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  1. Hello, I am running Ubuntu 18.04 with zerotier installed and using the eddie client(network lock enabled). Is there a way to have zerotier connected? Edit: Inside or outside airVPN would be fine.
  2. I want to run the VPN on my host machine while using a virtual machine (VM) Oracle VM Virtualbox to run my every day browsers and sites. I have tried my best today for several hours but I have had an extremely hard time setting it up. Some sites do not work properly. I am assuming this is a networking issue somewhere (host computer, VM settings, or router, or the VPN?). What needs to be done to get all the systems to work together? Symptoms are getting "localhost" white crash pages, sites not loading properly on the VM. I have tried also installing airvpn on the VM, but it does not connect (connection reset by peer or "Cannot login (An exception occurred during a WebClient request). Help is greatly appreciated!
  3. VIRTUAL MACHINES AND VPN This is a quick short guide to anyone wanting to use VPN over a virtual machine, and also how to use TOR and VPN in a virtual machine. REQUIREMENTS 1. Virtualization software such as: Oracle VM Virtualbox (Free) https://www.virtualbox.org/ VM Ware Workstation (Proffesional Software) http://www.vmware.com/uk/products/workstation.html Windows Virtual PC (Freeware but can only install systems for Windows XP and up) https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=3702 These are the three most popular options for virtualization software. I personally recommend using Virtualbox if you don't want to pay a lot of money for VM Ware, although it is packed with features and is probably the most advanced virtualization software on the market, hence why it is used by professionals and large companies. 2. An ISO image of the operating system you'd like to use. If you want general purpose virtualization, such as testing applications, I recommend Windows. If you want to use TOR, refer to the TOR section down below. 3. A decent computer. What you will be basically doing is running a computer inside your computer. Yeah I know, Inception, right? Anyway, you should have a decent computer for this, and I recommend minimum of 8gb of RAM. You should also have a decent CPU as it will also affect the performance of the virtual machine. 4. A VPN. If you are on this forum you should be using Air, but this should work with any properly configured VPN. CONFIGURATION I won't go through the set up and installation of a operating system in a virtual machine in this guide because there are plenty of resources out there that explain how to do this. Make sure you are connected to your VPN on your host machine (The computer you are running the virtual machine on). Once you have your virtual machine configured, be it Linux or Windows or any operating system, the essential thing you need to do is switch your virtual machines network adapter to use NAT. It is absolutely essential that you do this, otherwise your true IP address will be used by the virtual machine. Bridged modes simply use your network adapter hardware directly, which reveals your real IP. The NAT (Network Address Translation) mode uses your host operating system's IP address, and if your VPN is configured properly it will mean the virtual machine is using the exact same VPN connection your computer is using. USING TOR IN A VIRTUAL MACHINE If you want to use TOR in a virtual machine, you have two options. You can either use the TOR Browser like in a regular computer, running it on Windows or Linux, whatever your choice may be. I personally recommend using Tails, an operating system designed for anonymity and usage of TOR. TAILS Tails is a live operating system designed for anonymity and privacy, and is released under the GNU/GPL license. All of the source code of the applications that tails uses that are not taken directly from upstream Debian packages are available on their git repositories, they have a guide here: https://tails.boum.org/contribute/git/ The great thing about tails is that it is crammed with programs and features for anonymity, security and privacy. It has email clients, tools for public keys and GPG, disguising the operating system as Windows 8 if you want to use it in public places, instant messaging clients, and many, many more. So now that you know what Tails is, you probably can't wait to get it. The best part is that it is a live operating system, and you don't need to install it. Tails homepage: https://tails.boum.org/ They also made a great installation guide if you want to install Tails to a usb stick: https://tails.boum.org/install/ To use tails in a virtual machine, they have made a guide here: https://tails.boum.org/doc/advanced_topics/virtualization/virtualbox/ (The steps for virtualbox in Linux are pretty much the exact same as in Windows) MAKE SURE YOU USE NAT IN THE TAILS VIRTUAL MACHINE Hope you found this guide useful, and don't forget to send it to friends to help them use the internet privately, and securely
  4. I have AirVPN connected via router running DD-WRT . I want to port forward a service running in a Virtualbox NAT virtual machine. Currently I'm forwarding the port in the Airvpn client area, on the router using iptables to the host machines local IP and finally in Virtualbox NAT port forwarding. Checking via http://canyouseeme.org/ shows the port cannot be seen. I know the IPtables rules are correct as other port forwarded services are reachable on the host machine. Is this because the service is behind two NAT's i.e double NAT? Any suggestions would be helpful.
  5. I thought I would pose this question here as I cannot find a clean answer searching online. I run AirVPN via my Tomato router and it works great. I have a computer on my LAN that serves as a host for a VirtualBox guest VM that runs my torrent client. Both the host computer and guest VM run Windows 7. I would like to allow the guest VM to only have Internet access and have no access at all to either the host computer or the rest of the LAN. Does anyone know how I would do that? Much thanks!
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