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  1. It seems i can't post in How To so I'll post here. In this tutorial I will explain how to exclude individual programs while connected via the Eddie client and have the network lock active. I wanted to run steam without VPN so my latency was low for some competitive gaming, while my whole system was still connected and locked. For this to work we need firejail. Firejail can sandbox individual programs on it’s own with a lot of parameters. Install firejail first. We want a clean firewall state so disable network lock and flush the firewall. To check it's clean run: sudo iptables -nvL If not clean run: sudo iptables --flush Now we want to save this state to a file. sudo iptables-save -f /etc/firejail/iptables-save You can now network lock again. Make a bash script. #!/bin/bash firejail --noprofile \ --net=your_main_ethernet_interface \ --ip=ip_address_in_your_routers_subnet \ --defaultgw=router_ip \ --dns=dns_server_of_your_choice \ --dns=dns_server_of_your_choice \ --netfilter=/etc/firejail/iptables-save \ program_you_want_to_run Save in /usr/bin/ and make executable. chmod +x program You can now run the bash script and your program will be excluded from the VPN and network lock. Check with firejail --top to see if it is “jailed”. You could also replace program_you_want_to_run with $1 and name the script novpn or so. This would make it a lot more versatile. As you can now pas an argument with the script like so: novpn firefox novpn thunderbird novpn steam-runtime If you want to avoid a bash script and you want to directly run your program with firejail follow along. This means if you run (in my case) steam-runtime directly, it will be firejailed. If you do this you can delete the above bash script you made. cp /usr/share/doc/fireail/profile.template ~/.config/firejail/ Rename it to your_program.template your_program should match the executable name you want to run. In my case steam-runtime. Edit the file and comment out every include you see, so everything is commented out. And paste the text below as you see fit. Somewhere around “net” stuff would be my choice. net your_main_ethernet_interface ip ip_address_in_your_routers_subnet defaultgw router_ip dns dns_server_of_your_choice dns dns_server_of_your_choice netfilter /etc/firejail/iptables-save Make a symbolic link sudo ln -s /usr/bin/firejail /usr/local/bin/your_program And that’s It. Every time you run your_program it will be firejailed and outside of the vpn. Check with firejail --top.
  2. I use AirVPN with Eddie on Linux (Ubuntu 21.04). I have certain applications (and even websites if possible) I would like to exclude from the VPN. I have to open and close the AirVPN connection numerous times a day since I need to open a VPN connection to my work where I download updated data. I also have an IRC client running which does not like the changes and cut me off every time I turn the VPN on and off. Other applications like Signal Desktop or Slack seems to handle these changes. Best would of course be if I could add my work VPN (OpenVPN) to the Eddie or in addition to Eddie, but that means two VPN's open at the same time and I do not even know if that is possible. I also have problems with Pandora which won't play when I set up my AirVPN connection to overseas locations (I live and work in the US). On Android it's easy to exclude apps, but on Linux I have no idea if it's possible and how I would go about setting it up.
  3. Hi there. Somehow the "routes" function doesn't seem to work reliably for me. I enter the IP, choose "outside the VPN tunnel" as action and then hit "save". I then restart Eddie. When I then visit these sites, I am still accessing them through the VPN tunnel. I noticed because I had to re-login when changing VPN servers. Then i wanted to test it further. I added the IPs of "ipleaks.net" and "whoer.net" as an exception, restarted Eddie and then checked my IP on those sites. ipleaks.net displayed my actual IP, whoer.net kept displaying my AirVPN exit IP. I already raised a support ticket, and Staff said they were unable to reproduce this error. I'm running the latest Eddie 2.12.4 on Windows 7 x64. I'm using TAP driver 9.9.2. Network lock is activated and set to "automatic". Furthermore I'm using Bitdefender Internet Security 2017. Previously I've been using the "routes" function successfully for at least a year. The only thing that changed recently is I switched from Windows 8.1 to Windows 7. Do you have any ideas what I could try? Also, how can I test that these routes are actually working like I configured them? Any other ways to test that besides whitelisting the IPs from these "what is your IP address" sites? Thank you in advance.
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