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Found 4 results

  1. Super newbie here, apologies in advance: I'm new to AirVPN and VPNs in general. I'm trying to use qBittorent without any of my information leaking and I don't want lawyers and ISPs sending me letters anymore (got the letters before subscribing to AirVPN). Anyways, I read some tutorials here in setting things up for torrenting but some are old (from 2015) and some things explained were complicating to me. To sum it up- how do I go about setting everything up to torrent? OS: Windows 10 64-bit Location: Germany Firewall: Standard Windows one What I did so far: Went into qBittorrent and changed Global Connection limits and maximum connections to 1250 and 250, unchecked the UPnP/NAT -PMP. Thanks in advance for your help!
  2. Today Posteo published a letter they got from a company called Uniscon, a cloud provider as it seems. This letter allows a sneak peek on how German authorities are planning on enforcing data retention in Germany. Who would've thought it - by outsourcing this to private entities. It goes well beyond pathetic, they can't even do it themselves! So, yes, the letter. In the letter, CEO Martin Kinne introduced a product he calls "VDSaaS" (VorratsDatenSpeicherung as a Service) - a service tailored to the "needs" of telecommunication providers as the new data retention regulations come into effect. Several points were made to emphasize the need for their service: Secure storage of all data, no word on where this happensAn automated process of processing requests for all kinds of data from all kinds of authoritiesThey would exclusively communicate with the Federal Network Agency and make life easier for telecommunication providers (not sure how, though)Full compliance with our "Telecommunications Act" (TKG)Full transparency for the number of Call Detail Records and web dashboard requests given out (Is this web dashboard comparable to accessing and searching all data with a few clicks? No word on that.)Low cost...The critical part, though, is where he claims this service has been closely developed with our Economics Ministry. So this ministry of ours generally approves that it's better to outsource this "difficult" task and enable private entities handling sensitive and possibly identifying data. Right, let's just give these out on the free market, what can possibly go wrong? They claim to be secure, after all!".. Mr. Kinne apparently doesn't know that email providers in Germany are not counted towards the telecommunication providers, so laws affecting that very providers don't apply to Posteo. His campaign is a clueless attempt at being present on the market. And what a market this is, where our authorities help generate revenue! So, dudes in Germany, there is a data retention law coming to effect July 01, 2017 and from the looks of it, private entities will have a look at some of your everyday metadata, possibly made available through easily searchable databases. If you're still not convinced whether to use a VPN or not, maybe this will help you in your decision. Clock is ticking. Dudes outside of Germany, Posteo is still a very viable mail provider choice. They are not interested in your data, as they just proved again. The original post (in german) with the letter
  3. So something strange is happening. I am mostly connected to an German Server. Also most Server dont work anyway with Amazon Prime. But at least two i know of do. But that is not the pont. So i have a Zotac Z-Box, setted it up with the pfSense Guide from the Forum here and everything is just good. Full speed, connection encrypted, perfect. No issues, except with Amazon Prime. From time to time, when i watch Amazon Prime on my Smart TV or with an Fire TV SetupBox it kills my router. That means my pfSense router just does not react anymore, i have to press the powerbutton on the device itself to turn it off and turn it on again. And i have no fucking clue, how Amazon Prime is able to kill my router. I mean what is happening that it can do that to the router. Has anybody any clue? Do you need more information? Ask i try to say what i know, but i am no expert in pfSense etc. But i just dont understand how a website can manage to kill a router that it is not reacting anymore.
  4. Hi,
 Since a few weeks I get the wrong location from Google, after typing 'My location Now' in the search field.
 When connected through AirVPN I get Kassel as my current location. That is Germany! I live in the Netherlands; When connected without going through AirVPN I get the correct location in the Netherlands.

 So, I can only conclude that something goes wrong when connected via AirVPN.
 Is there a solution?
 My configuration:
 All consumer devices are Mac's and IOS;
Router: Netgear R7000 with DD-WRT (Firmware: DD-WRT v3.0-r30910M kongac (12/02/16));
Router is configured as explained here: https://airvpn.org/ddwrt/;
OpenVPN is configured with servers based in the Netherlands only.

 Looking forward to a solution.
 Regards, G.
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