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Eddie 2.1beta available

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Just a small suggestion. I use a software to track new releases and versions of software that I have installed. Version 1 of the Air client always listed the file and product version (under properties > details) as 1.0 no matter what version was actually on the system. It seems that since Eddie beta has updated from 2.0 to 2.1, this is the same case. Would it be possible whenever you release a new version, that you update the properties so it will reflect the actual installed version (not always 2.0)? This would make it so much easier for any of us that track software versions from the file/product property details... Thanks in advance...

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I don't know if this is a bug or a feature, but anyway...


I am currently running Linux Mint 17 Cinnamon x64 RC in a live environment. Running the .tar.gz I logged in and connected to a server. Having then updated Linux Mint (to get the latest Firefox and network-manager which fixes the long standing Ubuntu network-manager applet bug) I logged out of the Cinnamon session because of Cinnamon updates. Upon logging back in, I launched ./airvpn again and was told by an error dialog that openvpn was already running whenever I tried to connect.


After some poking around I realised the original instance of the program had stayed running in the background, so although the airvpn program GUI has exited, the server connection has stayed live in the background using an instance of openvpn. That's one way to minimise Eddie to the tray I suppose!


However I think it's probably a bug and openvpn should have exited when the GUI did. Can you please confirm? Thanks!

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Edit: Nevermind about the server names issue I reinstalled. Everything is OK.

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Is there any manual to read? I'm not an expert but I'd like to know what words like "DNS Switch", "Ensure that tunnel uses AirVPN DNS System" and all the other settings mean.

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Is there any manual to read? I'm not an expert but I'd like to know what words like "DNS Switch", "Ensure that tunnel uses AirVPN DNS System" and all the other settings mean.




The instructions are the same, just like for 2.0beta, at the usual announced link https://airvpn.org/software (only direct link, not available in web site menus at the moment).


Kind regards

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Hello Airvpn Staff,

I was wondering if you had a ETA for Eddie on Mavericks or Mac?

Thanks in advance,



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It is very difficult to connect to any server. There is a message coming "Routing checking fail" and than it's continue in connecting/disconnecting loop. I have to try several times or reboot my computer.


Can anyone help please ???

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It is very difficult to connect to any server. There is a message coming "Routing checking fail" and than it's continue in connecting/disconnecting loop. I have to try several times or reboot my computer.


Can anyone help please ???


If you run the older client 1.92, does this problem disappear or is it the same?


Kind regards

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It is very difficult to connect to any server. There is a message coming "Routing checking fail" and than it's continue in connecting/disconnecting loop. I have to try several times or reboot my computer.


Can anyone help please ???


If you run the older client 1.92, does this problem disappear or is it the same?


Kind regards


With the client 1.92 the problem appear when I try to prevent DNS leake like explained on https://www.dnsleaktest.com/how-to-fix-a-dns-leak.html


The thing is though that it worked perfectly but since a few days I have connection problems with "EDDIE" and even when I try to connect with client 1.92 + prevent DNS leak like written above I seem to be connected but I can't display any website (browser says server connection error or something).


Now I'm lost

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Hello @ghostp,


please open a ticket at your convenience and send us the Eddie logs taken after the problem occurs (click "Logs" tab, click "Copy to clipboard" and paste into your ticket).


Kind regards

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hi i its a minor issue but when i connect to any server at the air startup it seems to always pick one that is not available. When i look at the list of servers its one that says 0/1000Mbit/s for example and doesn't connect. Like i said its not an issue just letting you know.I assume its a small bug not my setup.Cheers

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With Ubuntu i still get the same error.





which Ubuntu version? What happens if you install OpenVPN manually (sudo apt-get install openvpn) ?


Kind regards

same problem with Xubuntu 


OpenVPN Driver - Not available

ISP: Fastweb IT Gpon (1 Gbit/sec. DW / 200 Mbit/sec. UP)
Modem / router: Fastgate
PC desktop main: Asus M5A97 R 2.0 + AMD FX 6300 + Amd Asus R7 260x (Windows 8.1 64 bit)

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OpenVPN Driver - Not available

I am having the same problem with openSUSE 13.1! 

I am using the network manager right now. Does this affect my safety? You advise against using the network manager on other Linux systems. What about openSUSE?


Do I have to uninstall the network manager in order to getting Eddie to work? OpenVPN is installed and working. When trying to connect to Eddie while being connected to the network manager I am getting the message "openVPN is already connected". But when I disconnect and try connecting to Eddie only, I get the message that the driver wasn't available.


Another small thing: there are always 2 small windows popping up displaying the messages, not one.

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the "dilemma" will be no more when Eddie will have total leaks prevention as built-in function which can be activated with a click. This is planned and will probably be added in the next release, during the 1st week of June.


I realize that predicting software development is notoriously unpredictable but could it be that the release of 2.2 is being held up by this little event in Brazil?  (hint: the final is on Sunday July 13th.) 

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Just a quick curious question. Is it normal to see a lot of random named *.ovpn files inside the default AirVPN v2 series folder? I am just wondering because I never saw these before with v1 of the client. If I remember correctly, there may have been one *.ovpn file with the v1 product but I have like 15 of them showing with v2. I can not view them as they seem to be encrypted...

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Yes, that's totally normal. If any contact with any possible frontend server fails, Eddie will try to bypass censorship by using any possible older available configuration file to connect to a VPN server. Once inside the VPN (where contacts will be again possible) Eddie will update everything transparently.


Kind regards

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Hey!, i got "Driver installation failed" when i try connect with eddie:



E 2014.06.19 22:00:56 - OpenVPN Driver - Not available

I 2014.06.19 22:00:56 - OpenVPN - Version: OpenVPN 2.2.1 (/usr/sbin/openvpn)
I 2014.06.19 22:00:56 - SSH - Version: OpenSSH_5.9p1 Debian-5ubuntu1.4, OpenSSL 1.0.1 14 Mar 2012 (/usr/bin/ssh)
I 2014.06.19 22:00:56 - SSL - Version: No limit (/usr/bin/stunnel4)
I 2014.06.19 22:00:56 - IPV6: Available
! 2014.06.19 22:00:56 - Ready
I 2014.06.19 22:01:06 - Session starting.
! 2014.06.19 22:01:06 - Checking environment
! 2014.06.19 22:01:07 - Installing tunnel driver
F 2014.06.19 22:01:07 - Driver installation failed.
! 2014.06.19 22:01:15 - Exiting


any ideas?

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Some feedback (Windows 2.1 client)


Regarding the user interface, I know this is beta and you'll polish it before final release, but I just want to get some thoughts out there.


Users generally expect a UI to behave in certain ways and aligning with those conventions helps to make the app feel more familiar and easy to use. It also helps it to feel consistent with how the OS generally acts.


System Tray Icon

When I single-click the tray icon, it opens up a menu and a nameless taskbar icon. The menu and taskbar icon are difficult to get rid of if you accidentally click the tray icon. The way to do it seems to be - left click the taskbar icon then either click the taskbar or the desktop. A taskbar icon should only come up if the client window is open - it shouldn't show up at all when just the menu is open. Clicking on the desktop or taskbar should immediately close the menu.


I suggest having the menu come up when right-clicking the system tray icon rather than (or in addition to) left-clicking. So the tray icon does the following:


Single left-click = either do nothing or bring up the menu

Double left-click = open the client window

Single right-click = bring up the menu



It would be nice to have options for "Connect to VPN" and "Disconnect from VPN" on the left/right-click menu for the icon in the system tray.

Those are probably the two most frequently accessed functions, so reducing the number of clicks to perform them would be welcome.



Hanging connections, returning settings to normal, abort button

When I connect to a server, I sometimes have a step for "Waiting for latency tests." The connection sometimes hangs on this step (also sometimes hangs on "Checking authorization") and I'm forced to close the client. When I do this, I sometimes need to manually reset my IP settings. When you close the client while a connection is being negotiated, it should return your system settings to what they were before. Or maybe this is the issue of needing to wait longer for Windows to reset the network settings? (I discuss this more later but this hasn't happened often enough during hung connections for me to test)


I suggest having an option to "Abort Connection" in both the right-click menu (that is only clickable when a connection is in the process of being created) and the client Overview tab (visible only when a connection is being negotiated). Clicking "abort" should cancel the connection and return your settings to what they were before.


Client logs

Client logs on the local machine seem to be erased when the client is closed. It might help troubleshooting to retain the logs between sessions (adding some controls, such as overwriting logs older than X amount of time or keeping the log file to a certain size, or keeping no logs at all). Having more logs would be useful to me because I've been having disconnections lately (where I would be disconnected from a server and the client automatically tries to reconnect). Sometimes the reconnection process hangs and I'm forced to close the client. This wipes the logs but now I want to know what servers were giving trouble before, so I can try manually connecting to a different one.


Connection time

On the Overview screen, move the counting up connection time out of the "Connected since" line to a separate line that says "Connection time:"


Disconnecting and reconnecting

When I disconnect from the VPN (but stay logged in), the following happens:


1 - The client disconnects (lasts about 5 seconds)

2 - Windows appears to re-detect the network - not positive what's going on in this stage (lasts about 15 seconds)


When I see "Disconnecting" vanish on the client and the "Connect" button reappear, I'd expect that I'd be able to reconnect without a problem but if you try to reconnect before Windows re-detects the network (before "phase 2" above is complete 15 secs later), it fails with the error "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: value." 


The way to clear it is to close the client, make sure my network settings are back to the default and then run the client again.


This is something that might be out-of-scope for the client since it's happening on Window's side, but it can inconvenience the end-user if they don't understand what's going on. It also can make the client or AirVPN look bad because the end-user might blame the client for not working properly.


A way around this could be to extend the disconnection phase until Windows has completed its process (have the client verify Windows has completed its process and network settings are back to their defaults before ending the disconnection phase). If you do this, also include some communication about what's going on behind the scenes "Waiting for Windows to re-establish network" or something to that effect so the end-user understands what's going on.


Another way is to end the disconnection phase normally but include a message telling the user to wait X amount of time before trying to connect again (and explain why).

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@Staff, of the points that @Ansuz raises, I have experienced frustration over the first two. The second one was especially irritating because the only way I knew to reset the network card was by executing the following two commands "netsh int ip reset; netsh winsock reset" (My local ISP tech support provided these to me).  These however require the computer to be restarted. Is there an easier way to reset the settings?

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i'm still having same problem... Driver installation failed. Also it can't be executed as root (throws an exception) and it don't close properly when i press the X, i need to do a Ctrl+C

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Some feedback (Windows 2.1 client)





  • 'Cancel' command in connection phase is already implemented in 2.2 beta.
  • System Tray Icon behavior will be optimized to standard conventions in the next beta release.
  • Logs options to save to file (with a simple rotation solution) will be implemented in the next beta release.
  • At the moment we renamed the 'Connected since' to 'Connection time'. What do you mean? You would like it to be more visible like the bandwidth speed?
  • Commands for direct connection/disconnection from the tray area menu will be implemented in the next beta release.
  • Hanging / disconnecting & reconnecting: This is more complex, we need investigation. Have you checked the 'Switch DHCP to Static' option? This option cause some synchronization problem from AirVPN client versus Windows Network detection/availability.


Kind regards

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@Staff, of the points that @Ansuz raises, I have experienced frustration over the first two. The second one was especially irritating because the only way I knew to reset the network card was by executing the following two commands "netsh int ip reset; netsh winsock reset" (My local ISP tech support provided these to me).  These however require the computer to be restarted. Is there an easier way to reset the settings?




those commands perform a total reset to TCP/IP stack and Winsock sockets catalog. After that a reboot is mandatory.


Try a softer alternative, open a command prompt with administrator privileges and issue the command:

ipconfig /renew

Reboot is not required.


Kind regards

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