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NL Server Speed Benchmarks

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Hey guys,


I made a little script for myself to test the speed of all NL Servers to see which servers are the ones and I thought I could share it with you guys (I only tested the speed 1 time which isn't the best way to benchmark something, but it should work for just as a test):



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Sure, I made the script in AHK (AutoHotkey). It is image based which means if you put something in front of the picture it is trying to locate it won't be able to do that and it also uses your physical mouse, but only in the Eddie client. If you want to use the script you most likely have to recreate the picture by yourself. You can do that simply by pressing ALT+PrntScreen and then copy and paste the picture into Paint. Then zoom into the area you want to crop out and create a new file in paint and paste it in and resize it so that the default paint background (The big area in Paint is not visible example: https://i.imgur.com/HaXprqd.png). You might have to change click positions but I'm not going to tell how all that stuff works, sorry.



Possible to share the script with us? thanks


I know that it is not easy if you don't know what you are doing that's why I didn't include it in my first post but you asked for it so here you go.


Download: https://transfer.sh/Hb49V/AirVPN_SpeedTest.zip


Sourcecode AirVPN Speedtest.ahk:


;You have to open the Eddie-Client by yourself, same goes for your browser
;If you need to change the click positions then open the included tool in the AHK directory
;Also if it can't click anything then you have to set all AHK processes to be run in admin mode


#include %A_ScriptDir%\FindClick.ahk

CoordMode, Pixel, Screen
CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen

WinMove, Eddie,, -6, 0, 1031, 1057 ;Resizes the Eddie Client

Loop {
	WinMinimize, Mozilla Firefox
	WinActivate, Eddie
	MouseClick,, 60, 512 ;Click Servers
	Sleep 1000
	MouseClick,, 900, 90 ;Click inside the serverlist so that it is able to switch servers
	Sleep 100
	Send {Down} ;First server always gets skipped, I could make it so that it doesn't skip the first server but I'm too lazy for that ;P 
	Sleep 250
	MouseClick,, 995, 80 ;Click Connect-Button
	Sleep 250
	MouseClick,, 1900, 500 ;Moves the mouse out of the way
	Sleep 5000
	Loop {
		ImageSearch, VPNConnectedX, VPNConnectedY, 370, 460, 460, 480, *35 %A_ScriptDir%\Images\VPNConnected.png ;Check if we are connected to any server
			If VPNConnectedX then
				Sleep 500
				Sleep 250
	WinActivate, Mozilla Firefox
	ControlClick, x1740 y90, Mozilla Firefox, , Left, , NA ;Click the http://beta.speedtest.net/ bookmark
	Sleep 2500
	SpeedtestLoaded() ;Waits till http://beta.speedtest.net/ is fully loaded
	ControlSend,, {CTRL down}{F5}{CTRL Up}, Mozilla Firefox ;Refreshes Browser cache to ensure that we are running the speedtest with the right server
	SpeedtestLoaded() ;Waits till http://beta.speedtest.net/ is fully loaded
	FindClick(A_ScriptDir "\Images\SpeedtestStart.png", "o35, w30000,1000, rFirefox") ;Waits till the GO Button appears
	Loop {
		ImageSearch, SpeedtestDoneX, SpeedtestDoneY, 950, 350, 1015, 410, *35 %A_ScriptDir%\Images\SpeedtestDone.png ;Waits till the speedtest is done
			If SpeedtestDoneX then
				Sleep 500
				Sleep 250
	} ;Repeat the script

SpeedtestLoaded() {
	Loop {
		ImageSearch, SpeedtestLoadedX, SpeedtestLoadedY, 0, 0, 30, 30, *35 %A_ScriptDir%\Images\SpeedtestLoaded.png
			If SpeedtestLoadedX then
				Sleep 500
				Sleep 250


AHK Download: https://autohotkey.com/download/ahk-install.exe




Credits to berban for his awesome work with FindClick: https://autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=90753&sid=b3d05992529d777d5948aa71abd752f4#p90753

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Please make sure to clarify that such tables do not provide any hint to anybody except you. The script should be run on a node to provide something that's' useful to that node (according to all the limitations that a speed test toward another dedicated server operated by speedtest.net is subjected to, of course).


Kind regards

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