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ANSWERED Autostart, autologin and autoconnect.

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When Windows 8 loads, is it possible to automate a connection to one of the servers using the AirVPN client?


If not, what would you recommend to be the best way to achieve an automatic connection to a server without any human input during a Windows startup?

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Currently it's not possible with the Air client.


To achieve your purpose you can run OpenVPN as a service. Since our system provides a double-certificates / key authentication, no human interaction is required to connect at boot.


Kind regards

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Thanks. got it working. Here are the steps in case anyone else wants to do the same:


1. Log in to the AirVPN website. Go to 'Client Area' and click on 'Config Generator'.

2. Select the server and protocol you wish to use (e.g.. Cygni and Direct, protocol UDP, port 443).

3. Tick I have read and I accept the Terms of Service and I HEREBY EXPLICITLY ACCEPT POINTS 8, 10, 11 and click Generate.

4.Save the .ovpn file to C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config (C:\Program Files (x86) if your PC is a 32 bit machine).

5. Go to 'Services' by clicking on 'Start' (or 'Windows Key+W) and typing 'Services' in the search box, or Start->All Programs->Administrative Tools->Services.

6. Double-click the OpenVPN Service and set the 'Startup Type' to automatic.

7. Restart and you'll autoconnect to your chosen server on startup.


I'm looking into ways to verify the connection at the moment. There is no easy way to visually confirm the connection (no task tray indication) apart from visiting a 'what'smyip' website. Perhaps a desktop widget displaying the WAN address?

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Awesome but, what if I want to connect to another country to for example watch content not allowed in the previous country server I selected? or the server I selected to be my default is down?


I have been experimenting with it and I came with this walk around:


Do exactly as Quartz describeb but, add more .ovpn files to C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config with other servers you wish to have, now, if you want to have Netherlands as a default just rename the file typing in front 01_ , 02_ , etc...  (Look at the examples bellow)



02_AirVPN_United Kingdom_UDP-443



...and so on.


What is going to happen now is that, if server 01 (The one you want to have as default) is down, automaticly the client will try 02, if that one is also down, it will try 03 and now you get the idea.


What about changing server if you have opted for automatic log in at start up? 


If you try to double click OpenVPN GUI it will appear in your system tray icons by the clock but, it will not work. The way to make this work is going to Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network Connections, disable and enable again TAP-Win32 Adapter V9. It needs to look like the picture bellow with a X.


74392712.th.jpg Notice I renamed it to AirVPN to not confuse it with another adapters.


Now you can use OpenVPN GUI as normal.


I don't know if this was already explained or if you knew about, anyhow any newbie (Me) would appreciate the extra info to your already detailed explanation.


Thanks Quartz

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Not sure if my first attempt at posting was successful so at the risk of double posting:


As a "nice to have" it's also possible to build the stopping of the OpenVPNService service into the clicking of an AirVPN icon on the desktop which saves the inconvenience of disabling of a network connection as described previously and makes reconnection to another server seemless. This can be done by:


1. Creating a batch file in the same directory as the AirVPN.exe application. The contents of the batch file should be:


cd %~dp0
net stop OpenVPNService
start .\AirVPN.exe


2. Once created right click on the batch file and choose Send to desktop > Create shortcut.


3. Right click on the newly created shortcut on the desktop and select "Properties".


4. In the "Run:" dropdown list select "Minimized".


5. Click the "Change Icon" button and click "OK" on the dialog which is displayed next. Now click on the "Browse" button and navigate to the AirVPN.exe file and select and open it.  You will see the only icon presented is the AirVPN icon and it can be selected by clicking "OK".  The shortcut should now have the AirVPN icon.


6. Click the "Advanced" button. Check the "Run as Administrator" checkbox and then click "OK".


7. Click the "Apply" button and then the "OK" button and the shortcut should now be functional.


8. Finally rename the shortcut "AirVPN".


I've tested it and it seems to work OK whether the OpenVPNService is running or not and IP addresses change as expected.



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