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still have damn dns leak aaaarrggghhhh

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hello, i tried almost everything on this forum to clean my dns leak, but still not good

i am using your client airpvn.exe


i 1st tried the proposition of dnsleakteste website, but it doenst worked..


the only thing i didnt do is the comodo firewal, 'cos he crash my PC (i had to reinstall windows...)


is there any way to make a clear and simple tutorial who explain clearely how to do?

a lot of post speaking of thei sissues, and everyone give some advice, but not THE solution.


i tried with google dns, but then i got dns leak on 6 google servers.


i tried with the batch.bat from  Omniferum, after creating   but it says this file (ovpn created by your site) doenst have an IP adress

Your .ovpn file does not contain an IP address, it most likely has
a DNS address (e.g. www.google.com - when it should be:

i tried this one https://airvpn.org/topic/9289-dns-leaks-and-how-to-fix-them/


but it didnt worked niether....


i always clean with ccleaner any dns cache etc... between each operation and reboot my computer too.


i am desperate


i just saw that there is a vpn client where u just have to click a button and all is fixed, but its for another vpn provider




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I think you know this site?

I wrote a script which uses the manual version. It's as easy as typing 1 (apply static DNS) or 2 (reverse to DHCP). So I just opened it once, applied the antileak and never reversed it because Windows never changed it back to DHCP. And VPN is still connecting because I use resolved names in the ovpn file. Simple but effective.

Maybe the manual version will do the trick... try it out.


LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too!

Want to contact me directly? All relevant methods are on my About me page.

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there is no such leak "from OpenVPN", or "from an OpenVPN client", they have nothing to do with anything of that. "DNS leaks" are a direct consequence of Windows buggy DNS implementation and lack of concept of global DNS.


Kind regards

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Hi Gigan3rd,


would you be so kind to share with us the script you have created? I am also struggling with the same issue as Kubrik.

Many thanks in advance!




I think you know this site?

I wrote a script which uses the manual version. It's as easy as typing 1 (apply static DNS) or 2 (reverse to DHCP). So I just opened it once, applied the antileak and never reversed it because Windows never changed it back to DHCP. And VPN is still connecting because I use resolved names in the ovpn file. Simple but effective.

Maybe the manual version will do the trick... try it out.

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Hi Gigan3rd,


would you be so kind to share with us the script you have created? I am also struggling with the same issue as Kubrik.

Many thanks in advance!




I think you know this site?


I wrote a script which uses the manual version. It's as easy as typing 1 (apply static DNS) or 2 (reverse to DHCP). So I just opened it once, applied the antileak and never reversed it because Windows never changed it back to DHCP. And VPN is still connecting because I use resolved names in the ovpn file. Simple but effective.

Maybe the manual version will do the trick... try it out.


The name of your LAN adapter might not be the same because I wrote it for my own machine only. Use steps 1 and 2 of the manual setup to determine what the name of your adapter is and replace Ethernet with it. Then copy the whole thing into an editor and save it as something.cmd or something.bat.


@echo off
echo ##############################################################
echo ### Changes your DNS to your machine and back to default.  ###
echo ### http://dnsleaktest.com/how-to-fix-a-dns-leak.html      ###
echo ### Semi-automatic, transparent alternative to the exe.    ###
echo ##############################################################
goto begin
ipconfig /flushdns
echo --------------------------------------------------------------
echo Type "1" to deploy and anything else to reverse DNS antileak.
set /P pick=
if %pick%==1 (goto depl) else goto rev
echo --------------------------------------------------------------
echo Deploying antileak...
netsh interface IPv4 set dnsservers "Ethernet" static both no
goto end
echo --------------------------------------------------------------
echo Reversing antileak...
netsh interface IPv4 set dnsservers "Ethernet" dhcp
goto end
echo Done.
echo --------------------------------------------------------------


LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too!

Want to contact me directly? All relevant methods are on my About me page.

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