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This is my first VPN and I'm completely lost on what I need to do setup wise. I read the beginners' guide but I'm still experiencing issues. Not sure what all is needed, but I'm getting incredibly slow speeds while torrenting. My internet is usually around 70 Mbps. I get roughly 500 Kbps while torrenting.

Down: 28.622 Mbit/s Out, 22.235 Mbit/s In (77%), 20MB - Up: 4.896 Mbit/s Out, 5.203 Mbit/s In (106%), 20MB - Date: Mon, 02 Jan 2017 05:25:36 GMT - Buffers: 20MB/20MB - Laps: 3, Time: 129.37 secs


Also everytime I minimize AirVPN client it crashes and when I open it I'm told that I'm not connected and unprotected  


Here are my logs if they're important.

I 2017.01.02 00:34:48 - AirVPN client version: 2.10.3 / x64, System: Windows, Name: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0 / x64
. 2017.01.02 00:34:48 - Reading options from C:\Users\Elliot\AppData\Local\AirVPN\AirVPN.xml
. 2017.01.02 00:34:48 - Data Path: C:\Users\Elliot\AppData\Local\AirVPN
. 2017.01.02 00:34:48 - App Path: H:\AirVPN
. 2017.01.02 00:34:48 - Executable Path: H:\AirVPN\AirVPN.exe
. 2017.01.02 00:34:48 - Command line arguments (1): path="home"
. 2017.01.02 00:34:48 - Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
. 2017.01.02 00:34:48 - Updating systems & servers data ...
. 2017.01.02 00:34:49 - Systems & servers data update completed
I 2017.01.02 00:34:50 - OpenVPN Driver - TAP-Windows Adapter V9, version 9.21.1
I 2017.01.02 00:34:50 - OpenVPN - Version: OpenVPN 2.3.8 (H:\AirVPN\openvpn.exe)
I 2017.01.02 00:34:50 - SSH - Version: plink 0.63 (H:\AirVPN\plink.exe)
I 2017.01.02 00:34:50 - SSL - Version: stunnel 5.17 (H:\AirVPN\stunnel.exe)
! 2017.01.02 00:34:50 - Ready




If anymore information is needed please tell me

Thanks in advance



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Every time you minimize it? Wow. I think you should just try out the Beta client straight away then.


  1. So did you try this torrenting guide?
  2. Or any of these recommendations?
  3. Then there's the more involved guides depending on what your goal is.

By the sound of it, I'd say you may have set up everything correctly, but that if you've somehow got such grave problems that the client crashes upon minimizing, that this should be resolved first.


Which, as I said, would be to try the Beta client . So, download the Beta, then uninstall your current one and then install the downloaded Beta. Also, are you using Network Lock?

Moderators do not speak on behalf of AirVPN. Only the Official Staff account does. Please also do not run Tor Exit Servers behind AirVPN, thank you.
Did you make a guide or how-to for something? Then contact me to get it listed in my new user guide's Guides Section, so that the community can find it more easily.

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Ignore this topic. I messed around with the client last night and my speeds were fixed. But yes I think I will try the beta client, thank you

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