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Multi devices suggestion

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I've dropped this suggestion in the contact with support, but I would also like to get a response from some users..? It's about the dis-allowance of multiple devices on a single account at the same time. Air told me they had to implement this restriction so they can guarantee their 4 Mbit/s download + 4 Mbit/s upload, minimum allocated granted bandwidth. And this is absolutly a good and honnorable model.


But I made the following suggestion, and please leave your input!


I would like to make a suggestion that might make me, and a lot of other user happy. The minimum allocated granted bandwidth you are promising could also be implemented as "minimum allocated granted bandwidth TOTALLED PER account", so if a user want to use more more than 1 device on their account, it just has to share the minimum spread out over their active devices. Ofcourse there could be a set limit like 3, 5 or 10 devices per account.


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Why not just use a router?


What you suggest might be possible only if additional logging will be done on all Air servers.

The best would be to keep it simple, one account - one RADIUS connection, no gimmicks.


My 2 cents.

Occasional moderator, sometimes BOFH. Opinions are my own, except when my wife disagrees.

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When you say use a router, do you mean configure your router so all devices that connect to it go through the VPN? If so, that's not a good solution here. What if a device is connected at your house and you want to connect to Air from a public wifi/friend's house/whatever?

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In this case, you can run both OpenVPN client and server on your home router.

Forward one of the allowed 20 ports, then connect "from a public wifi/friend's house/whatever" to your username.airdns.org:port, and the traffic will be routed securely via your main router -> AirVPN -> Internet.

Occasional moderator, sometimes BOFH. Opinions are my own, except when my wife disagrees.

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In this case, you can run both OpenVPN client and server on your home router.

Forward one of the allowed 20 ports, then connect "from a public wifi/friend's house/whatever" to your username.airdns.org:port, and the traffic will be routed securely via your main router -> AirVPN -> Internet.

Wait, hold on , what is this you are telling me? Could you explain this function a bit more detailed?

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Lack of multiple device support is very short sighted.  It's terrible value for money especially since AirVPN is one of the more expensive companies.


This is the reason I will be looking at other VPNs when it's time for renewal.

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Lack of multiple device support is very short sighted.  It's terrible value for money especially since AirVPN is one of the more expensive companies.


This is the reason I will be looking at other VPNs when it's time for renewal.




Thank you for your feedback!


We think that different business models for different needs apply here. We are the only service in the world which guarantees explicitly on the Terms of Service a minimum allocated bandwidth. It is a promise of no overselling, and we publish a real-time servers monitor to show that we respect this commitment. This makes our service extremely inexpensive, but of course only if you are able to understand the value of this commitment. Competitors are there to satisfy different needs, expectations etc.! We will always try to improve our customers' satisfaction, but we will never be able to satisfy every need of every person in the world, otherwise we would have no competitors at all. :D


Kind regards

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I just want to be able to use your service on my computer and smartphone at the same time without paying extra or requiring a different router than the one I already own.

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Lack of multiple device support is very short sighted.  It's terrible value for money especially since AirVPN is one of the more expensive companies.


This is the reason I will be looking at other VPNs when it's time for renewal.




Thank you for your feedback!


We think that different business models for different needs apply here. We are the only service in the world which guarantees explicitly on the Terms of Service a minimum allocated bandwidth. It is a promise of no overselling, and we publish a real-time servers monitor to show that we respect this commitment. This makes our service extremely inexpensive, but of course only if you are able to understand the value of this commitment. Competitors are there to satisfy different needs, expectations etc.! We will always try to improve our customers' satisfaction, but we will never be able to satisfy every need of every person in the world, otherwise we would have no competitors at all.


Kind regards

I read this complaint all the time, and of course, everyone would prefer to have a number of devices operating at the same time if they could. The point is, we can't have it all. Choices have to be made. Personally, I greatly value the commitment to minimum allocated bandwidth. There is already way too much irresponsible overselling going on. I would be devastated if AirVPN followed the overselling route. I think this business model is the correct one.

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Since you asked , I will give my 2 cents here.


While I would like to add a moble device to my service, we all know everyone and thier dog is watching you on moble, I'm not upset with the terms of service with AirVPN. I had tried many, many others that were cheaper and/or more expensive than Air. None have matched, what I believe to be, value for the dollar.


I have a router that allows me to connect to AirVPN, allowing all my devices to go through the vpn. This is a feature not blocked by Air to satisfy those of us who want multiple devices using it, in one location of course.


I am happy the way it is. If they choose to improve the service without slowing the system down I'm okay with that too. I like that, when I connect with the service, my loss of speed is virtually unnoticable. Compared to other services I personally have used, this is, to me, phenomenal. That's not even taking into account the customer service that AirVPN has supplied. Which, I might add has been excellent.


I like to give credit where credit is due.



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I am very happy with the service, but wish you would find a way to allow multiple devices. I do not expect this to be free. Is there a way you could charge for an additional device, without a user having to open up another account?

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Two simultaneous connections would be great for those that have a router connecting to Air at home, and find themselves on the road.


But for everything else, doesn't the "Disconnect Current Client" button solve all other problems?


Are you guys actually using two devices, at the same time?

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Yeah, for sure. I took out a second subscription to cover my husband, because obviously, both of us would be online at the same time.


As for me, I might be downloading something on a computer behind the VPN, and then want to do some work or reading somewhere else on the iPad or the laptop. I almost always use the VPN, as privacy is very important to me. At times like those, I have to make a choice of turning off the VPN on one or other of the devices. To be honest, it's not ideal, but I still prefer to have a high quality privacy service that actually does what it promises, than a lesser standard service that covers multiple devices -assuming those are the only two options we have.


I realise I could run this through the router, but I don't want to do this. Firstly, I am not a geek and I'm figuring too many ugly things could happen if I start messing about there. Secondly, I want the mobile devices covered when we're out, so the router idea wouldn't work for us.


Multiple devices coverage would be sensational, but not at the cost of reduced quality of service. Which I think has been great so far...

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Two simultaneous connections would be great for those that have a router connecting to Air at home, and find themselves on the road.


But for everything else, doesn't the "Disconnect Current Client" button solve all other problems?


Are you guys actually using two devices, at the same time?

 Yes we are, multi-tasking to the max!

Naah, in my case I want my phone to be always on the network (recieving messages etc.), besides my laptop or tablet when in use.

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Me too, I just want to be able to use your service on my computer and smartphone at the same time without paying for two accounts. Could we get a discount for this use case?

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Me too, I just want to be able to use your service on my computer and smartphone at the same time without paying for two accounts. Could we get a discount for this use case?




since April 2014 you can connect simultaneously three devices from the same account to different VPN servers.


Kind regards

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