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  1. Hello! Check the following thread and see whether it helps: https://www.reddit.com/r/WireGuard/comments/ejxkm3/wireguard_as_both_client_and_server/ Kind regards
  2. Hello! You describe some actions which do not give birth to a system notification. No system notification implies no sound. If you see an Android notification without a sound in spite of your settings please warn us. Kind regards
  3. Hello! Correct, you will need to side load as Google doesn't want it for Android TV (new investigation on the reasons will start for the nth time very soon).. Amazon Appstore doesn't have such a problem. Download the APK from our web site, enable in your device external installation, and install the APK through any good file manager. Kind regards
  4. @zsam288 Understood now, thanks! Kind regards
  5. Hello! Thanks. Isn't the big central button on the "Quick connection" view already what you want? You can always reach it with a single tap from any app section except "Settings" which requires two taps. Kind regards
  6. Hello! We're very glad and proud to inform you that Eddie Android edition 3.0 has been released, a breakthrough from version 2.5. The new release achieves full compatibility with Android 13 and maintains it down to Android 5.1. Various app sections have been extensively rewritten. Now Eddie Android supports WireGuard with swift integration with AirVPN infrastructure. A dark theme has been added for additional comfort together with new, improved connection logic and management. A sharp WireGuard networking management has been implemented: no more "forever dead wg client" haunting users running the Android WireGuard client in mobility. Profile generation have been improved: external export option has been added, and WireGuard profiles can be generated too according to the user selection. Profile generation now provides for a quick alternative to the web site Configuration Generator. Eddie Android edition is free and open source software released under GPLv3. We invite you to check from independent 3rd parties lack of trackers code signatures, for example here: https://reports.exodus-privacy.eu.org/en/reports/search/org.airvpn.eddie You can download Eddie Android 3.0 APK directly from our repository: or from the Google Play Store, please see here: https://airvpn.org/android/eddie/ Soon it will be available on the Amazon Appstore too. Source code (and of course changelog) is available in GitLab: https://gitlab.com/AirVPN/EddieAndroid/ Direct link to the changelog: https://gitlab.com/AirVPN/EddieAndroid/-/blob/master/ChangeLog.txt What's new Complete WireGuard support with full integration with AirVPN infrastructure WireGuard networking management to allow quick re-connections even when WireGuard would remain stuck after a failure. No more "forever stuck wg client" haunting users running the Android WireGuard client. Linked against the new OpenVPN-AirVPN 3.8.2 library Dark theme support and option to switch to dark, light or system default theme Improved VPN profile management Full compatibility with Android 5.1 up to 13 Extensive architectural revision and improvements VPN profile export both to internal database and external file or app Get faster support and more easily: send the app log and the device logcat to AirVPN support team with a tap and provide the team with just the link the app will give you back. No more adb or any other external tool and device connection required to generate the logcat. IMPORTANT: due to Google policy the local data encryption cipher has been changed from AES-256-CBC into AES-256-GCM. Therefore, before upgrading, we strongly recommend that you decrypt local data first if you had them encrypted by a Master Password. To do so simply disable the Master Password and then upgrade, so you will not lose your local data (not a big deal, but even so...). (*) (*) We could not even implement a failover AES-CBC recovery because the "smart" (???) automated Google review rejects the app as soon as it sees AES-CBC somewhere for local storage. Main features: The only official AirVPN Android client designed, developed and programmed by AirVPN team Full WireGuard support and integration with AirVPN Linked against "OpenVPN 3.8.2 AirVPN" (free and open source software library by AirVPN) ChaCha20-Poly1305, AES-CBC and AES-GCM support on both OpenVPN Control and Data channel Battery-conscious application Low RAM footprint Ergonomic and friendly interface Ability to start and connect the application at device boot Option to define which apps must have traffic inside or outside the VPN tunnel through white and black list Localization in simplified and traditional Chinese, Danish, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish Full integration with AirVPN Enhanced security thanks to locally stored encrypted data through optional master password Quick one-tap connection and smart, fully automated server selection Smart server selection with custom settings Manual server selection Ability to start and connect during device startup according to a priority list which includes automatic choice, your defined country and your defined AirVPN server Smart attempts to bypass OpenVPN blocks featuring protocol and server fail-over Full Android TV compatibility including D-Pad support. Mouse emulation is not required. Enhancements aimed at increasing accessibility and comfort to visually impaired persons AirVPN servers sorting options Customizable "Default", "Favorite" and "Forbidden" servers and countries OpenVPN mimetype support to import profiles from external applications Multiple OpenVPN profile support. The app now imports and manages multiple OpenVPN profiles Support for custom bootstrap servers Support for favorite and forbidden countries AirVPN broadcast messages support User's subscription expiration date is shown in login/connection information The app is aware of concurrent VPN use. In case another app is granted VPN access, Eddie acts accordingly and releases VPN resources Optional local networks access. In such case, local network devices are exempted from the VPN and can be accessed within the local devices Localization override. User can choose the default language and localization from one of the available ones Favorite and forbidden lists can be emptied with a single tap Ability to directly select an AirVPN area (country, continent, planet) to connect to VPN re connection in case of unexpected OpenVPN disconnection. (It requires VPN Lock to be disabled) VPN concurrency management Full integration with VPN traffic leaks prevention by system in Android 7 or higher version Full compatibility with Android versions from 5.1 up to 13. User can generate or save an OpenVPN profile for any AirVPN server or country and save it in the internal OpenVPN profile manager or export it On the fly language change allowing to switch language without re-starting application Exclusive optional VPN lock in case the device cannot take advantage of Android's VPN direct management (Android 5 and 6) Server scoring algorithm implementing the latest AirVPN balancing factors in order to determine the best server for quick connection Network name and extra information are shown along with network type Device network status management Fully compatible with Android TV 5.1 and higher versions Complete changelog: https://gitlab.com/AirVPN/EddieAndroid/-/blob/master/ChangeLog.txt Kind regards & datalove AirVPN Staff
  7. Hello! We're sorry to hear that, but we see that the support team sent you two courtesy e-mail and two replies on the ticket. Maybe you don't receive our e-mail and you don't consult your ticket in the website account panel... anyway, we paste here the reply by the support: Kind regards
  8. Hello! Yes, you can test AirVPN Suite 1.2.1 RC1 linked against libssl 3 right now. It's a quick fix release, while all the major new options will be implemented in the next version, whose development started. You can download Release Candidate 1 for x86-64 at the moment, The internal beta testing ended successfully and any known bug has been fixed. Inside the tarball you also find the changelog. As soon as all the other packages (for ARM) are ready, we will announce everything on a new thread, but feel free to start using it right now of course. Find the changelog inside the tarball. Download link: https://eddie.website/repository/AirVPN-Suite/1.2.1-RC1/AirVPN-Suite-x86_64-1.2.1-RC-1.tar.gz Checksum to verify: # sha256sum AirVPN-Suite-x86_64-1.2.1-RC-1.tar.gz d50682222c6f3294de2eacdb833966c91c9d27fb931e043f0d063a19c1d1a7e4 AirVPN-Suite-x86_64-1.2.1-RC-1.tar.g If you need the legacy version (linked against libssl 1.1) the download link is: https://eddie.website/repository/AirVPN-Suite/1.2.1-RC1/AirVPN-Suite-x86_64-legacy-1.2.1-RC-1.tar.gz # sha256sum AirVPN-Suite-x86_64-legacy-1.2.1-RC-1.tar.gz a1aa78c2508bbd8fe3e1a5d02d475d32d48e40a35adf59a6535d15c93af7efcc AirVPN-Suite-x86_64-legacy-1.2.1-RC-1.tar.gz Kind regards
  9. To moderators: please don't unlock. Account korgen subjected to pre-moderation for abusive behavior (obscene language, flames, insults) in order to protect community forum composure.
  10. @korgen Hello! 1. Access to Primevideo occurs on an account identity basis tied to home country (the country the customer declares to live in, even temporarily). It can be changed in the "Preferences" of Primevideo accounts. Countries of access and residence must match. It is not duty of AirVPN staff member in a community forum courtesy reply to know and/or teach you how to use a third party service. 2. Eddie Android edition is not restricted to AirVPN. It is free and open source software which can be configured to connect to any other VPN supporting WireGuard or OpenVPN. Thanks to its flexibility, it can be run even with smart DNS services during a VPN connection. 3. The answer by a staff member you mention in the thread you link in your post clearly focuses exclusively on the compatibility of our software with various devices you mentioned. It does not claim anything else. We have now locked both threads and hard copied them in order to preserve them because the relevant staff member and AirVPN might decide to sue you if you insist with your insults. Any other reader can decide by him/herself who lacks good faith here. Regards
  11. Hello! The bug was addressed 5-6 weeks ago in Eddie 2.22.2. Please test and report back in the thread at your convenience: https://airvpn.org/forums/topic/50561-eddie-desktop-edition-2216-released/?do=findComment&comment=203120 [bugfix] [linux/macos] Race condition in ping-request (thx to @cmaves) Kind regards
  12. Hello! We have no plans to operate VPN servers in France (and in Italy) for the mandatory data retention framework still enforced in disdain of three different legally binding decisions of the CJEU (see below). France is in breach and Italy is too, but the Commission hesitates to open infraction procedures. Since the decisions pertain to the the preservation of a fundamental human right enshrined in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and in the European Convention on Human Rights, it does not seem inappropriate to consider that both France and Italy are committing one of the worst breaches a EU Member State can be guilty of. We might challenge with a casus belli the (il)legal framework in France, but we are already committed in other EU countries and we can't open potentially multiple legal battle fronts. The Court of Justice declares the Data Retention Directive to be invalid https://curia.europa.eu/jcms/upload/docs/application/pdf/2014-04/cp140054en.pdf The Members States may not impose a general obligation to retain data on providers of electronic communications services https://curia.europa.eu/jcms/upload/docs/application/pdf/2016-12/cp160145en.pdf The Court of Justice confirms that EU law precludes national legislation requiring a provider of electronic communications services to carry out the general and indiscriminate transmission or retention of traffic data and location data for the purpose of combating crime in general or of safeguarding national security https://curia.europa.eu/jcms/upload/docs/application/pdf/2020-10/cp200123en.pdf Kind regards
  13. @postergus Hello! Yes, reconnect is not bugged in the Suite, but the OpenVPN3-AirVPN library may mess up in the conditions of network down and up while a connection is ongoing. Same thing happens with OpenVPN 2.x, we see. Now we understand why you chose to shut down the daemon completely. Preferably disconnect first with "goldcrest --disconnect" and then send some goldcrest connect command: as far as we can see this procedure resolves the problem - and you will always have network lock enabled. Define your goldcrest.rc run control file to avoid keyboard interaction with Goldcrest: https://airvpn.org/suite/readme/#goldcrest-configuration goldcrest.rc directives and options will be overridden by bluetit.rc system directives (in general, those directives which are not air string prefixed). If Goldcrest options or directives conflict with bluetit.rc non-air prefixed directives, Bluetit ones are enforced. For example if you tell Goldcrest to disable Network Lock when networklockpersist on is declared in bluetit.rc, Goldcrest will send the command to Bluetit, but the daemon will refuse to comply. The logic is that all users, according to root decisions, in airvpn group have privileges to change network and settings, except those system settings which must be exclusive competence of root. You must specify in goldcrest.rc all the relevant for you connection related options (username and password for example are mandatory). Kind regards
  14. @grammarye Hello! Thanks for the thorough report. The first failure is expected. By default, Bluetit refuses to connect to the same country you declare you are in (the old "golden rule") in "quick" mode. We will implement in the next Suite version an option (which is currently missing) to force Bluetit to accept "quick" connections from a country to the same country. In the meantime you can have a quick but dirty circumvention by setting a fake country (other than GB) in "country". directive Given that you have a precise white list, in this specific case the solution is fine. The second behavior (successful connection) contradicts the above logic pertaining to the "golden rule", and it might be considered a bug. We will review the whole logic in a future quick fix release and we will see whether it's more rigorous this last behavior or a different one. However, please note that Eddie complies with the white list: when you white list both servers and countries, Bluetit (just like Eddie Android edition does) computes the union of all the sets you specified in order to build the final white list. This is logically correct in the design, in our opinion, because the logical operation to perform on multiple white sets is their union, not their intersection. Kind regards
  15. Hello! The critical error is here: 2022-11-22T10:51:11 Warning openvpn Cannot load private key file /var/etc/openvpn/client1.key Please make sure that the file exists, that it can be accessed by openvpn (check ownership and permissions) and that it's indeed your AirVPN client key. In the Configuration Generator. if you have split the configuration from certificates and keys, the client key is user.key As far as we see from the screenshots, you will also have to delete your username and password from the OpenVPN configuration panel, since Air VPN servers don't authenticate clients via username and password. Kind regards
  16. @postergus Hello! The log shows that when the session network lock is disabled the persistent network lock is always enabled. When you shut down Bluetit, the persistent network lock is disabled as expected and intended. That's why we suggested as best solution that you do NOT shut down Bluetit. In your case, that's not only unnecessary, but even against what you want, we guess. Consider to manage Bluetit through Goldcrest for a proper usage for and a solution to your case. Please see also our previous message. Kind regards
  17. Hello! The problem might be caused by Eddie, as you're running a very old version. We suggest that before you try anything else you upgrade to the latest stable release. You can download Eddie for macOS in the usual, dedicated download page here: https://airvpn.org/macos If you still experience any issue after you have completed the upgrade please do not hesitate to open a ticket to allow our support personnel to provide you with proper assistance. Kind regards
  18. Hello! The "sleep 1" is unnecessary, you can delete it, as systemctl is synchronous. You can also order a restart to save time. Anyway you will still have a fraction of a second during which the ordinary, previous firewall rules are restored and Network Lock rules are not in place. At a first sight we see two alternative, possible solutions: don't stop Bluetit but interact with it through Goldcrest. Apparently there's no reason whatsoever to restart Bluetit in your case: Bluetit re-reads network configuration at each session start, as you may notice from the log. You can have a goldcrest.rc runfile too, therefore you can configure Goldcrest to avoid any keyboard interaction. Make sure you have networklockpersist enabled in /etc/airvpn/bluetit.rc, so that the Network Lock rules will remain in place while Bluetit is not connected keep blocking firewall rules in your system so no traffic will flow when Bluetit is not running: when Bluetit exits, it restores the blocking firewall rules. When it runs with networklockpersist, it enforces Network Lock. This second solution maintains the conceptual error to perform an unnecessary operation (restarting Bluetit) and requires total block rules by system default. Kind regards
  19. Hello! We're very glad to inform you that the Black Friday week has started earlier this year in AirVPN! Save up to 74% when compared to one month plan price Check all plans and discounts here: https://airvpn.org/buy If you're already our customer and you wish to jump aboard for a longer period, any additional subscription will be added on top of already existing subscriptions and you will not lose any day. AirVPN is one of the oldest and most experienced consumer VPN on the market, operating since 2010. It never changed ownership and it was never sold out to data harvesting or malware specialized companies as it regrettably happened to most competitors. Since 2010 AirVPN has been faithful to its mission. AirVPN does not inspect and/or log client traffic, and offers: five simultaneous connections per account WireGuard support on all servers flexible and customizable opt-in block lists protecting you from adware, trackers, spam and other malicious sources. You can customize answers or exceptions globally, at account level or even at single device level. powerful API IPv6 full support comfortable access to your client certificates and keys management AES-GCM and ChaCha20 OpenVPN ciphers on all servers Perfect Forward Secrecy with unique per-server 4096 bit Diffie-Hellman keys active daemons load balancing for unmatched high performance - current 'all time high' on client side is 730 Mbit/s with OpenVPN and 1046 Mbit/s with WireGuard internal DNS. Each server runs its own DNS server. DNS over HTTPS and DNS over TLS are also supported. AirVPN is the only VPN provider which is actively developing OpenVPN 3 library with a fork that's currently 158 commits ahead of OpenVPN master and adds key features and bug fixes for a much more comfortable and reliable experience: AirVPN, in accordance with its mission, develops only free and open source software for many platforms, including Android, Linux (both x86 and ARM based systems), macOS and Windows. Kind regards & datalove AirVPN Staff
  20. @Yammy75 Hello! "Better" or "resolved"? If not resolved, please do not hesitate to describe the behavior in detail. Kind regards
  21. Hello! We can't help from here, please open a ticket at your earliest convenience (if you haven't already done so in the meantime). Please take care to mention your transaction ID to speed up the support team investigation. Kind regards
  22. Hello! That's a list of the devices we physically have for testing (except Google TV, which has been tested only through emulators) but according to the Amazon internal checks (performed before an app obtains the authorization to be published on their store), the compatibility is full with any Amazon Fire device with Android TV 5.1 or higher version and a minimum of 1 GB RAM. Kind regards
  23. Hello! It's probably a consequence of how Eddie picks a "recommended server". See also here: https://eddie.website/support/recommended-servers/ Remember that you can tell Eddie to connect only to a specific server set by defining a servers' white list in the "Servers" window (click the "Servers" tab to access it). Compile a white list by selecting the servers you prefer (multiple choice allows with CTRL+click or SHIFT+click) and then clicking the green checkmark. When you need to modify a white list, you can tick "Show all" to bring back the whole server list and operate again to delete, modify or create a white list (at the end of the operation remember to uncheck "Show all"). Kind regards
  24. Hello! No, it isn't expected. We are trying to reproduce the issue, in the meantime can you please send us a report generated just after the problem has occurred? Kind regards
  25. Hello! Eddie Android edition 2.5 and 3.0 preview have been fully and successfully tested on: nVidia Shield TV and TV Pro (Android TV 7, 8, 9, 10, 11) (physical devices) Amazon Fire TV Cube 4K Ultra HD (Fire OS 7 = Android TV 9) (physical device) Amazon Fire TV Stick Lite (Fire OS 5 = Android TV 5.1) (physical device) Google TV (Android TV 7, 9, 11, 13) (emulated) On Amazon devices you can download and install the app directly from the Amazon Store. On the Shield TV you need to side load the APK (a swift procedure anyway). Not tested on Chromecast, we're sorry. Kind regards
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