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ANSWERED mIRC IdentD port 113 Forwarding Help

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I do not fully understand how to forward port 113 for IdentD with mIRC. I forwarded a random port number and then set the local port to 113 within the AirVPN Web interface. mIRC is set to listen on 113. When I connect to an IRC network IdentD is ignored, also when I check the port forward from within the Web interface it (110) times out. 


The port is not forwarded on my router. Beyond that everything is default as I've just downloaded the AirVPN Client less than 10 minutes go for my 3 day free trial.


Please help! 

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Actually there's a problem with IDENT, the IRC server will try to contact your daemon on port 113 (the IRC server can't know the remotely forwarded port on our system) and we don't allow remote forwarding of low ports.


There are some security issues with the ident protocol and no ident daemon runs on any VPN server, we need to think about it. Is this a serious issue, for example your favorite IRC server(s) will not let your client in when it does not receive a reply from an ident daemon?


Kind regards

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Thank you for the response. Yes, their are servers that will not let you connect without IdentD. Thankfully, I am still able to get on my favorite networks using alternative servers. This is not a huge issue for me at this time, and if there is no way to forward that port then I shall continue to connect to these alternative servers.


I am, however, experiencing another issue. When I first connected to a VPN server in Colorado (USA) I was able to get on IRC networks. I then reconnected to a server in Spain (I'm using a 3 day trial of AirVPN and am trying to test out different servers), and I am unable to connect to IRC. The error I am getting is that IRC can not find the hostname. Once my torrents are completed I will try other servers to see if I can connect to IRC normally. Is this a known issue and/or is there certain VPN servers I should be using for IRC?


When I open the AirVPN Client my WIFI connection is reset. I was under the impression that this would not happen. I thought that all previous connections would stay connected to my ISP and anything I connected to after opening the client would connect to the VPN. Instead is appears that everything is connecting to the VPN. Is this normal behavior? This is causing some of my issue as I would gladly keep mIRC connect to my ISP while I torrent over the VPN. This would fix my issues with trying to connect to IRC networks while using the VPN. Please advise.



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When you connect to an Air VPN server, routes are pushed so that all the client traffic is tunneled. If you wish some application NOT to be tunneled, you can bind it to your physical network card (in your case, the WiFi card). If an application lacks the bind ability, you could bind it with ForceBindIP in Windows.


Kind regards

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