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Is the service experiencing issues?


I was connected to Sirius and now I can't connect to any servers.

Thank you.

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My connection to a server in Germany recently quit.  I disconnect, and now can't seem to connect to any other server.

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Down for me as well, was on leporis and now can not connect.


P.S. Having all my posts censored is getting tiresome.

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I'm having problems too.


Openvpn to Leporis is timing out.


I tried Cassiopeia, it says AUTH_FAILED. After that the client area webpage says "Last attempted connection failed 15s ago. Reason: Already logged on 'Leporis'." (even though I'm not connected anymore). I pressed 'Disconnect', but now it keeps saying 'Disconnection pending', and openvpn is still giving AUTH_FAILED.


Similar errors happened on May 6, at that time I just waited and eventually it worked again.


I tried it from different IPs in different countries, so I don't think it's a connectivity problem on my end.


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My connection to a stream was disconnected when I tried to restart airvpn I have been getting disconnection pending for more than 10 mins. and continuing to get it.

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"Current speed: 47 kB in download, 2 kB in upload (61 seconds average)."


Is this normal even if I'm not connected? despite the disconnection pending message.

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I can't connect either. Sometimes it is due to a timeout, at other times I get invalid VPN secrets. It worked earlier today.

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Problem is NOT resolved. I, too, am getting "Already Connected" when using AirVPN program and "Disconnection Pending" after trying to force a disconnect.

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Down for me as well, was on leporis and now can not connect.


P.S. Having all my posts censored is getting tiresome.




they are not censored, they are pre-moderated. After the 4th message approval, your messages will not be pre-moderated, they will appear automatically (it's a procedure against some sharp bots).


Kind regards

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I'm still getting already connected when I try to login using the airvpn client. On the client area it still says disconnection pending. Is the problem very serious?

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I still can't connect. AirVPN client is saying "Already connected."


In client area, it stuck in "Disconnection pending" for ~25 mins or so.

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