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About last0ne

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  • Birthday December 21

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  • Location
    near mars
  • Interests
    Photography, kayaking, backpacking, street photographer

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  1. problem love don't need input....sorry.
  2. First sorry if this post it on wrong forum. I am trying to download a youtube video to convert to mp3, (i have done many and work find) this video and all of them from the same fellow give the same error 403, at one point said that had to do of 'port 80' to change some numbers. this is the link i have being trying: ..." Error downloading https://r6---sn-nx57ynls.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?expire=1570502739&ei=8qObXeP7N5mtkgaJtb6YCg&ip=,26&mn=sn-nx57ynls,sn-n4v7knlz&ms=au,onr&mv=m&mvi=5&pl=23&initcwndbps=1717500&mime=audio/mp4&gir=yes&clen=111483221&dur=7019.252&lmt=1541417777213881&mt=1570481082&fvip=5&keepalive=yes&fexp=23842630&c=WEB&txp=5533432&sparams=expire,ei,ip,id,itag,source,requiressl,mime,gir,clen,dur,lmt&lsparams=mm,mn,ms,mv,mvi,pl,initcwndbps&lsig=AHylml4wRQIhAJ6tKdCZj3KGJLkER3cu59WfhRNJ6eaHGNZe3JPpr8wTAiATkhM725Owoy94HS0ksLjbcGMFpeZf9b2583np5gV4uA==&signature=ALgxI2wwRgIhAOdEeX-wOGDINeCYi-9J1dmBGR8H3MTqDxFpP-uZs-xFAiEAi4OFsgam4VUpWFoLfH3Gcf%3-Wa8aIMa-a0lE04fWeV8AD - server replied: Forbidden Error code: 403'.... Tom Belyeu's /top 50 rules Not sure if this en relation to airVPN to not, any help be appreciated or send to the right direction
  3. I have being have lots of treble with airvpn today, I have ask for a new app do to the pop up window in the old eddie I have el capitan OS X and what you have on your website didn't work OR is your server, but I need to fix this problem soon? 1-I need the right app for my OS ? 2-you need to fix something to make it work? 3- I have deleted the one I download it today had much treble with it. KR
  4. I choice today to use different wife channels to avoid conflicting with other networks and as a result eddie kept disconnecting me, and not aloud me to quit the app, I have to put wifi in back on in automatic connection rather than the channels I selected (e.g.2, and 36)? if I chose to do selected a channel rather than automatic detection why I can't? today eddie keeps on disconect me several times , in the middle of downloadin files. KR Eddie_20190614_190405.txt
  5. wow..........i should it learn programing..!! is a little over whelming, glad that I am US (maybe), but would love to watch Netflix from other part of the world. You pay them, and watch a movie a time, what do they care where we watch their movies?
  6. Netflix question: presumptuous maybe? But with the money they make, they must pay big back to the hacking world? If Netflix would go 'global' (we pay them what do they care) will solve the problem of VPN, right? Or, anyone care to add to this?
  7. I read that the Netflix CEO thinking to go global to done away with VPN. Wouldn't that bi nice.!
  8. I don't think they care, I use Hola, (i paid) and I get Netflix there, for now. well Hola is gone, you know what would be nice? the Netflix would go global.
  9. I thinking that some one collectedly they (who ever) VPN world will help.
  10. They are probably going to lose customers that trick the system to watch it for free torrenting here i come, that bugs me, I hope they hack the heck out of them.
  11. I don't think they care, I use Hola, (i paid) and I get Netflix there, for now.
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