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Not connected, Your IP:

ANSWERED Can only connect to the internet (browser) through AirVPN

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Hi, I've noticed recently that I can only connect to Chrome/Firefox while on the VPN, if I'm not then it'll act as if I have no internet connection. TOR still works when I'm off the VPN. I've tried finding a solution but none of them work, only temporary fixes. If anyone could help that would be great. Thanks!

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Hi, Same for me. 'Nework lock' is disabled.

Help very appriciated... because my trial license ends by tomorrow.


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Solved it. The AirVPN DNS address blocked my internet connection. Had to manually remove it from the adapters IPV4 DNS config.

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Solved it. The AirVPN DNS address blocked my internet connection. Had to manually remove it from the adapters IPV4 DNS config.


That's great! Could you help me do the same? I tried to search for how to do it but found no answers.

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I've fixed it, I just had to do some research, I'll write a very straight forward tutorial below in case anyone else is having this problem. I'm using Windows 7 but it'll work in a similar way on other operating systems.


- Disconnect from AirVPN

- Go to Control Panel

- Click Network and Internet

- Click Network and Sharing Center

- Click Change adapter settings

- Right click your connected network

- Click Properties

- Click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)

- Click Properties

- Select Obtain DNS server address automatically.

- Click OK and Close


You might have to do this for your Local Area Connection too, I did both because I'm too lazy to check.

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Usually this problem arises in Windows when the Air client Eddie is not shut down properly.


While Eddie is NOT running, please check DNS settings and reset firewall rules. These operations will probably fix the problem.


How to restore Windows Firewall settings in Windows 7 (procedure is almost identical in other Windows versions):



How to change DNS:



About which DNS servers to pick, we would recommend OpenNIC (see https://www.opennicproject.org ) but of course you can select any public DNS you prefer.


Always make sure to shut the Air client down properly, from its own menu. Never kill Eddie without grace, unless that's absolutely unavoidable.


Kind regards

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Tried all supposed remedies, had to restore whole system from a week old backup. Staff, please ignore my contact request. I will install version 2.6. Never had problems with that.

Thanks for looking.

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Fix it, just had to do some research, I'll write a very straight forward tutorial below in case anyone else is having this problem (Windows 7).


Disconnect from AirVPN

Go to Control Panel

Click Network and Internet

Click Network and Sharing Center

Click Change adapter settings

Right click your network

Click Properties

Click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)

Click Properties

Select Obtain DNS server address automatically.

Click OK

Click Close


You might have to do this for your Local Area Connection too, I did both because I'm too lazy to check.





This worked for me. I set it to "automatically" for my ethernet and wifi.


The AirVPN ethernet2 (or whatever it's called in your Network Adapter when AirVPN is installed) DNS settings remained unchanged and AirVPN sessions appears to be connecting and disconnecting normally.

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Had the same issue and selecting the 'obtain dns server address automatically' option for my wifi network worked for me. Cheers

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Hi -

If i obtain dns server address automatically in win7 , will i be protected like before. Now i can not use internet without vpn. If i use utorent he cant work without vpn and that is good. Is this will be the same after i change setings.

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Fix it, just had to do some research, I'll write a very straight forward tutorial below in case anyone else is having this problem (Windows 7).


Disconnect from AirVPN

Go to Control Panel

Click Network and Internet

Click Network and Sharing Center

Click Change adapter settings

Right click your network

Click Properties

Click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)

Click Properties

Select Obtain DNS server address automatically.

Click OK

Click Close


You might have to do this for your Local Area Connection too, I did both because I'm too lazy to check.

thanks mate , you fixed it for me.

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Sometimes Eddie forgets to remove its DNS server from the adapterconfig. I closed eddie normally but sometimes it does not remove the DNS server.

Eddie 2.10.3

Win 8.1 x64

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Same here.


Almost every time.



Win 8.1 x64

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Maybe im a masochist but ill live with it ... for now

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Considering they take so long to respond it is easier to just go back to an earlier version (2.7) that doesn't cause this problem and as I don't need Network Lock and seems to be the biggest cause of the problem, using an older version is not only not a problem but an actual advantage as Auto obtaining an IP is not a feasible option on my network.

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My problem is that i cant connect to the internet whitout airvpn, i have 4 computers (2 laptops) and they all got the same problem!
I have tried these recomended guidlines,+++

in cmd:
Ipconfig /release - Ipconfig /renew  (ip config /flush)

netsh interface IPv4 set dnsserver "Local Area Connection" dhcp

This seems to be a major fault. Do i really need to reinstall windows on all 4 computers? (did it with my nr. 5 laptop and it solved the problem -.- )

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Aargh! Closed the lid and sent my W7 laptop to sleep last night, usually just exit Eddie 2.10.3, disconnect from wifi router, and leave on "balanced power". So did a Windows Restart first thing "to avoid odd sleep problems". Connection to router says "Limited Internet". Eventually diagnose as bad DNS Could not find settings after much clicking in Control Panel. Eventually went to neighbour's PC to find this page on AirVPN. Could not remember all in https://www.opennicproject.org/configure-your-dns/how-to-change-dns-servers-in-windows-7/ so dragged laptop over to neighbour. Problem fixed, but set Google DNS for now to get decent performance on various vpn server locations. (?)

No breakfast yet after 2 hours and 3 cups of coffee. Headache and cranky.

Please FIXIT.

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After a bit more thought and checking the Eddie log, airvpn uses it's own DNS lookup at to avoid "DNS leaks".

Not a Windows systems programmer, but there seems to be a need to handle "window close" or "terminate process" signals from the OS, perhaps the problem is in the delegation to OpenVPN.

Perhaps Eddie could store away original non-vpn config in $HOME/.x, and offer a "Recover IP config" menu option when Not Connected ?

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Having the same problem with OS X El Capitan. Might we please have a description of curing the problem on that OS?

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I eventually figured it out...for the record I'm using OS X


Go to "system preferences" - "network" - "wifi"


Then click on the "assist me" button at the bottom.


Then select the "diagnostics" option where it will detect the problem and give you the options to rectify based on your particular internet service, it then corrects the problem (or it did for me) in no time. Whole process took 20 seconds

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win 10 64bit, eddie 2.10.3 here.

had same problem.

easy fixed with obtain dns automaticlly or setting opennic dns in ip4 properties.

thnx for solution.


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