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airvpn client issues...

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hello...i have been having a few issues with the air client recently..firstly,it keeps dropping connection..first time it dropped connection..it restarted itself..and said on windows taskbar that it set to default..as it did so windows taskbar changed from transparent blue to opaque white then back to transparent blue...( have been having ongoing issues with HACKING.) hence why i use a vpn...now the change with the taskbar made me think that client had been compromised..so i deleted the air client and download from your website again..but every time i used a new client from download...it never asks me to accept terms and conditons..it never goes back to default when i delete previous client on desktop.even when i re-install openvpn and use NEW air client...it always shows my username..ALSO..the next time air client dropped connection..it restarted itself again..this time the air client icon in the windows taskbar said new version!!! now my air client has always been v 1.8...and still is..so why the disconnection and reconnection with new version??? has my air client been compromised? also one time it dropped connection and restarted itself...in the client window on left handside were it says download and upload..the download showed several thousand kB/sec minus.....it was at least a six or seven digit number and minus...(-)..is this NORMAL?...in comodo firewall active internet connections air vpn shows up with destination... this also normal? it only shows as the client connects.then vanishes after connection.and only open vpn is visible..my main issue is my worry that i have a compromised client..as i cannot get it to go back to default when i want it to..do you control client this way? do you control the client to download new version as stated?? please help a.s.a.p. many thanks..

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Can you please send us the client logs, if possible? Please right-click on its dock icon, select "Logs", click on "Copy to clipboard" and paste in your message.


If not possible, can you tell us your OS, try a connection with OpenVPN GUI and send us the OpenVPN logs? Check also that you are not mismatching versions (for example, if you have a 32 bit system and you've downloaded a 64 bit client version).


Connections to are normal, but the indication of such massive bandwidth is not.


Kind regards

AirVPN Support Team

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hello again...its 64 bit version im using...the next time any of these anomolies happen,will send you the logs...os is windows 7 64 bit...i take it that dropping connection and downloading automatically of new version of air client is NOT NORMAL:? YOU DID NOT DO THIS? like i say the client disconnects...and re-connects and taskbar icon says new version of air client...this is not you doing this???

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That port 2018 does not show up is normal. Please use OpenVPN GUI and our Configuration Generator if you need this feature.


That the client caused any kind of auto-download is totally anomalous. There's simply no such code inside the Air client!


Kind regards

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well if the client cannot download anything then can you please explain the new version that showed up on my taskbar?? there was a bubble coming from airclient icon in the taskbar...in that bubble it stated "NEW VERSION". as the client disconnected..then re-connected again. can you explain why the air client does not set to default when i delete or even shred it from my desktop and download new client from your site? your client should be set to default everytime its removed from desktop..correct?   also when the client disconnected itself and reconnected  my taskbar changed colour then back to original colour..the whole task bar.....(writing to registry)...that would explain why client does not set itself to default when its deleted from desktop...like i said i considered it as a hack of your client...

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The client writes an .XML configuration file (which does NOT contain your password). You can see it (and delete it, if you wish to delete your preferences) from the logs.


The client dock icon can be gray (OpenVPN not connected) or blue (OpenVPN connected).


As it was already said, the client does not update itself, you need to re-download it (it is just a stand-alone executable, no installation, so no mess on the Windows registry as well) if you're using a version older than 1.8 (current latest release). The only thing a client on this side can do is warning you if an update is strictly necessary. This will happen for example if you use version 1.5 or older: our system does not support anymore Air client 1.5 or older (it is a years old version).


Kind regards

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