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How high speed can i expect to get with this VPN?

I have a 70mbit connection and I'm currently speedtesting at about 19mbit/10mbit with TCP port 80.

I cant seem to get it any higher and I've tried alot of different UDP and TCP ports.

I dont have much experience with VPN's so im not sure how high speeds its possible to get.

Would it be possible to get speeds close to my original 70mbit connection?

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have you tested different servers (only 1 Gbit/s servers: 100 Mbit/s servers will probably never give you higher performance than the one you report)? How do you perform the speed test? With such a bandwidth, a short-in-time speed test is not reliable. Prefer UDP, if your ISP does not cap UDP traffic.


Kind regards

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Thank you for the fast reply.

I've tried alot of different servers and tried testing speed over time. So far the best number I hit was 25mbit/10mbit with TPC 53 on the swedish servers. I get same speed on both servers and they were both at about 150mbps/1000mpbs load according to the status page.


As far as i know my ISP shoulndt have any caps on UDP.

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getting higher performance with TCP instead of UDP strongly suggests that your ISP is performing port shaping. However your tests are not reliable, so maybe there's a bias from them.


Kind regards

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I also tried downloading games from steam.

With VPN active i get 1.7MB/s download max.

If i turn VPN off it shoots up to my normal 7.4MB/sec right away.

So the test should be reliable.


Any other suggestions as to how i can boost the speed with the VPN?

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ok. Unless you have some packet filtering tool that slows down the flow (if it's the case, just disable it), your ISP is shaping UDP traffic, and with TCP probably you're already getting the best possible performance.


Kind regards

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I dont have any packet filtering tools. Is there any way to connect to VPN using both UDP and TCP like torrents do?

I get high speeds using torrents without VPNs active, so getting the same speed with the VPN should be possible right?

Im sorry if that's a silly question, im quite new to all of this Thou i have learned alot just since yesterday when i took and interest in AirVPN

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Connections to our OpenVPN servers can be either over UDP or over TCP. Any protocol from/to your system is encapsulated within UDP or TCP, according to the protocol you pick for the connection to an OpenVPN server.


Please see here:



Kind regards

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Not what I meant, so i guess it was a silly question.

It seems I'm capped out at 25mpbs for this service then.


Ty for the help

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I found an active packetfilter on the TAP-Windows C9 adapter.

"Winpkfilter LightWeight Filter", after disabling this it boosted my UDP 443 speeds to about 20mbit.

Alot better then what i had from start, but still kinda disappointing when I have a 70mbit connection.

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thank you for the information. At your convenience you might like to test also all the other port and protocols (if you haven't already done so since when you disable the filtering tool), on different servers.


Additionally, check for packet loss/fragmentation in the OpenVPN logs (feel free to send them to us).


Kind regards

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I found an active packetfilter on the TAP-Windows C9 adapter.

"Winpkfilter LightWeight Filter", after disabling this it boosted my UDP 443 speeds to about 20mbit.

Alot better then what i had from start, but still kinda disappointing when I have a 70mbit connection.




Winpkfilter has been reported multiple times as causing various issues on network performance. Since you cite Winpkfilter LightWeight Filter you probably have an Asus with a pre-installed Windows.


If so, check also for ASUS Network iControl utility and any other crapware Asus installs on its hardware, they are very well known to cause all sorts of network bottlenecks.


If not, just ignore that, but anyway check that the manufacturer has not replaced the Windows network manager with some of its software, and in case disable it to make a comparison performance test.


Kind regards

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Winpkfilter LightWeight Filter was only installed on the TAP-Windows Adapter V9 which came with the OpenVPN installer from your download section

It was not preinstalled on my computer. My computer is all custom with no bloat/crap-ware.


Ty for all the reply and good support.

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Winpkfilter LightWeight Filter was only installed on the TAP-Windows Adapter V9 which came with the OpenVPN installer from your download section :)

It was not preinstalled on my computer. My computer is all custom with no bloat/crap-ware.


Ty for all the reply and good support.




thanks, but Winpkfilter LightWeight Filter should not be there (we exclusively include the original OpenVPN packages). We'll investigate if they have put that in OpenVPN 2.3.0 for Windows and we'll let you know. Note: we did not refer to Winpkfilter as crapware, we were referring to some network managers which replace Windows network manager.


This also reminds us about an important test that you can perform, upgrade to OpenVPN 2.3.2. We will upgrade the package in our web site soon.


Kind regards

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Hello StarDuck,


we confirm that Winpkfilter is not included in OpenVPN package. You must have had it from somewhere else.


Kind regards

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