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Found 5 results

  1. ​New RSA vulnerability was discovered by Slovak and Czech security researchers. The Infineon RSA library version 1.02.013 does not properly generate RSA key pairs, which may allow an attacker to recover the RSA private key corresponding to an RSA public key generated by this library. ​Does this in any way impact AirVPN ? ​ ​https://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/307015 ​https://crocs.fi.muni.cz/public/papers/rsa_ccs17
  2. Hi, I am not sure if this has been discussed before or if this is the right forum to post it. Kindly correct if there's any issue. While connecting to AirVPN through openvpn client using .opvn configs, the control channel always shows TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-GCM-SHA384 as the cipher suite in the logs throughout all the servers/countries. Since openvpn supports both: TLS-ECDHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-GCM-SHA384; TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-AES-256-GCM-SHA384 of these ciphers suites, why aren't they the default encryption suites for the connection? ECDHE and ECDSA provide better security than DHE and RSA , respect ively. ECDSA clear ly has an advantage of providing similar security over much smaller key space than RSA , although ECC verifying takes a bit more time. Is the overhead time a concern to not switch to these cipher suites, or is there any other reason ? Please explain. Thank you.
  3. So far AirVPN looks like a really good choice for a VPN provider but there are some thing that I would like to see added, these are deciding factors for me. Currently AirVPN is using RSA 2048 bit but I would like to see it upgraded to 4096 (more security doesn't hurt), this is just my OCD. Most would say 2048 is fine and is the latest standard but why not upgrade it? We don't exactly know what certain adversaries have resource wise. My second wish is to see more locations. They have quite a good choice in servers and I know it takes time to find the right data centers but what are staff searching for currently? Or are you guys not considering anymore locations? Personally I would like to see servers in Iceland, they are very friendly to press and freedom of speech and haven't been known to be tyrannical and militaristic. Anyways I would like to see what everyone else thinks. Edit: Message to staff. There are a couple good hosts in Iceland and DataCell is the best. PLEASE AirVPN team check them out. They also offer unlimited bandwidth ideal for a VPN server and have reasonable prices. https://www.datacell.com/
  4. Hi all, if someone could help me please, how does the Open VPN client generate the RSA keys it uses for the initial handshake when logging on and then for the encryption of traffic? Does Open VPN generate it's own keys ( and if so according to what rules) or does it 'buy in' a key or key template from the company of the name RSA or where do these keys come from? Thanks.
  5. must have RSA 4096 BIt when it doesnt impact performance and doesnt cost then why not ?? it is never been late to do the right thing other VPN giving RSA 4096 since 2013 and so many more and more higher encryption this is more important than Water after dinner and sex after party must have RSA 4096 Bit encryption guys
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