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A quick question after finally getting this to all work (and pulling my hair out in the process, due to the ISP seemingly blocking the UDP connections from particular ports and only being able to ping websites and not use web traffic) now openvpn connects and works fine through TCP port 80.


The biggest issue I have is that I seemingly have to disable the tap v9 adapter everytime I disconnect the VPN for normal traffic to work (I take that this is a given for security) but then to get the VPN to work again I have to keep the adapter disabled, wait, reconnect the VPN service, pick a server then select, then re-enable the adapter.


Just wondering if theres an easier way or this is just what I have to do?

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We're sorry to hear that your ISP blocks outbound UDP ports (have you tried also port 53 UDP? normally ISPs do not block it, to allow DNS queries - but some ISPs may hijack traffic to port 53 UDP to their DNS servers in order to monitor and profile their customers in a more effective way, making therefore impossible to send packets to any host to 53 UDP except their DNS servers), anyway we're happy that you can use our service on 80 TCP.


About the virtual tun/tap adapter, it's not normal that you need to disable it to regain connectivity when disconnected from the VPN. Yes, it can be seen as a very strong and interesting security feature, but it's odd. We will investigate, should we find something useful, or if we need more information from you (such as logs and routing table before and after a connection) we will update this thread.


Kind regards

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Well I can connect via the UDP ports including 53 and 80 it seemed to connect, but I can only ping and im unable to broswe through a web broswer unless i'm on TCP port 80 (not sure if its a ISP thing or not) and i'm not sure if this is also causing my additional issue (2) below.


I seemed to have fixed up my connection issues, but I seem to have a few other problems


1. When I try to use the airvpn client and click speed test or settings it causes an exception and crashes the program, and I have to manually terminate the service.

2. On speed test and throughput using different test files/programs etc (which I've already lodged a ticket for) I can only download at around 200 and at most 300KB, where as if I use a competing VPN product I can download at around 500-550KB) I should note that my connection speed is generally able to be maxed out at around 600KB


Is there anything I can do to get this fixed up so the performance is comparative to my other VPN service I have been using (I can't do p2p etc) but I can use it on multiple devices and the performance so far has been better.

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Sorry lastly I should add I am unable to connect to the VPN service using the openvpn service on its own, it keeps coming back with a auth-failed, any ideas.

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Well I can connect via the UDP ports including 53 and 80 it seemed to connect, but I can only ping and im unable to broswe through a web broswer unless i'm on TCP port 80 (not sure if its a ISP thing or not) and i'm not sure if this is also causing my additional issue (2) below


I seemed to have fixed up my connection issues, but I seem to have a few other problems


1. When I try to use the airvpn client and click speed test or settings it causes an exception and crashes the program, and I have to manually terminate the service



Is it version 1.8? Is your Windows 32 bit or 64 bit?

2. On speed test and throughput using different test files/programs etc (which I've already lodged a ticket for) I can only download at around 200 and at most 300KB, where as if I use a competing VPN product I can download at around 500-550KB) I should note that my connection speed is generally able to be maxed out at around 600KB

It might be that the peering between servers and your ISP is better with the servers of the competitor. We carefully pick only datacenters with tier1 providers POP, but of course it's impossible to have an "optimal" peering with all the ISPs in the world. It would be interesting to know whether the other service you use is based on OpenVPN with our same encryption and listening ports. Please test different servers (if you haven't already done so) in order to determine the one which can give you the best performance.


Kind regards

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Sorry lastly I should add I am unable to connect to the VPN service using the openvpn service on its own, it keeps coming back with a auth-failed, any ideas.



Can you please send us the OpenVPN logs just after the problem occurs?


Kind regards

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Is it version 1.8? Is your Windows 32 bit or 64 bit?It might be that the peering between servers and your ISP is better with the servers of the competitor. We carefully pick only datacenters with tier1 providers POP, but of course it's impossible to have an "optimal" peering with all the ISPs in the world. It would be interesting to know whether the other service you use is based on OpenVPN with our same encryption and listening ports. Please test different servers (if you haven't already done so) in order to determine the one which can give you the best performance.


Kind regards


Hi, In response to the above question, using 64 bit windows and the latest version of the airvpn client (can check the version later) I tried a few US servers out and seemed to get the same speed, will try out a few more later, and post back with results.


The competitor product I am using is through Ngroups.NET bundled in with a usenet account, not sure of their datacentre as such. Connects through pptp in windows connection manager so not a openvpn connection, cant do p2p or the like, only standard web surfing, etc.






Can you please send us the OpenVPN logs just after the problem occurs?


Kind regards


Hi, ill get cracking on testing this and shoot through the logs once im done.

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