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“Air VPN Hack Executed’

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Hi all,


I have just come across this whilst looking at Airvpn reviews at https://www.bestvpn.com/blog/4486/airvpn-review/



"AIR VPN, something wrong with them after some time noticing some privacy breaches. Very good service and simple interface, no problems initially. In the connections logs on their AIR client I noticed “Air VPN Hack Executed’ upon every connection to any server. I got in contact with them and they said it was due to old log and I decided to upgrade to new client. I did that. Same problem occurred. I ran diagnostic tests to work out whether an end-to-end hack of handshake had occurred regarding wireless of via the LAN level and so on. I changed the password a few times and realized after every time I did that the problem would not occur in the logs. If you use this VPN for personal email and billing something within of staff associated may compromise the connection. I find this strange and have decided to move to another VPN service. Many keep logs and therefore is using paid VPN for additional security over wireless of against privacy snooping, many will actually snare passwords IE. banking and email. Overall, very good service yet strange problem and no longer feel secure about the AirVPN service. When you mentioned ‘Italian Hactivism’ in the review I thought it was ‘okay’ in the beginning to give them a try, this mean something else altogether now."


I was intreasted in Air's response and what "Air VPN Hack Executed" actually means.


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We have no idea how the comment author imagined such a completely fantastic scenario. "AirVPN Hack Executed" is just a line of our client logs, printed when some appropriate operations are performed to patch a (now rare) problem in some Windows 8 systems when the tun/tap interface does not come up. The tun/tap interface is the virtual network card used by OpenVPN. See also here: https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/ticket/316


Our client is free and open source so anyone can examine the source code (and compile it) available on Github: https://github.com/AirVPN/airvpn-client


Kind regards

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""Air VPN Hack Executed" actually means."


The user doesn't understand the proper use of the word. Hack in the original sense is as Air support pointed out means a patch\workround etc.  Specifically in this case it's work around for issues with the interface as stated above, making sure the TAP interfaces (used for openvpn connections) are enabled\up before use, nothing to worry about.




public static string HackInterfaceUpDone = "AirVPN Windows Interface Hack executed ({1})";





public void HackWindowsInterfaceUp()
NetworkInterface[] interfaces = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces();
foreach (NetworkInterface adapter in interfaces)
if (adapter.Description.StartsWith("TAP-Win"))
Engine.Instance.Log(Engine.LogType.Verbose, Messages.Format(Messages.HackInterfaceUpDone, adapter.Name));
ShellCmd("netsh interface set interface \"" + adapter.Name + "\" ENABLED");




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""Air VPN Hack Executed" actually means."


The user doesn't understand the proper use of the word. Hack in the original sense is as Air support pointed out means a patch\workround etc.  Specifically in this case it's work around for issues with the interface as stated above, making sure the TAP interfaces (used for openvpn connections) are enabled\up before use, nothing to worry about.


​This ^^

​I didn't read his review but I hope he realizes his mistake before he cancels his sub.

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Perhaps the message in the log should be made more clear so it can't be misinterpreted.  Who knows how many people will be spooked by the errant post and cancel their sub.

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