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While using AirVPN, should any internet traffic be passing through anything other than OpenVPN? For example, while downloading a file through uTorrent, Comodo firewall shows that OpenVPN has used 95% of my bandwidth, and uTorrent has used 5%. Is this normal?



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it is normal, Comodo counts all the traffic on every single interface as a percentage of the global traffic on all of them. uTorrent does generate traffic, of course, on the tun interface (the virtual network card used by OpenVPN). If the uTorrent percentage were higher than the openvpn.exe percentage, then there would be something wrong: since all the traffic must be tunneled, the traffic percentage of each single process must never exceed the openvpn.exe traffic percentage (the traffic of each process is ALSO traffic for openvpn.exe).


Anyway, for additional security, can you please perform this test:




and make sure that your real IP address (the IP address assigned to you by your ISP) never shows up?


Kind regards

AirVPN Support Team

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I checked my IP through that website and the correct AirVPN IP shows up; everything seems to be working perfectly. Thank you for the explanation! 

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