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ANSWERED The underlying connection was closed:

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When I try to log in to AirVPN through windows 64bit client I get the message "The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel". No idea what is causing AirVPN to display this but nothing has changed in my computer(that I'm aware of) since the last time I used AirVPN's client. Closest thing my internet search brought up was something to do with .Net framework. Don't know anything about that except I have the latest 4.0 with updates installed. The uninstall section in control panel is not showing any other .Net frameworks like it use to. Do I need to install 1.0 and 2.0 or does the 4.0 version include them?

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Please check your hosts file.


The entries of airvpn.org resolution must be either missing, or the following two: airvpn.org airvpn.org


Make sure that no reference to is there.


Kind regards

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Run a command prompt with administrator privileges and type the command:


notepad C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts


Edit the file, then save it.


In case of any doubt, stop and send us the content of the hosts file (just copy from the notepad and paste here).


Kind regards

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Thank you that was the problem. Had the that has been in there for a while. When did this change? I don't get to the forums as often as I'd like and should.

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In any case, now works again. Since is no more our primary or secondary frontend (it is now the third public frontend) there's been a misunderstanding among us about SSL certificate update on this server (the certificate expired on May-31-2013)


We (Air founders) evaluated to keep this third frontend as a shadow/dormant frontend server. This decision was then discarded yesterday as unnecessary, because we have anyway various, additional dormant and awake private frontend servers, but due to a misunderstanding on who had to communicate the "decision change" to the rest of the team AND who had to update the certificate even for the third frontend, the certificate update was not executed in advance (while it was correctly done on the other two public frontend servers, 212... and 95...) by anyone.


The Air team has no responsibility in this (access to certificates is severely restricted and reserved to Air founders) and for the lack of communication, it's only our (founders) fault, we apologize for this with you all, the issue has caused inconveniences to those who forced airvpn.org resolution into It seems we have been victim of our own security and communication protocols, and we'll evaluate the lesson.


Now it's all right, you can indifferently access any of the three public frontend servers either from the client, to connect to a VPN server, or from a browser, to access the web site.


Kind regards


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