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Found 7 results

  1. Has anyone seen this news yet today?? Americans could be cut off from the internet over copyright claims A court ruled that ISPs can avoid liability by kicking customers off the internet. The ruling is being challenged. Correct me if i am wrong but IF AND WHEN an American uses a VPN to connect to another site, and they are connecting to a TUNNEL EXIT that is OUTSIDE of their home country, then their connection IS NOT, technically, "american", anymore, is it?
  2. Hello, I am still a VPN newbie so I thought I would ask these questions on this forum to get a better idea of how the service works. Allow me to ask three of them: 1. Purely theoretically, if a law enforcement agency such as the FBI was suspecting somebody was using one of your servers for illegal purposes (whatever they may be), and sent you an official letter to share information about the usage of the VPN server in question at any given point in time (for example, the VPN server was used to access a Gmail account at a particular time, and the FBI would reach out to you and ask you who used that VPN server exactly at that time), how would AirVPN respond? Do you have, as a service provider, a legal obligation to respond to such requests? As far as I know, you do not keep any logs, so would there be any information that you would even be able to give to the law enforcement agency? I would really appreciate elaboration from you on how this scenario would play out. Not that I want to do anything illegal, it is just a theoretical question. 2. I read somewhere on the internet that if a VPN provider says they do not keep logs, it is often a false statement, and even if they do not keep logs, usually the upstream ISP of the VPN provider (the ISP through which the VPN servers are connected to the Internet) do keep logs. I would like to ask you what you think of this theory and whether it may represent a potential risk of logging. In other words, even if you do not keep any logs at all yourself, can it be a potential security risk that the upstream ISP you use for your servers does keep logs, and, as a result, could potentially give this logging information to potential law enforcement agencies? 3. If I use AirVPN over Tor, meaning I connect from my computer to the Tor network first and from there to the VPN server, will the Tor exit node periodically change in order to make the route more anonymous? Because if the Tor exit node did not change and an attacker was controlling both the guard (entry) Tor node I would be connecting to, as well as the Tor exit node that would be connecting to the VPN server, although the attacker would not be able to see the actual traffic, he would see the amount of bytes flowing through from one end to the other, and if the attacker also got control of, for example, the websites I would be visiting via the AirVPN server, he could correlate the amount of bytes flowing from my real IP to the entry node, then through to the exit node and finally to the destination server of the websites I would be visiting, thereby deanonymizing me. So that is why I am asking if the exit node changes when the traffic is routed through the AirVPN over Tor channel. If it does, I think I can feel safer?
  3. Hi all, Today the dutch goverment agreed with a new Law on Computer Criminality III. This gives the police the right to hack any device off a suspect, by using exploits, zero days and backdoors.. What kind of impact has this on the dutch servers of Air? And how can we protect us from being hacked. Sorry for my poor English! I will go to a English study after the holidays Source: https://www.telecompaper.com/news/dutch-parliament-to-vote-on-cybercrime-law-20-december--1176773 Source 2: http://www.zdnet.com/article/dutch-police-get-ok-to-exploit-zero-days-so-will-that-just-mean-more-surveillance/
  4. https://netzpolitik.org/2016/secret-report-german-federal-intelligence-service-bnd-violates-laws-by-the-dozen/ Published by Netzpolitik.org, a privacy-focused german blog which has a reputation for taking a stand on privacy, net neutrality and the political part of the internet in Germany In the past politicians tried to sue the blog's creators for disclosing secret documents. Sometimes, it's like a smaller, less hardcore version of Wikileaks, just not so "boom, secret documents in your face", more like "we've got some docs here, we think it's critical for you to know, so we sum the contents up for you". Most of the time they publish news with a few comments from the privacy's point of view and give recommendations to certain privacy-related problems. My recent software against Windows 10 spying thread originated from one of these posts.
  5. Update. The FBI falls 2 votes short of viewing our browsing history without a warrant http://thenextweb.com/insider/2016/06/23/fbi-falls-2-votes-short-of-viewing-our-browsing-history-without-a-warrant/ But this has not been made final yet.{ http://www.decidethefuture.org LESS THAN 24 HOURS REMAINING: The Senate is about to vote on an amendment that would give the FBI your browsing history without a warrant.} I saw this very important info and thought that the community at airvpn should know. This would effect vpn's. The U.S. government wants to use an obscure procedure—amending a federal rule known as Rule 41— to radically expand their authority to hack. The changes to Rule 41 would make it easier for them to break into our computers, take data, and engage in remote surveillance. These changes could impact any person using a computer with Internet access anywhere in the world. However, they will disproportionately impact people using privacy-protective technologies, including Tor and VPNs. https://noglobalwarrants.org/#take-action ALSO http://www.decidethefuture.org LESS THAN 24 HOURS REMAINING: The Senate is about to vote on an amendment that would give the FBI your browsing history without a warrant. Please post any comments you have about these possible rules/bills
  6. Greetings Everyone I am making this thread because I have noticed the growing trend of people being arrested for exercising free speech in the United Kingdom which is quite worrying and Is one of the reasons I have 2 yearly Subscriptions with you. Here is the most recent arrest for someone exercising their right to free speech. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/jack-monroe-twitter-abuse-man-5548363 The man was quoted saying “Your sick form of Lesbianism and militant queerism is destroying this country. Get out and give us Britain back! £VoteUKIP.” Now I know some will disagree with what he said but he should have the right to say it as long as it isn't threatening in anyway which it was not. I would love to hear other peoples comments on this and also hear what Air would do if someone had done this from behind one of their Servers and also Air's Stance on the matter of Diminishing free speech in the UK. Regards.
  7. says on lavabit.com My Fellow Users, I have been forced to make a difficult decision: to become complicit in crimes against the American people or walk away from nearly ten years of hard work by shutting down Lavabit. After significant soul searching, I have decided to suspend operations. I wish that I could legally share with you the events that led to my decision. I cannot. I feel you deserve to know what’s going on--the first amendment is supposed to guarantee me the freedom to speak out in situations like this. Unfortunately, Congress has passed laws that say otherwise. As things currently stand, I cannot share my experiences over the last six weeks, even though I have twice made the appropriate requests. What’s going to happen now? We’ve already started preparing the paperwork needed to continue to fight for the Constitution in the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals. A favorable decision would allow me resurrect Lavabit as an American company. This experience has taught me one very important lesson: without congressional action or a strong judicial precedent, I would _strongly_ recommend against anyone trusting their private data to a company with physical ties to the United States. Sincerely, Ladar Levison Owner and Operator, Lavabit LLC Defending the constitution is expensive! Help us by donating to the Lavabit Legal Defense Fund here.
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