldn't have high expectations from somebody who can't spell 'revealed'.

No offense, but what is it with you and insulting people? This is not the first, nor even the second time you went far out of your way to insult someone.


This is not the place to start arguments. And you are better than this.


It's very simple, I have a very low tolerance for people saying stupid things....like "I rather have a "facist (SP)"". Fascism is deadly dangerous....ask the Germans how their experiment with fascism in the 30s worked out. Donald Trump and total Republican control of the U.S. government is also deadly dangerous.

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Doesn't it make an election totally irrelevant when you know you are not electing the strongman directly, anyway? I can't get how people are shitting at each other, given how representative "democracy" is working. Giving the fate of an election to a few people is closer to aristocracy, if you ask me.


But hey, I'm one to talk; I live in the EU and in Germany, it's all the same here.


When the U.S. constitution was drafted in 1787 among the original 13 states, Negro slaves constituted a large part of the population of southern states. The South wanted the extra political clout of determining population-based presidential elections by counting the slave population but without giving slaves the right to vote. The compromise solution was the Electoral College where slaves counted as 3/5 of a person for determining the number of presidential electors for a state, but without having any right to vote. James Madison, a slave owner from Virginia who pushed this compromise, is known as the “Father of the Constitution”. Democratically minded people from then until now have felt strongly that the Electoral College should be replaced by a direct popular vote. But because small population states feel that the system benefits them, it has proved impossible to get the constitutionally required 3/4 of states to ratify an amendment removing the Electoral College. This antiquated system developed to advantage slave owners has failed importantly not only in the current election where Clinton received a majority of the popular vote, but also in Gore v Bush where Gore received the majority of popular vote but Bush was elected and went on to start the Iraq war based on lies. It seems America is still paying the price for slavery in many ways.

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It's very simple, I have a very low tolerance for people saying stupid things.



Then you're either a fascist, a fool or both. And congratulations, you now have both a fascist and a crook for your leader...brilliant choice. But I guess one shouldn't have high expectations from somebody who can't spell 'revealed'.

No offense, but what is it with you and insulting people? This is not the first, nor even the second time you went far out of your way to insult someone.


This is not the place to start arguments. And you are better than this.

It's very simple, I have a very low tolerance for people saying stupid things....like "I rather have a "facist"". Fascism is deadly dangerous....ask the Germans.
I can accept such a low tolerance, yet that doesn't make impoliteness anymore acceptable. If someone isn't able to exchange ideas and opinions on a forum without being unnecessarily rude, then that person really shouldn't be on the forum. It's counter productive and that in itself is perhaps even more stupid.


We can give this one a miss.


You wrote a good post just now, regarding the Electoral College, so thanks for that . I've often felt that one of the great weaknesses and sometimes strength of the us, lies in how each state does things differently.


It'll be interesting to see what comes. While fascism isn't desirable, neither is the neoliberalist period we've been going through, which even the IMF has said is fading.


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"Melania Trump told the crowd what will be her cause should she win the privilege to be First Lady: cyberbullying. "Technology has changed our universe," said Melania Trump on Thursday. "But like anything that is powerful, it can have a bad side.""

"And it is absolutely unacceptable when it is done by someone with no name hiding on the internet."

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"Melania Trump told the crowd what will be her cause should she win the privilege to be First Lady: cyberbullying. "Technology has changed our universe," said Melania Trump on Thursday. "But like anything that is powerful, it can have a bad side.""

"And it is absolutely unacceptable when it is done by someone with no name hiding on the internet."


Ya, she's a gifted plagiarist and otherwise so articulate (NOT). Too bad Trump's return period has expired on that internet purchase. 

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Then you're either a fascist, a fool or both. And congratulations, you now have both a fascist and a crook for your leader...brilliant choice. But I guess one shouldn't have high expectations from somebody who can't spell 'revealed'.

No offense, but what is it with you and insulting people? This is not the first, nor even the second time you went far out of your way to insult someone.


This is not the place to start arguments. And you are better than this.

It's very simple, I have a very low tolerance for people saying stupid things....like "I rather have a "facist"". Fascism is deadly dangerous....ask the Germans.

I can accept such a low tolerance, yet that doesn't make impoliteness anymore acceptable. If someone isn't able to exchange ideas and opinions on a forum without being unnecessarily rude, then that person really shouldn't be on the forum. It's counter productive and that in itself is perhaps even more stupid.


We can give this one a miss.


You wrote a good post just now, regarding the Electoral College, so thanks for that . I've often felt that one of the great weaknesses and sometimes strength of the us, lies in how each state does things differently.


It'll be interesting to see what comes. While fascism isn't desirable, neither is the neoliberalist period we've been going through, which even the IMF has said is fading.


Sent to you from me with datalove





This is exactly one of the reasons the U.S. is in such a mess right now....because people and media accept false equivalencies as a form of "balanced" opinion.....like Democrats and Republicans are the same....they're not the same.....Dems are at least still publicly committed to democratic process (except in choosing their candidate) whereas Republicans are effecting a slow moving, racist, fascist coup d'etat by deliberately limiting voter registration of young and (especially) non-white demographics and then making governance impossible through obstructionism, and convincing people that both parties at fault.


I'm really curious to hear how you describe "neoliberalist period"?


With complete control of all branches of government, the Republicans can very easily outlaw the last vestiges of internet privacy like vpn. Does anyone think they will self-limit their insatiable appetite for illegal spying on citizens of all countries? The  head of the FBI (Republican) intervened effectively and illegally to sway the election.

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Trump is the first presidential candidate from the two corrupt parties I have supported. When i saw how hated he was by the establishment and the media it made him easy to love, because their fear was finally real. Not the fake pseudo-fear between two identical candidates, but a thing of beauty. Not two sock puppets repeating the same old tired talking points that have been used to manipulate people for decades, finally a breath of fresh air that broke all the rules. Media kept telling him what he was supposed to do, supposed to mean, how he was supposed to behave, supposed to run his campaign - he ignored it all, and did it his way. The candidate no one believed had a chance for the longest time did the impossible and showed that it could be done, that the time has come. So while I of course sympathize with all those who are upset that they didn't get four years of corruption, warmongering and boredom - change has come for real this time, so find some joy in that.  

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Consider this.. The CIA 'desperately' wanted Clinton to win. So ask yourself why? That's how dangerous she would have been.


CIA drafted McMullin for Utah, knowing it 'could' be a clincher state. CIA pressured the Gov. in Virginia to commute, then bus 90,000 convicts to polling stations to vote. CIA chose former covert agent, and honeypotted Tim Kaine as her running mate. CIA released information on how to hack voting machines for $25 the day before the election using their front companies. (Cylance, Core Security) The list of methods the CIA used to try and toss this election to Clinton is rather remarkable. Clinton was a VERY controlled person. She doesn't even own herself. She's bought and paid for and there is too much dirt on her so the CIA makes her decisions for her. The FBI October Surprise was because of a bit of a internal struggle between the FBI and CIA, you saw that get fleshed out, the FBI has been working for years to try and become the new CIA so that power struggle was thrust to the forefront.


So think about that before dissing Trump. The CIA doesn't like Trump because he won't be bullied and he doesn't believe their incessant lies and manipulations. That to me, makes him our best choice.

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Trump is the first presidential candidate from the two corrupt parties I have supported. When i saw how hated he was by the establishment and the media it made him easy to love, because their fear was finally real. Not the fake pseudo-fear between two identical candidates, but a thing of beauty. Not two sock puppets repeating the same old tired talking points that have been used to manipulate people for decades, finally a breath of fresh air that broke all the rules. Media kept telling him what he was supposed to do, supposed to mean, how he was supposed to behave, supposed to run his campaign - he ignored it all, and did it his way. The candidate no one believed had a chance for the longest time did the impossible and showed that it could be done, that the time has come. So while I of course sympathize with all those who are upset that they didn't get four years of corruption, warmongering and boredom - change has come for real this time, so find some joy in that.

 Oh yes, their palpable fear was absolutely fantastic. It was all worth it.. Watching their rigging fall apart at the seams when they suddenly realized their rigging didn't work.. You've got to realize, they were SO POSITIVE they would win with all of their rigging that this came as a tremendous shock. The fear, anger and suffering they endure now is absolutely the coolest thing I have seen in a LONG time.

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Trump won't be bullied because he is the uber bully. He will simply force the CIA to do his bullying once he is their boss. He will also bully the entire rest of the world. The ugliest of ugly Americans will soon be in charge. Fair warning world, prepare for a very rough ride!


Hillary was no panacea (most unfortunately) when it comes to protecting privacy. I fully expected her to try to help Big Media and Big Money crack down on internet freedom. But there comes a time when you have to chose the lesser of two evils and she was clearly the much lesser evil.

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Trump won't be bullied because he is the uber bully. He will simply force the CIA to do his bullying once he is their boss. He will also bully the entire rest of the world. The ugliest of ugly Americans will soon be in charge. Fair warning world, prepare for a very rough ride!


Hillary was no panacea (most unfortunately) when it comes to protecting privacy. I fully expected her to try to help Big Media and Big Money crack down on internet freedom. But there comes a time when you have to chose the lesser of two evils and she was clearly the much lesser evil.

If it's true that he will bully the rest of the world, then that would simply mean he wasn't worse than Hillary though. I don't think it's clear cut who's the lesser evil. I think it hinges largely on where your interests lie. The us has after all, since WW2, been bullying/terrorising much of the world, under a host of different presidencies. With varying degrees of subtlety. So if he does bully others, if anything, he might at least be consistent with something, for once in this election cycle .


Perhaps if he controls the CIA, he may accomplish the difficult objective of controlling the intelligence agencies. Perhaps if someone is clearly in control, we may at least finally have some level of accountability for whatever actions are carried out, as the president is a public figure. I'm not counting on it though haha.


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LZ1, so your defense of DT is that he bullies consistently? Really?


I don't think you understand who Trump is. He is a complete narcissist. Only one person actually exists or matters to him, that's himself. He is a documented con-man who cheats those poorer than himself and treats them with contempt and disregard. He makes no attempt to not lie; the truth simply doesn't matter to him. When confronted with a video of something he said, he simply denies it. Yes, people have actually fact-checked what he says. The average politician lies about 25% of the time. Hillary lies about 25% of the time. DT lies about 75% of the time. He is a classic demagogue, inciting people's fears to manipulate them. Not caring about the truth he simply makes up stories to frighten those not able or willing to think critically. He is an unapologetic racist. How is that going to work out building relationships with the 80+% of the world's population that is not white? He doesn't give a damn for the rule of law or established precedent, both of which constitute civilized societies' ways of establishing what is beneficial rather than destructive behavior. Hillary represents a continuation of status quo which many liberal minded people would like to improve dramatically upon. DT represents a whole new level of danger. He epitomizes greed over empathy. Hillary represented evolution where Trump represents revolution. But his revolution is not about Liberté, égalité, fraternité. Its about the triumph of his personal power and the dominance of the world's financial elite at the expense of everyone else.


Did I forget to mention that he denies human-caused global climate change?


Also it looks like Europe had better plan on defending itself or paying the U.S. for protection.

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Trump is the first presidential candidate from the two corrupt parties I have supported. When i saw how hated he was by the establishment and the media it made him easy to love, because their fear was finally real. Not the fake pseudo-fear between two identical candidates, but a thing of beauty. Not two sock puppets repeating the same old tired talking points that have been used to manipulate people for decades, finally a breath of fresh air that broke all the rules. Media kept telling him what he was supposed to do, supposed to mean, how he was supposed to behave, supposed to run his campaign - he ignored it all, and did it his way. The candidate no one believed had a chance for the longest time did the impossible and showed that it could be done, that the time has come. So while I of course sympathize with all those who are upset that they didn't get four years of corruption, warmongering and boredom - change has come for real this time, so find some joy in that.

 Oh yes, their palpable fear was absolutely fantastic. It was all worth it.. Watching their rigging fall apart at the seams when they suddenly realized their rigging didn't work.. You've got to realize, they were SO POSITIVE they would win with all of their rigging that this came as a tremendous shock. The fear, anger and suffering they endure now is absolutely the coolest thing I have seen in a LONG time.


Well, itguy, obviously you live in the Republican bubble. Would you care to provide any evidence of the rigging you claim the Dems did? Or are you just parroting Trump's made-up BS? 


As much as you're enjoying your gloat now, your schadenfreude will turn to distress frustration and despair when you eventually figure out that you've been had by a con-man. Or maybe not, you may be one of those people who will enjoy living in a fascist America.

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LZ1, so your defense of DT is that he bullies consistently? Really?


I don't think you understand who Trump is. He is a complete narcissist. Only one person actually exists or matters to him, that's himself. He is a documented con-man who cheats those poorer than himself and treats them with contempt and disregard. He makes no attempt to not lie; the truth simply doesn't matter to him. When confronted with a video of something he said, he simply denies it. Yes, people have actually fact-checked what he says. The average politician lies about 25% of the time. Hillary lies about 25% of the time. DT lies about 75% of the time. He is a classic demagogue, inciting people's fears to manipulate them. Not caring about the truth he simply makes up stories to frighten those not able or willing to think critically. He is an unapologetic racist. How is that going to work out building relationships with the 80+% of the world's population that is not white? He doesn't give a damn for the rule of law or established precedent, both of which constitute civilized societies' ways of establishing what is beneficial rather than destructive behavior. Hillary represents a continuation of status quo which many liberal minded people would like to improve dramatically upon. DT represents a whole new level of danger. He epitomizes greed over empathy. Hillary represented evolution where Trump represents revolution. But his revolution is not about Liberté, égalité, fraternité. Its about the triumph of his personal power and the dominance of the world's financial elite at the expense of everyone else.


Did I forget to mention that he denies human-caused global climate change?


Also it looks like Europe had better plan on defending itself or paying the U.S. for protection.


The consistency thing was more of a joke though, haha. Because as we know, he's very inconsistent.


But while I agree with your description of him, I don't see how that would make him any worse than Hillary would've been, in terms of bullying/terrorising the rest of the world. Because sadly, fact is the us has been doing just that, ever since WW2 ended . It's just either swept under the rug or made to sound justifiable. Due to DTs inconsistency, I also don't think it's worth being afraid of him not working out differences with non-whites, because even he, as a Republican, has been quite Democratic in terms of his views, at some points. So his views aren't even iron-clad. As many have said, there may be a distinction to be had between campaign-DT and president-DT behaviour.


I also do know that he denies climate change. He once said it was a Chinese plot, concocted to cripple american industry, due to the extra burdens of being environmentally friendly placed on them, haha. So while it's a tragedy he holds such views, at least other nations like China will continue to improve their respective environments. Even if, naturally, it may be slower now perhaps. It should be said Hillary was no angel even in this respect though. She actively supported fracking, which is lame. It's a shame nuclear power isn't supported more.


As for rule of law, I still don't think Hillary would be a major change in that regard either. Where was rule of law when Iraq was invaded illegally for instance? Or millions spied upon? Sure he represents greed, but yet again, how is that any different from Hillary, who was found to receive speaker fees from Goldman Sachs and others? I think it all just comes down to whether you want your vices hidden or thrown in your face. If hidden, then Hillary is the way to go. If thrown in your face, then DT.

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Since this is AirVPN's forum i do think we should stick to internet privacy even though it's in the off topic. VPN's Tor etc would have been in danger no matter who won this election. Hillary Clinton wanted to use surveillance as an alternative to fighting terrorisim and Donald Trump simply disregards anyone's right to digital privacy whatsoever unless its the US government. It's up to congress what legal actions are going to be taken regarding digital freedom and privacy. Unless your the NSA, then you just do whatever you feel is needed regardless of the law. 



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LZ1, I think you need to cut the U.S. a little slack. I don't think you can name any powerful country in history that didn't push weaker countries around for it's own benefit. That's a human fault, not just a U.S. fault. Yes, the U.S. certainly did that and I hate it. But at the same time it did pay to rebuild Europe after WW2 and protected the non-communist world from the USSR and China. Europe, Japan and most of the world still lives under the protection of the U.S. military umbrella. Those who want to see the U.S. fall should be careful what they wish for. Finding themselves under Russia's or China's thumb would be drastically worse.


Re: climate change. All the talk is pointless now. Frankly it's too little too late. Short of a dramatic technical breakthrough (like fusion) very soon, runaway global warming is the future. World carbon emission will continue to rise because of China, India, South America and more generally human's inability to limit their breeding (global population is now projected to NOT level off at 12 billion, but continue to grow). We've probably already passed the global warming tipping point and it would take a massive cheap clean energy expenditure (the technology for which we don't have) to try to undo it. The latest projections based on the latest data from Antarctica show a 6ft sea level rise by the end of the century. Trillions will be spent in an ultimately futile attempt to buy more time for the world's major coastal cities. I agree more should be done to put in place the latest generation of fission plants which are passively cooled and fail safely and without human intervention when they fail. Still that falls into the too little too late bucket.

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