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Suggestions to power up the community?

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After 3 years, the Air VPN project has incredibly grown, well beyond any founders' expectation. Even the most enthusiast and optimist of us have been completely unable to correctly foresee AirVPN expansion.


One of the key and worthiest element of such a growth has been and is the community. Thanks to the community, AirVPN is cited in literally hundreds and hundreds of big forums, blogs, magazines etc, and users and customers find intriguing discussions and competent analysis.


Can we do anything to power up or anyway enhance the community capacity and/or make the service experience better? Features, options, things to fix or improve, anything you can think of to keep the 3 years old baby right on track? We will be glad to hear your suggestions and feedbacks.


Kind regards

AirVPN Founders


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well i think the most important thing is that you continue to focus on the core part of the vpn service and don't get of focus with fancy features or options, I'm not saying that i don't think you should add more features or that i dislike the features you've already added i just think it is important that you continue focus on the core service and only add more features and options when you have resources to spare.



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Although it would take some serious balls, I would suggest creating a number of geographically diverse mail servers in a distributed network, each of which would contain disk encrypted copies of e-mail. The network would have a regular domain name, but would be accessible only via a Tor .onion address. Yes, similar to something like Tormail. Only this service would be a paid service. Encrypted containers of e-mails could be created by each user to forward to others who didn't have any type of digital certificate or PGP key pair (unlockable via passwords only known to the recipients). The use of Air's own VPN as well as various encryption products like GPG would otherwise be strongly encouraged.


There are ways to legally limit Air's liability in setting up and administrating such a service. God knows something like this is sorely needed and would be consistent with your service's doctrine of helping promote freedom of speech and protecting whistleblowers worldwide. You would make headlines everywhere for creating such a service, which would be both a good and a bad thing. The bad, however, might outweigh the good if a comprehensive strategy for this weren't carefully considered beforehand.


Probably way too bold of an idea and far more than you asked for, but I just had to do it.

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Small suggestion from my side:

useful would be a "Translate" button for the forum to translate individual posts or entire threads in a desired language.

This button I've missed a few times.

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I would like to be able to specify a fixed local IP address for the "TAP-Windows Adapter V9" interface, which would be the same for any server I log onto. This could be specified in a fashion similar to how forwarded ports are set up.


I believe it is possible to specify a client-specific local IP address when configuring the OpenVPN server?


I want this because I use the VPN only for my torrent clients. After starting the VPN I add 4 routing table entries with a net mask to put back my default gateway. Then I configure the torrent clients to use the VPN. Unfortunately uTorrent requires me to specify the full IP address of the IP interface to use (no way to just identify the IP interface). This is only a minor nuisance, but still an irritation.


Thanks for the opportunity to ask for this.




By the way, this is a great service that I hope will set a standard.


I would hope that you do not embark right now on any projects that stray too far from your core mission of VPN service. Please wait until at least one other competently and honestly run VPN provider appears on the scene. Remember Icarus. If you guys fly too close to the sun and crash I have no idea where I will go.

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May I suggest another "nice to have" feature for those members of the community who are a bit more technical (quite a few I suspect)?


When generating a set of configuration files, would it be possible to allow an extra user-specified line to be added to the files? When I use this feature I would make this a "config" directive so that I can include additional directives to customize the routing table.


Also, when generating a set of configuration files, would it be possible to allow a prefix to be specified that would prefixed to the file names? I have two AirVPN user ID-s and sometimes use the second one to browse the web while the first one stays in the Netherlands for the the torrent traffic, on the same machine (sometimes your automatic geolocation avoidance from any server stuff does not quite work for me). I like to use the OpenVPN-GUI program, and in order to mix files (if I have two files for the same server) from each user ID I have to rename files to avoid conflicts.

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I am thinking of a nice to have feature as well.

What about a dyndns Domain like i.e. "NLServers.airvpn.org" or "GermanServers.airvpn.org that always routes you to the server with the lowest usage level in the specific country. 

This would a be a great feature for people like me who use your service with a tomato router. If the server (IP)  that you've set in the router is down the router would automatically connect to another server. This would decrease possible downtimes.

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It would be trivial to give users the option to have status updates e-mailed to them so that if a connection drops they are notified. 


An option to let the client software pick the "best" server (based on latency) would be a not bad idea, though "best in a given jurisdiction" might be better given the use of vpn to evade geoblocking.


Creation and distribution of a Glastnost test for VPN shaping would be good -- too technical for most to DIY.

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I would like to see the Air VPN client having the following shown AFTER the login:


connected to: (Name of Server - missing now)  AND IP address (IP IN address)

Current IP address: (IP OUT address)

country of server: Flag and name (as it is, it´s fine)

a button that you click to produce a log file like "create logfile" for uploading when having problems


A log file (not like the one I have mentioned above), nicely structured (and continously adding the next connections to the same logfile) showing: all the above mentioned AND the connection time (online time in total of the connected server) and maybe the up/downloads.

I know, this can be seen at the web site ones you log in and set it up.


I remember also people wanting to have a feature in the Air VPN client, that if AirVPN server connection goes down, it shuts program down. Like the program VPN Check Pro.



I really like the Air VPN service a lot !!!!!

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This is a vital feature that really needs to see the light of day. I've experienced disconnects before and was pissed off that there was nothing I could do about it until I noticed that my IP was "naked". I've never had anything negative happen as a result, but that doesn't make the notification of disconnect any less important. Make it completely opt-in, which would obviously require a valid e-mail address to work.


It would be trivial to give users the option to have status updates e-mailed to them so that if a connection drops they are notified. 

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It's been a long time since I've posted here. The whole layout looks different.


I think any company that wants to stay on top must grow with changing market conditions. It's no secret that most of us are here to avoid ISP censorship and the copyright trolls.


Many seedbox companies offer VPNs. I don't know how trustworthy they are. I'd like to see AirVPN expand into the sale of seedboxes. Some may think that is a lousy idea but it is in keeping up with changing market conditions. The trolls have attacked Usenet with a vengeance. A seedbox system to go along with the VPN would be fantastic IMHO.


I have no idea how others feel about this.

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It's been a long time since I've posted here. The whole layout looks different.


I think any company that wants to stay on top must grow with changing market conditions. It's no secret that most of us are here to avoid ISP censorship and the copyright trolls.


Many seedbox companies offer VPNs. I don't know how trustworthy they are. I'd like to see AirVPN expand into the sale of seedboxes. Some may think that is a lousy idea but it is in keeping up with changing market conditions. The trolls have attacked Usenet with a vengeance. A seedbox system to go along with the VPN would be fantastic IMHO.


I have no idea how others feel about this.


I would say that there are plenty of seed box providers. I have one. But there are many reasons why I still want to torrent from home. I have not found any VPN provider that comes close to what is really needed to operate a VPN properly, other than AirVPN. I would not want AirVPN to get distracted.


I cannot fathom why people imagine that seedboxes are so safe. People worry about authorities showing up and demanding logs from a VPN provider. Well the seed box providers have the actual media files! And they have account information. It is the fact that the actual media files are on Usenet servers that makes them so vulnerable. Read the terms of service on these seed box providers sites. Reading between the lines thay are sayting "we will roll over immdiately on our customers in order to save ourselves".


The VPN services offered by any seed box provider I have used have been useless. And there are many other restrictions such as no public torrents or trackers.


By the way, I can get the contents of a torrent onto my PC much faster by using P2P directly, rather than getting them onto the seed box first and then downloading from a single server that is being pounded by dozens of similar downloads.


If I could justfiy the cost, I would set up a virtual server and would use AirVPN with it, so that the virtual server provider will not receive copyright notices meant for me and drop my service. The media files would be in an encrypted file system that requires a password to be entered at the time the file system is mounted.The downloads to my PC would then also be fast.


If I am ever able to get an internet connection where I live with serious upload capacity (as is available now in many places outside North America), I would have no use for a seed box at all. But I would still want a VPN service.


And if reasonably priced pay services that provide media (including older media, not just current releases for one week) start to appear, I may just give up on torrenting anyway. But I will probably still need a (quick to adapt) VPN service since every country will still try to enforce its own copyright rules and restrict access to residents of ther own countries.

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In my previous post in this thread I alluded to the fact that I am wondering if (pay or free) services are appearing that may cause me to move towards giving up on torrenting (and avoid a lot of hassle).


I am not in the UK or US. I have not tried to learn a lot about this yet, but my impression is that Netflix where I live is not so great. I presume though that Netflix in the US is just US content? And all recent stuff? I like UK TV (including old shows) more than US stuff.


I have seen the odd reference in this forum to services people are using. But these give me no sense of what these service are about.


So finally I come to my point. Since a lot of people in the communty are probably using AirVPN to access servcies (possibly pay services) that they cannot access from their own countries, would it make snse to have a section in the forum where people are encouraged to discuss what they are using AirVPN for? If this turned out to be popular, it might make it easier for me to figure out what else I might do with AirVPN by just browsing rather than torrenting.



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I'd like to cast a vote for more payment options.


AirVPN has made the shortlist for my choice VPN, but I'm withholding until it allows for alternative ways to pay. I refuse to get involved with PayPal, and what I've read about Liberty Reserve doesn't make it seem much better. I'm learning a bit about how Bitcoin functions, though I'm not sure how much faith I have in it as a currency yet, never mind actually investing in ways to obtain it. Regardless, I'm ready to pay now.

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well i think the most important thing is that you continue to focus on the core part of the vpn service and don't get of focus with fancy features or options, I'm not saying that i don't think you should add more features or that i dislike the features you've already added i just think it is important that you continue focus on the core service and only add more features and options when you have resources to spare.




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It would be nice to have some squid proxy servers.

Sometimes a web server blocks access for an airvpn ip address. I could then switch the browser to an airvpn proxy server with FoxyProxy and wouldn't have to shut down other running programs and disconnect OpenVPN.

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well i think the most important thing is that you continue to focus on the core part of the vpn service and don't get of focus with fancy features or options, I'm not saying that i don't think you should add more features or that i dislike the features you've already added i just think it is important that you continue focus on the core service and only add more features and options when you have resources to spare.






Our mission is "defence of net neutrality, privacy and against censorship".


The core part of the service covers this mission, but we are thinking also about spin-off projects (under the same mission), that can be:

- developed and financed by us, or

- developed/managed by members of this community and financed by us, or

- simply financed or supported with donations by us.


For ideas, we opened this topic.


Small suggestion from my side:

useful would be a "Translate" button for the forum to translate individual posts or entire threads in a desired language.

This button I've missed a few times.


It is possible only with injection of Google Translate javascript in our website pages. We don't allow this kind of trust. In fact, we have removed the "Google Plus" and "Facebook like" in pages of this website, for the same reason.


We can add an opt-in option that shows this automatic translations feature. But those who need it can simply install a toolbar, right?


I would like to be able to specify a fixed local IP address for the "TAP-Windows Adapter V9" interface, which would be the same for any server I log onto. This could be specified in a fashion similar to how forwarded ports are set up.


I believe it is possible to specify a client-specific local IP address when configuring the OpenVPN server?


I want this because I use the VPN only for my torrent clients. After starting the VPN I add 4 routing table entries with a net mask to put back my default gateway. Then I configure the torrent clients to use the VPN. Unfortunately uTorrent requires me to specify the full IP address of the IP interface to use (no way to just identify the IP interface). This is only a minor nuisance, but still an irritation.


Thanks for the opportunity to ask for this.


If you add these routes with OpenVPN directives, look at the OpenVPN docs about the "route" directive: you can use "vpn_gateway" as alias of the assigned VPN IP, so it doesn't matter if they are dynamic.

Note that we implemented recently custom directives in our configuration generator.

Feel free to open a separate topic for this if you need more help.


Anyway, a new client 2.0 is under development. It provides the user the option to choose a range of IP (route) and choose if it must be it tunneled or not. So, detection of the VPN IP interface is done automatically.

Note: the new client will be released for Windows, Linux and OSX, under GPL.


May I suggest another "nice to have" feature for those members of the community who are a bit more technical (quite a few I suspect)?


When generating a set of configuration files, would it be possible to allow an extra user-specified line to be added to the files? When I use this feature I would make this a "config" directive so that I can include additional directives to customize the routing table.


Also, when generating a set of configuration files, would it be possible to allow a prefix to be specified that would prefixed to the file names? I have two AirVPN user ID-s and sometimes use the second one to browse the web while the first one stays in the Netherlands for the the torrent traffic, on the same machine (sometimes your automatic geolocation avoidance from any server stuff does not quite work for me). I like to use the OpenVPN-GUI program, and in order to mix files (if I have two files for the same server) from each user ID I have to rename files to avoid conflicts.


Done, feel free to open a separate topic to expand these requests.


I am thinking of a nice to have feature as well.

What about a dyndns Domain like i.e. "NLServers.airvpn.org" or "GermanServers.airvpn.org that always routes you to the server with the lowest usage level in the specific country.

This would a be a great feature for people like me who use your service with a tomato router. If the server (IP) that you've set in the router is down the router would automatically connect to another server. This would decrease possible downtimes.


There are already these kinds of domains with all servers.

The idea to maintain other domains with only one server, updated according to lowest usage, is nice. But probably not really usable because of high DNS TTL. We are still thinking about it.


The best, right, and correct implementation is planned in our next client: servers have a "score" computed on each server, based on availability, latency time (test performed in background), usage level and other parameters.

It will have a auto-connection based on server score, and level/triggers about reconnection to other servers with better scores.

Please only be patient, we'll explain in details how it works when we release the first beta.


It would be trivial to give users the option to have status updates e-mailed to them so that if a connection drops they are notified.


We are working on that: more detailed servers informations (for example bandwidth charts) and improved notification of issues. We are thinking about user-notifications.


An option to let the client software pick the "best" server (based on latency) would be a not bad idea, though "best in a given jurisdiction" might be better given the use of vpn to evade geoblocking.


This feature is under development into the new client.


Creation and distribution of a Glastnost test for VPN shaping would be good -- too technical for most to DIY.


This is very interesting, great hit of our mission.


Glastnost/MLab tests must be done by experienced members, we can collect results here and provide how-to support. Subject deserves to be explored.


I would like to see the Air VPN client having the following shown AFTER the login:


connected to: (Name of Server - missing now) AND IP address (IP IN address)

Current IP address: (IP OUT address)

country of server: Flag and name (as it is, it´s fine)

a button that you click to produce a log file like "create logfile" for uploading when having problems


A log file (not like the one I have mentioned above), nicely structured (and continously adding the next connections to the same logfile) showing: all the above mentioned AND the connection time (online time in total of the connected server) and maybe the up/downloads.

I know, this can be seen at the web site ones you log in and set it up.


I remember also people wanting to have a feature in the Air VPN client, that if AirVPN server connection goes down, it shuts program down. Like the program VPN Check Pro.



I really like the Air VPN service a lot !!!!!


Almost everything of the above is planned in the new client. When we proceed further with the beta stage, test it, and please remind us the missing suggestion.




This is a vital feature that really needs to see the light of day. I've experienced disconnects before and was pissed off that there was nothing I could do about it until I noticed that my IP was "naked". I've never had anything negative happen as a result, but that doesn't make the notification of disconnect any less important. Make it completely opt-in, which would obviously require a valid e-mail address to work.


Yes, but probably notifications are not a solution, they are a workaround.


We are working on a solution of leaks in our new client. This kind of notification will also available for people that don't want or can't use our client.


Since a lot of people in the communty are probably using AirVPN to access servcies (possibly pay services) that they cannot access from their own countries, would it make snse to have a section in the forum where people are encouraged to discuss what they are using AirVPN for? If this turned out to be popular, it might make it easier for me to figure out what else I might do with AirVPN by just browsing rather than torrenting.


Anyone here can open a poll, help us probe the community.

When we have many topics about the same subject, we can open a section in the forum dedicated to the subject.


I'd like to cast a vote for more payment options.


AirVPN has made the shortlist for my choice VPN, but I'm withholding until it allows for alternative ways to pay. I refuse to get involved with PayPal, and what I've read about Liberty Reserve doesn't make it seem much better. I'm learning a bit about how Bitcoin functions, though I'm not sure how much faith I have in it as a currency yet, never mind actually investing in ways to obtain it. Regardless, I'm ready to pay now.


Absolutely. We will add a payment option soon. We are also investigating other payment gateways, with a special focus to systems than can allow people to buy with cash a prepaid card and use it for our service.


Bitcoin: we are currently undecided about advantages/disadvantages of accepting payments directly or use a third-party (like we do now with bitcoincodes).


Mail server or seedboxes are under evaluation.


Thanks, thanks, thanks to all.

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I'd like to see some failover options, say for instance a primary server goes down there can be a secondary server we could specify in the client to autoconnect to as a backup like dns.

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I'd like to see some failover options, say for instance a primary server goes down there can be a secondary server we could specify in the client to autoconnect to as a backup like dns.




those were implemented approximately more a couple of years ago (redundant frontend servers), some months ago (redundant DNS, soon after we re-implemented our own new DNS, dropping the old system), and again last year ("failover" database, 8-9 months ago, although it seems that not always everything goes well).


EDIT: missed the word "client" in your message. The client for Windows does not connect to additional frontend servers if one fails, you're right, this feature (or something similar) is planned on Eddie (client 2.0).


In the meantime as a workaround you can edit the hosts file to let the client try a connection to various frontend servers (as normal, even Windows hosts accepts multiple IP addresses for a single domain name - if one fails the system resolves the name into the next IP), for example airvpn.org airvpn.org


Kind regards

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Are you by any chance considering a wiki that members can update?


There are lots of posts from knowledgable members here with advice. But it is all over the place. On a forum for a private tracker I belong, after doing a lot of PM-ing with people who were intersested in how I use AirVPN, and tired of searching the forum, I wrote and posted a guide with screen shots. It got two big to fit in the forum editor window and I had to split it. And fight against the forum's determination to automatically consolidate double posts! I should have moved it to its own thread, but because of limitations with the forum editor I left it where I had worked on it as a draft, rather than risking getting into a mess.


Since then I have posted in the form for another private tracker, with less hassle. But I am wary now of posting any kind of substantial guide in a forum. Rather than posting the guide in a private tracker forum again, I would rather post it here and link to it (it is AirVPN specfic). But perhaps a wiki would be better?


And what are your feelings about members writing such guides? They may of course have misinformation, or suggest solutions that you do not want to be expected to support, and just cause you more trouble than help.

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The wiki idea is great. While maintaining a good, usable wiki would be maybe a hard task for the Air staff alone, probably the community is mature and competent enough to do it. An idea that deserves to be discussed and we'll do that in the nearest future, thank you.

The forum editor, since mid-April, is totally new, much more flexible and features rich, and overcomes very many limitations of the previous one (which was Kunena default editor). Do you still find issues with the new editor?

Each community written guide needs to be examined before being "promoted" to the How-To / Guides section, but this is a pleasant job and above all it is one of the most interesting results from letting the community grow and exchange ideas without "centralization", without forcing usage of proprietary software etc. There have been cases for which we could not "promote" a guide because it was incorrect, but those cases, until now, have been sporadic. Most guides are very well and competently written.

Kind regards


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Each community written guide needs to be examined before being "promoted" to the How-To / Guides section, but this is a pleasant job and above all it is one of the most interesting results from letting the community grow and exchange ideas without "centralization", without forcing usage of proprietary software etc. There have been cases for which we could not "promote" a guide because it was incorrect, but those cases, until now, have been sporadic. Most guides are very well and competently written.


Kind regards


After a guide gets "promoted", is it still possible for the original author to correct typos and diction errors, and add better explanations or new information based on feedback?


Where should a candidate for such a guide be posted?




And does it matter where the images for screen shots reside? The ones for my guide are at imageshack.us.

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Anyone can publish a guide on the "General & Suggestions" forum, follow the thread there for feedback, correct/update it etc. Once the guide is in the "How-To" forum, it can't be anymore edited directly, any correction, update etc. must pass through the staff (now you can also send a PM to the user "staff"), it's better for security and to give those who read it the certainty that it has been reviewed by the staff.


You can use any image hosting service you like, provided that it does not force any ad incompatible with our mission, however uploading the images directly on our servers is preferred (anyway the images will be uploaded by us when the guide is copied to the "How-To" section).


Kind regards

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