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questions about forum editor

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The wiki idea is great. While maintaining a good, usable wiki would be maybe a hard task for the Air staff alone, probably the community is mature and competent enough to do it. An idea that deserves to be discussed and we'll do that in the nearest future, thank you.


The forum editor, since mid-April, is totally new, much more flexible and features rich, and overcomes very many limitations of the previous one (which was Kunena default editor). Do you still find issues with the new editor?


Each community written guide needs to be examined before being "promoted" to the How-To / Guides section, but this is a pleasant job and above all it is one of the most interesting results from letting the community grow and exchange ideas without "centralization", without forcing usage of proprietary software etc. There have been cases for which we could not "promote" a guide because it was incorrect, but those cases, until now, have been sporadic. Most guides are very well and competently written.


Kind regards


I created a topic "Off-Topic → try out forum editor and BB code processor here" in order to have a place to tryout the forum editor. But I have not been able to find how to get access to the underlying BB code.


I tried pasting in the BB code for my guide that I had saved, and one tag ("

") is not being processed. So I tried getting a similar effect in the editor and wanted to see the underlying BB code so that I could more easily change my original BB code in notepad++. But for the life of me I cannot see how to do it.


Am I being thick? Or this actually not possible? Call me a dinosaur if you want, but if this is not possible I will have think about this.


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tag pre has been enabled (you could have used the code one as well).


If you already have guides witch bbcodes and you're unsure of anything, feel free to post them inside code tag, the layout will be checked by us.


Kind regards

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