Evenstar 1 Posted ... Hi I've been using your service for a long time now and am very very happy with it. I've been using it with uTorrent and it has been working perfectly. Unfortunately, I just upgraded uTorrent and I think some settings have gotten changed, because now my speeds are terrible. I've also tried Tixati, also terrible speeds. I'm trying to get it all set up correctly but I can't remember what I did originally. So far, the only way I have been able to get good speeds again is to do the following: 1. Forward a port in AirVPN 2. Use that port as my listening port in uTorrent 3. Enable UPnP and NAT-PMP port mapping in uTorrent However, I got the impression reading these forums that you shouldn't do that, you should either forward a port OR enable UPnP, not both. Is this true and if so why? Strangely, I did the exact same thing in Trixati but still have bad speeds. Also, do I not need to forward any ports on my router at all? I gather not, just want to check. Thanks heaps. Quote Share this post Link to post
Staff 10084 Posted ... Hello! Using NAT "punching functions" in uTorrent effectively makes remote port forwarding superfluous. uTorrent is perfectly capable to "punch" our p2p-friendly NAT in a short time. You're right, you must not forward ports in your router. Kind regards Quote Share this post Link to post
Evenstar 1 Posted ... Thank you! So if for some strange reason I am getting better speeds by using BOTH port forwarding and uPnP, it's ok to do that? As in I understand it should be superfluous, but it isn't a problem security-wise or anything is it? Quote Share this post Link to post
Staff 10084 Posted ... Thank you! So if for some strange reason I am getting better speeds by using BOTH port forwarding and uPnP, it's ok to do that? As in I understand it should be superfluous, but it isn't a problem security-wise or anything is it?Hello!No, there's no security problem.Kind regards Quote Share this post Link to post