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Found 3 results

  1. Hi I run one of my connections through my Windows 7 VMWare guest (Linux host) and I was wondering if it was possible for me to limit that Windows connection to a certain speed, say 25kb/s upload and 50kb/s download as I only use the VM to trickle upload to my cloud provider. Thanks.
  2. Hello I have a very strange problem with my Windows 10 laptop. I try to make a VPN chain. My host OS is a freshly and clean installed Windows 10 Professional without any third party antivirus or firewall installed. I set up an Ubuntu virtual machine in vmware workstation player with NAT network setting. I can successfully connect to the first VPN server on my host OS and start up the virtual machine. When I go to ipleak.net (in the Ubuntu guest OS) i can see the ip address from the first VPN server, so far so good. But when I try to fire up the eddie client in the Ubuntu guest OS and make the second VPN connection it's always stuck on checking route and it fails to connect. After that, I tried to disable the VPN connection on my host OS. I can now make a VPN connection inside the Ubuntu guest OS without any errors. So, a VPN connection is possible on the host and guest OS, but chaining doesn't work. I tried exactly the same on my friends Windows 10 host machine and it worked right away. Why it doesn't on my Windows 10 Laptop?
  3. Hi guys, ​ ​Just want to firstly say thank you for the services you provide. I just have a few questions that I would like some discussion on if possible. My setup for using Tor through Airvpn's client is a s follows, my OS is Ubuntu, Mate, Mint or Windows as the base OS which I use to connect the VPN. I then use VMware or virtual box, mostly virtual box due to it not being proprietary to launch a fully contained Tails instance from an .ISO file without persistence, which I then use to connect to Tor. In the Eddie client I have Network lock active at all times, I remove the default gateway and even block ping and the private network access. I have however noticed that if you use DHCP, the default route is reconfigured after a few minutes even though network lock has removed it. I switched to static addressing and this issue hasn’t come up since. I am not sure if you are aware of this. I use this setup because Tor and Eddie's network lock feature isn’t compatible as yet and I do not like the idea of using the VPN without it. I would just like to know any views on this setup and any suggestions on improving security even further. ​ ​I also stumbled on this new feature in Firefox network.dns.blockdotonion, a new preference setting introduced in Firefox 45.0. Any thoughts on this? Why would they want to block .onion dns queries or dns results?
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