The issue is no log VPN providers generally attract users who most likely are going to be using VPNs to cover up certain types of copyright-infringing activities and the only web hosting companies that accept their business also are the ones seen as higher risk. This is why on one hand Air adding more servers here and there is great until one finds out it's yet another M247 and the like. From a anti-fraud perspective, these are garbage-tier IP addresses that may cause more issues when keeping them unblocked due to the hosting provider not being helpful when addressing copyright issues. I can tell you anecdotally at least that when dealing with brute force attacks for my own online businesses, the IP's are almost entirely VPN-based and come from many of the same hosting providers Air uses (such as the aforementioned M427). If, for example, a company's business 99% comes from residential IP addresses and 50% of fraud comes from VPNs, it may be safer just to blanket ban any high risk IP (if not outright banning anything from a datacenter which is very easy to identify via tools like GeoIP).
I've suggested in the past that Air add a stricter tier with things such as lower speed caps, blocks on torrenting, etc., for the users who just want to use a VPN for privacy reasons and other legal activity and want to be on a lower risk IP address.